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Have you heard how they talk to the females in social the games got no moderaters and is totally like no other game online.


Any other game would have banned half of social on xbox like folk from the ghettos wannabe gang bangers.  games too far fucked for any new player or anyone half decent

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That community upgrade is coming soon i hear, Oh wait no. Community is what makes a game die. Still not on the list of things to address though.

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18 hours ago, Demon666 said:

Have you heard how they talk to the females in social the games got no moderaters and is totally like no other game online.


Any other game would have banned half of social on xbox like folk from the ghettos wannabe gang bangers.  games too far fucked for any new player or anyone half decent

No simping.

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if they hacked someone's account , the xbox has its own identity code for its hardware just as a pc does and they would be discovered for it.

little Orbit could then ban those people and return the accounts and holdings to its proper owners.

I.P. address and hardware id's would give them away , but if you argue with them , you would most likely give them critical information about you as well making it easier for someone to do so.

but that is also if they are not just being trolls to  bother you and are a legitimate threat instead of morons drooling on themselves.

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