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GPU not even using base clock speed...

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Hello, I have a GTX 1650 super, and when I play APB it only runs at 375mhz (1024x768 resolution) instead of 1530 (base clock). The boost clock of this GPU is 1740mhz.

In other games, when using low graphics, it always run at 1530mhz, and when I put 1920x1080 it goes up to 1930mhz.

what can I do to make the GPU runs at 1530mhz at least in APB??


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You need to force the card to run at max clocks. You will need to restart your PC or restart the graphics driver when you want to lower the clocks.


If it's an EVGA card download EVGA PrecisionXOC, enable K-Boost. This will lock the card to max boost clocks.


If it's a non EVGA card, download and install MSI Afterburner. Download the EVGA skin, or install PrecisionXOC and copy the defaultX.uxf skin into MSI Afterburner's skin directory. Restart Afterburner, select the PrecisionX skin, then enable K-Boost.


EVGA PrecisionXOC: https://www.techspot.com/downloads/6973-evga-precision-xoc.html

EVGA PrecisionX skin: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ya7wzux6lyf8p80/defaultX.uxf?dl=0

MSI Afterburner: http://download.msi.com/uti_exe/vga/MSIAfterburnerSetup.zip

Skin directory for MSI Afterburner: C:\Program Fildes (x86)\MSI Afterburner\Skins

Edited by SquirrelFace

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Before you start using any 3rd party programs, try the above.

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APB doesn't make use of the GPU much at all so you won't see max clock usage.

I would disregard what has been said above as it's not needed to force your card to run higher or at a constant frequency then intended.


Even running APB on 2560x1440 only yields only a 23% GPU usage. APB's performance is better scaled on the CPU side of things; with high IPC (instructions per clock) and high frequency (GHz) while APB runs on a 1 core 1 thread idea.

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13 hours ago, KyoukiDotExe said:

APB doesn't make use of the GPU much at all so you won't see max clock usage.

I would disregard what has been said above as it's not needed to force your card to run higher or at a constant frequency then intended.


Even running APB on 2560x1440 only yields only a 23% GPU usage. APB's performance is better scaled on the CPU side of things; with high IPC (instructions per clock) and high frequency (GHz) while APB runs on a 1 core 1 thread idea.

It's not an issue for everyone but it is a known problem.


Not seeing max clocks means lower average framerates and in some cases stuttering and freezing. The driver automatically adjusts the clocks based on the GPU load. Games never run at the same GPU load. One moment you're looking at an open area, 1ns later a grenade explodes and your GPU is under heavy load. The driver cannot react fast enough. Your game stutters and you die as a result.


On tech and game forums, I see lots of people recommending increasing the graphics settings in games to increase the framerate. It works for some people, because it keeps the GPU at a high enough load to not lower the clock speed. APB does not have high enough graphics settings.


APB might not be optimized for multi-core CPUs, but it does use more than 1 thread. In a full district, an old X5690 6 Core CPU sees over 40% CPU utilization with Hyper Threading disabled. 2 cores are near maxed, with the others having some load. Most likely it's 2 rendering threads plus other threads for light loads like network and audio. With Hyper Threading enabled (12 threads) it's over 20% load.


14 hours ago, Rade said:

APB doesn't make use of the GPU much at all so you won't see max clock usage.

I would disregard what has been said above as it's not needed to force your card to run higher or at a constant frequency then intended.


Even running APB on 2560x1440 only yields only a 23% GPU usage. APB's performance is better scaled on the CPU side of things; with high IPC (instructions per clock) and high frequency (GHz) while APB runs on a 1 core 1 thread idea.


It can help but for me it doesn't do anything. The GPU still downclocks under low loads.

Edited by SquirrelFace

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9 hours ago, SquirrelFace said:

It's not an issue for everyone but it is a known problem.


Not seeing max clocks means lower average framerates and in some cases stuttering and freezing. The driver automatically adjusts the clocks based on the GPU load. Games never run at the same GPU load. One moment you're looking at an open area, 1ns later a grenade explodes and your GPU is under heavy load. The driver cannot react fast enough. Your game stutters and you die as a result.


On tech and game forums, I see lots of people recommending increasing the graphics settings in games to increase the framerate. It works for some people, because it keeps the GPU at a high enough load to not lower the clock speed. APB does not have high enough graphics settings.


APB might not be optimized for multi-core CPUs, but it does use more than 1 thread. In a full district, an old X5690 6 Core CPU sees over 40% CPU utilization with Hyper Threading disabled. 2 cores are near maxed, with the others having some load. Most likely it's 2 rendering threads plus other threads for light loads like network and audio. With Hyper Threading enabled (12 threads) it's over 20% load.


It can help but for me it doesn't do anything. The GPU still downclocks under low loads.

This is unrelated to APB not using the system to it's full potential. Reaching the max clocks across 3-4 different systems I have tried is not possible within APB; but it works flawlessly under synthetic benchmark tests or other games.

APB is 10 years old with little to no development improvement over the years.


I know what you're saying and I am not saying you're wrong not at all, it just doesn't apply to APB.

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