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why are NA west districts dead?

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there's currently THREE full east servers and not a single person in the west


if i play on east i get 230ms latency, 110ms in the west.


what's the issue with west that makes people play on the east?

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7 hours ago, Deadliest said:


The gamers from Brazil wake up first and choose the districts I think. So unless a wave of west players show up at some point it’ll probably stay East. 

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Mack Waves.

 I think there's only 2 of us in west, that live in the West. 

Both myself and another in California, maybe a couple more coming down from Canada.

Its 1ms for me in west. Everything works quick, no stuttering or problems until someone with 

high ms comes in, then the lag spikes start. 

 It is my opinion that people from the East Lag bot the Western if they see people in there. 

To get you to go East so they can play you there. 

The full east servers to me are mostly russian or eu players coming over because eu is crowded. 

We've never had that many people in NA, but these kids seem to like the fake kills.

 I'm hoping the pop lowers some and some other things are done, otherwise ill just steal on my crims. 

Not like the crim's need money, just the xp. And ya know, I don't really neeeed the extra levels,

just something to do while the sweatys bot each other.  

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12 hours ago, Easiest said:

lol they just live in europe?

did you miss the NA part?

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12 hours ago, anot1c said:

did you miss the NA part?

Did you miss the part where 90%+ of the NA playerbase isn't actually from NA? Half of it is BR, the rest is a mix of EU, Asia, etc.

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