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Hello everyone,


Our standard weekly maintenance will be held this Wednesday (03/26) starting at 9 AM UTC. The game should be back up and running in 6 to 8 hours.




Todays patch marks the end of the 2025 Valentines Day and Back in the Streets Event and ships some more stability fixes to the Matchmaking system.


Misc Changes:

  • Improved matchmaking stability for World Server matchmaking.
  • Disables Valentines Day 2025 Event roles.
  • Disables Back in the Streets Event role.
  • Increased the slot count for all Raptor 45 Assault Rifles by 1 slot. Prices on the Joker Ticket store have been adjusted to match this change.
  • Removed the ability for many missions to spawn with just one player to decrease the amount of 1vs1 Matches happening in cases in which we have to use the old Matchmaker.
  • Fightclub missions now once again require two players on each faction to initiate.

Thank you for your patience during this period.

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4 hours ago, MageLO said:

Removed the ability for many missions to spawn with just one player to decrease the amount of 1vs1 Matches happening in cases in which we have to use the old Matchmaker.

Is the system mixing the "new and old" matchmaking system? O_o

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7 hours ago, MageLO said:


  • Removed the ability for many missions to spawn with just one player to decrease the amount of 1vs1 Matches happening in cases in which we have to use the old Matchmaker.

Had a silver with his new bronze friend quit APB cause of old matchmaking. And last past day APB went from 2-3 full districts to 1 so thanks for ruining it again… your consistency is amazing… NOT.

People quitting after comming back also is because of the amount of cheaters now with new providers out there with very cheap prices.

Also please add a queue system, 4 friends having to spamm click is really annoying, so we just stopped until districts died a little, losing players that way also…. 

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5 hours ago, BloodTiger said:

amount of cheaters

Well, its a cheaters game. Always has been. 

 Everything LO has done for years is to baby the hackers and make farming ez for them.

Matt has spewed hog wash about one anti cheat after another simply to achieve Plausible Deniability.

He figured that having 90% hackers wasn't good enough so he unlocked a million hackers by unbanning. 

Everything falls apart n the games goes down, n Ya try to help them n they hack ya.

So the hackers are imbedded, some are employees, or helpers in disguise. 

Most are just anti social haters, come in n call names and such.

So the way to fix mm is for the few legits to leave or not k up, this forces hater/hackers to fight themselves. 

I know whats going on now, and Your boat isn't worth rocking. I think they're crooks

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6 hours ago, BloodTiger said:

Had a silver with his new bronze friend quit APB cause of old matchmaking. And last past day APB went from 2-3 full districts to 1 so thanks for ruining it again… your consistency is amazing… NOT.

People quitting after comming back also is because of the amount of cheaters now with new providers out there with very cheap prices.

Also please add a queue system, 4 friends having to spamm click is really annoying, so we just stopped until districts died a little, losing players that way also…. 

Sticky post


If the old MM system scare people away we can just have 1 district in total soon.

Edited by Ardita

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Two mods of choices on the Raptor?

Oh no... Oh oh no... I somehow knew this day would come.
I have always known that making that change will make the gun outshine so many others with so little effort. I am afraid what monstrosities people can inflict with that.

Mark my words.

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5 hours ago, MACKxBOLAN said:

Nun ja, es ist ein Spiel für Betrüger. Das war schon immer so. 

 Alles, was LO seit Jahren tut, besteht darin, die Hacker zu verhätscheln und ihnen das Farmen leicht zu machen.

Matt hat über einen Anti-Cheat nach dem anderen Unsinn verbreitet, nur um eine glaubhafte Abstreitbarkeit zu erreichen.

Er war der Meinung, dass 90 % Hacker nicht ausreichten, also entsperrte er eine Million Hacker, indem er die Sperre aufhob. 

Alles fällt auseinander und die Spiele gehen kaputt, und du versuchst ihnen zu helfen und sie hacken dich.

Die Hacker sind also eingebettet, einige sind Mitarbeiter oder getarnte Helfer. 

Die meisten sind einfach nur asoziale Hasser, die hereinkommen und Schimpfwörter benutzen und so.

Die Lösung für MM besteht also darin, dass die wenigen Legitimen gehen oder sich nicht anmelden. Dies zwingt die Hater/Hacker dazu, sich selbst zu bekämpfen. 

Ich weiß, was jetzt los ist, und dein Boot ist es nicht wert, ins Wanken zu geraten. Ich glaube, sie sind Gauner

No apb reloaded no hackers

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2 hours ago, koenyboy500 said:

Two mods of choices on the Raptor?

Oh no... Oh oh no... I somehow knew this day would come.
I have always known that making that change will make the gun outshine so many others with so little effort. I am afraid what monstrosities people can inflict with that.

Mark my words.

lol. ntec.

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53 minutes ago, EC2Jonathan said:

lol. ntec.

Yes thank god no one has ever complained about the N-TEC ever. Great observation.

Guess we have nothing to fear at all.

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