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a Pair of Socks

San Paro feels Emptier than Normal...

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I don't have pics rn but between ram raiding I've noticed that NPCs tend to get stuck at weird spots on the road and just never move from em and will have 15+ cars behind em.  Same thing happens at stoplights regularly too which is weird cause now that I think about it I don't recall seeing a single car leave a stoplight.  Particularly in missions where you spawn and have to spend an entire minute running a block or more just to see the next NPC car not even driving.. In a huge patootie city lmao.      Another thing I've been noticing is you never see NPCs just walking around the city anymore ( or crossing roads ) and can be seen standing in absurdly huge groups and it kinda sucks tbh.

Edited by a Pair of Socks
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Okay so.. This issue happens on both Financial and Waterfront;  Cars seem to stop often driving completely within a certain radius from a player and wont move again till it despawns.  Some traffic lights dont even light up anymore and NPCs will only choose to walk across once the player goes through the area.  They will also walk when the traffic lights are green meaning they shouldnt be crossing.       The cars seem to primarily get stuck at places where NPCs typically cross the road but they most stop at completely random spots and never move from there...

This was never an issue until as of late 

Edited by a Pair of Socks

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it’s a bug from them fucking something up when they added the mirage as a civilian car 

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Now that you mention it. Yeah. Streets are deserted and some are opposite, like traffic jam happened and that's not because of player cars most of time. Not only that, it seems like less cars spawn. Walking on street NPC are about normal still tho.


When I was doing 15 levels for Lynette I constantly was having problem with getting any car from the street during matches. Back then I could even choose, now I drive whatever is there, just to secure car.

Edited by Mitne

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I joined a low populated district and noticed the same thing. This isn't the normal pedestrian pile ups. It's like they're not despawning.

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