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  1. so... most games sniper is 1 hit..people could complain about stabba..how long it takes to respawn after geting hit.. end of the day i dont think anything about weapons should be messed with... just add hack shield...add new mission maps..new game mode..""""plz not battle royle"""
  2. so... most games sniper is 1 hit..people could complain about stabba..how long it takes to respawn after geting hit.. end of the day i dont think anything about weapons should be messed with... just add hack shield...add new mission maps..new game mode..""""plz not battle royle"""
  3. all this hate on snipers...i dont get why..noone seems to mind rocket noobs an OPGl spamers..comeon stop going on about weapons being OP an so ..just cuz new people have taken over dont keep trying to change things just cuz u dont like it..learn to do it yourself or become a sniper..
  4. Hi so ive tryed to find someone in game but noone seems to be any good.,..so im looking for a good symbol maker.. im paying good...but dont mesg if u crap i just waists both our times.. im on Citadel server...if u after a challengeing project contact me and ill tell u what im after.. understand im will pay good!
  5. think messin with teh weapons is stupid an wrong.. unless u take out PGls an rockets..now they noob weapons!! im a sniper if u cant deal with it then dont play!
  6. look man no disrespect ment but ffs man in chat its russain spam like all the time.. cant read anything in english cuz chats all full of russain... make main chat english only its unfair we got to sit there with russains spamin chat.. love or hate u know this needs sorting !
  7. ok so there is a clan claled >> madness << they DT everyday... there allways in bronze farming newbies... this is what im on about i dont care about golds in silver.. its golds in bronzes im tlakin about ...
  8. is there no way to set auto kick once u hit gold or silver....that way would stop the fake gold DTers from being such a..wipes.. today saw nothing but max rank fake golds farming low ranked players... how can a newbie enjoy the game.. they just get pwned.. yes i bet this been said loads ..but nothing been said or done....
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