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7 hours ago, Reprimand said:

Do you mean the visual aspect of the crosshair changing to show initial perfect accuracy? Or would that change be linked to the accuracy of the weapon?

crosshairs should always be linked to the accuracy of your weapon, otherwise there’s no point in having one



4 hours ago, Revoluzzer said:

Perfect accuracy with the first shot would allow players to cancel their opponents health regeneration at any distance. Unless you also introduce hard distance limits after which bullets simply disappear / deal no damage (as it was originally designed), retreating from combat would become significantly less viable. Thus forcing players to duke it out quicker, thus lowering the time players actually spend battling each other (the fun part) and instead increasing the time players spend respawning and rejoining the fight (the boring part).

frankly i don’t have a problem with this since the meta is ca3 anyway (and imo ca3 is the way default health regen should be, but that’s another discussion)


the current 30% damage minimum will likely prove to be too high for accurate weapons, so damage ramp downs will have to be adjusted


i didn’t list it initially but punt the awful curve system into the infinite void as well

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8 hours ago, TheSxW said:

oh yess show gun is accurate when crosshair is not even accurate to begin with 😉

It really didn't make sense quoting me like this when I didn't understand what was being said to begin with

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It's a little comical to attempt balance for car gameplay with just car and weapon stats.


The core issues is that you can teleport into your car and avoid dying through high burn fuel. No matter what values you put, this combo will always result in "high tier" APB being about cars.

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On 1/10/2025 at 3:07 PM, sweetLemonade said:

No, I want all guns to behave like the ISSR-C in ADS mode. This way you'll help both the less-skilled and more-skilled players.
More accuracy isn't bad, it just needs a slightly longer TTK than what guns in this game have.
I'd like to see experiments conducted around 0,9 - 1,1s TTK
Funny how one can tell a lot about the skill level of a player from the way one wants to balance the game 🙂

you dont want that, you think you want but you dont. and if you still think you want that then play without cheats 🙂

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