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Interesting Weapon Mechanics

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So me and my friend was discussing weapon balance, mainly which weapons needed buffs like COBR-A, Anubis, DOW etc but it lead us down a wormhole that brought us to APB:DB and testing for various weapons.


I'll mainly focus on the VAS-SW2 'Empire' as it was the weirdest to me.

I've on many occassions switched to Empire in an attempt to gain a range advantage on ntecs, but after looking at APB:DB and testing I can safetly say, that was a stupid move on my part. N-TEC 5's effective range is 50m like most other AR's, Empire's effective range is 65m, so you'd think that I'd definitly gain an advantage; WRONG. Both weapon's got a minimum dmg at 70m, Yes, the Empire got more range but in 5m the damage will drop signifigantly and at 75m it requiers 18 shots to kill exactly like the N-TEC. Then N-TECs absolutely ridicilous bloom recovery and firerate absolutely eniolates the Empire, really not what I'd expect.


Something I think LO should look into is damage dropoff for various weapons, it's not something you notice on the surface level of playing but when it comes to picking the right loadout for various situations, having something like a LMG you'd expect to outpreform an Assault rifle at range, actually do it would make a big difference.


Also noticed some other things like the DogEar requiering 7 shots to kill at 98m, and silenced scouts like Reaper to take 4 hits at 98m. Just a lot of weapons you'd expect to be able to do good at range like snipers, becomes pretty much useless for taking out players and fades in comparison to the HVR or even N-TEC.


This is not meant to be a rant about how overpowered I find some weapon, but rather an interesting things me and my friend tested, and would like to be adressed once LO get's around to rebalancing weapons. If anybody else tested other weapons or are curious about something please leave a comment explaining it as I find stuff like this rather interesting to test out.

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trying to out range an AR with an LMG?

... WHAT?


Im not sure you should blame the mechanics for you using weapons incorrectly. 


Edited by CookiePuss

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8 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

trying to out range an AR with an LMG?

... WHAT?


Im not sure you should blame the mechanics for you using weapons incorrectly. 


I don't blame anything, just think that dropoff ranges are very inconsistant, like a LMG losing the same damage in 5m as an N-TEC loses in 20m, or a 2 shot sniper needing 4 shots to kill someone at longer ranges.

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Guns like Anubis and Dow doesn't really need a buff and about the Dog Ear range you really need to Check APBVault 

Cause APBDB is outdated.

And yeah about the LMG Outplay Thing You are playing APB Not call of duty 

it's not about the bigger the gun the better And i think N-SSW 74 Could help you trying to beat Ntecs but it wont Really work

Just start using Ar and you'll be just fine

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2 minutes ago, Nijavid said:

Guns like Anubis and Dow doesn't really need a buff and about the Dog Ear range you really need to Check APBVault 

Cause APBDB is outdated.

And yeah about the LMG Outplay Thing You are playing APB Not call of duty 

it's not about the bigger the gun the better And i think N-SSW 74 Could help you trying to beat Ntecs but it wont Really work

Just start using Ar and you'll be just fine

This is still not a topic about my playstyle, I found weird inconsistansies in dropoff range, that I'd like LO to potentionally adress in the future.

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Dropoff ranges are fine. 

Just use the guns correctly.


Throw Heavy Barrel 2 on your Empire / NSSW and full auto up to 50m. 


Silenced snipers wont seem so useless once tracers return. Except the Dog Ear which is literally one of the beat guns in the game already. 



Edited by CookiePuss

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So what you're saying is.. a airsoft missile, I mean a tactical ballistic missile should have the same range as a intercontinental ballistic missile? If the answer is no, re-read what you just wrote. 

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17 minutes ago, iAdoreHer said:

So what you're saying is.. a airsoft missile, I mean a tactical ballistic missile should have the same range as a intercontinental ballistic missile? If the answer is no, re-read what you just wrote. 

Please tell me this means we are finally getting nukes in APB.


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I'd like to see more consistency with how weapons work, and I find it very troubling with things such a reverse damage drop-off which was used to bruteforce balance the DMR.


It makes it harder for people to understand the weapon mechanics of the game and makes it feel a lot more gimmicky.

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We should remove all recoil from LMG as well. Also they need to do like 850 damage per bullet and need the rate of fire of a pmg. Also they need to add like 200% movement speed and give like Kevlar 37 so you don't get killed so easily while you roflstomp people.

Because a spray and pray weapon should be able to do all the things at all the ranges!


Maybe its called balance. Just an idea.

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