Hi, i've been playing fight club today at 2:00 am when a cheater joined the lobby and started ruining the game for everyone. Frustrated, i started thinking on how to easily erradicate all of them.
So, hear me out, i've got two ideas and would like to start a discussion on how to improve them and, possibly, ask apb's devs to apply.
1. Ban all players with a set k/dr(kill/death ratio) e.g. +10 k/dr.
This is a quite easy step to apply, since it is likely the server has exacly the number of deaths and kills of all players.
This will wipe out all "test" accounts created by cheaters to test their cheats, also will erradicate most blatant cheaters ingame (The number 10 is unreal, i'd go with a +7 k/dr);
2. Timeouts/small temporary bans based on k/dr within (number) games
This is also a quite easy step to apply.
Sometimes you get lucky and score an amazing 20kills with only 3-4 deaths, but you won't likely be able to consistently hit that score in all games (unless, ofc, yk....). By temporary banning players who reach an incredible k/dr within a set number of games e.g: a player hits 7 k/dr in 4 games in a row it is likely this person is cheating, but it is not blatant cheating like the 1. So we're giving the cheater a warning.
Btw, i'll edit this to add your ideas as they come and as i have time to.
Have fun!