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Found 5 results

  1. Ahoy! Klan byl spojen s českým klanem Crew Blood. Pro přijetí pište do topicu nahoře s daným názvem nebo mně. (This topic will be written only in Czech and Slovak, because it is only meant for CZ/SK players.) Vítám Tě v našem klanovém topicu. Před dvěma měsíci bylo All Points Bulletin: Reloaded odkoupeno Little Orbitem a s tímto důležitým milníkem přichází spousta změn k lepšímu. Zbavili jsme se otravných cheaterů a spousty bugů. Před námi je mnoho nového, včetně updatu grafiky, přidání nového obsahu a dalších novinek. Tyto kroky na mě zapůsobily jako impulzy k tomu, abych také podpořil APB komunitu vytvořením klanu pro Čechy a Slováky - společné hraní mezi bratry určitě pomůže členům si tuto úžasnou hru ještě více užít. Klan Vám poskytne příležitosti k navázání nových přátelství (či bratrství) mezi lidmi, kteří mají stejný zájem - hraní APB a dalších počítačových her. Co se týče klanu a základních informací: Název jsem převzal z historického českého hesla "Pravda vítězí" (v latině "Veritas Vincit", aby jsme si nezáviděli, v jakém to je jazyce), který pro mě představuje hlavní smysl klanu - říkáme si vždycky pravdu a chováme se k sobě s úctou - pokud toho nejsi schopný, nejsi vítán! Kromě zmíněného pravidla týkajícího se chování, je tu několik dalších podmínek: Enforcer charakter na evropském serveru (EU - CITADEL) věk: 15+ mluvit dobře Česky nebo Slovensky (a taky rozumět) pravidelná aktivita ve hře (pokud se nelognete déle jak 120 dní a nebudu znát důvod, tak jste z klanu automaticky vykopnuti) ochota se spojit s ostatními členy a vytvořit tým (pokud jdete na mise) mikrofon a sluchátka (nepovinné, ale vhodné) Můžeš se k nám přihlásit ať máš jakýkoliv RANK a THREAT. Přivítáme jak vysloužilé veterány, tak i nováčky, kterým budu rád nápomocen a se vším poradím. Každý jsme někdy začínali a je zapotřebí nové krve do komunity APB, aby budoucnost této hry pokračovala. Žádosti můžete psát do tohoto topicu, mně do zpráv na fóru nebo in-game emailem na charakter se jménem JareCzech. Pokud klan máte a nechcete měnit, tak mi napište ve hře a můžeme se hodit do přátel a spojit někdy síly. Good Luck! Have Fun!
  2. Welcome to the XONE Recruitment Forum post! About XONE: This is a fairly new Clan within APB Reloaded, I created this Clan with the idea in mind that I can provide players with a place to belong and also have people who are ready to help you out or just team with you in missions or just to give new players a collective of people which can help them out or give suggestions to them to get better weapons and tactics within the game when combatting with the other faction. What Faction is XONE? XONE is an Enforcer Clan, one I like Police and two... ne noor nee noor. How do I join? If you message me via Mail in-game or whisper me if you happen to have me in your game with the Subject "XONE Clan Join Request" and the Contents with your Discord username and ID and your IGN. You'll be accepted into the game Clan and when the Discord has been created you'll either see the link in the MoTD or you'll be added via Discord. My IGN: CryzTheKitsune Faction: Enforcer Does XONE have a Discord? Currently, we don't have a Discord but I'm working on that and I'll update the post when one has been created. Is XONE mainly English Speakers? Yes, since I am not blessed with the ability to use multiple languages or just more than the English Language, English is required to converse with other Members and me, but you don't have to have perfect English though long as you can understand people and you are moderate with English you'll be fine. Clothing and Vehicle Icons: Clothing and Vehicle icons aren't really needed if you've already got a set design on your character and cars that you like but if you wish to sport the Icon of XONE they'll be shared via the Discord when it's created. Threat Levels / Ranks: Don't need to be a set Threat Level or Rank to join anyone's free to join. Clan Community Rules: DONT BE A BAD SPORT. DONT DISCRIMINATE, HARASS OR CAUSE DRAMA FELLOW CLAN MEMBERS. (Stright up kick from the Clan DONT AFK MID GAMES (Both not cool and just abusing the games XP and money mechanics.) DONT TK 'Team Kill' (Both not cool and you'll just be harming yourself in the long run.) AGE CANNOT BE BELOW THE AGE RATING OF THE GAME I.E MATURE That's the end of the XONE Recruitment Forum post long read, right? I'll change the format up every so often if it's too lengthy along with updating information about the clan. Hope to see you in the Clan!
  3. Подразделение "Дельта" (силовики) ведёт набор рекрутов. Еженедельные РП мероприятия, внутриклановая униформа, система вознаграждений, командный геймплей. Вступление — https://forms.gle/XKnhEpMdpFH9W12K6 Группа — https://vk.com/delapb
  4. CURE - Central Urban Response & Enforcement Welcome potential new recruit! We are CURE, an EU (Citadel) enforcer clan that promotes good team work and which aims to clean up the city of San Paro. Our ranks are open to anyone who wishes to join, we don't discriminate again rank or threat level, everyone is welcome, we're just here to have a good time! We strive to promote a fun and friendly atmosphere where everyone can group up together with other clan mates to help each other progress their characters and contacts through missions. We don't mind what rank you are or what your threat level is, if you just want other friendly individuals to play with, this is the clan for you! As we are part of a gaming community you will also find other benefits in joining our clan! We have our own game servers and teamspeak/discord server and you will find that many players from all over the world are proud to call our community home. Recruitment Want to join? Great! Either send a in-game mail message to CombatMedic02 or one of our officers listed on the staff page below or ask to join us in the clan recruitment channel on our Discord server. We’ll get an invite sent out to you when we’re next both online. We are always looking for good team players with good attitudes that will make our clan great so if you think this sounds like you, send me a message in-game today! Our current Officers can be found Here! Rules By joining CURE please remember that you are representing us as a clan. There are a few rules to follow if you want to stay with us which can be seen below, just a few obvious rules really, nothing unreasonable but rules that I expect all CURE officers to follow. 1) Be Active - If you are going to be away for a while at least let me know, I don't want clan slots occupied by players that don't play much. 2) Be Polite/Friendly - Don't argue with players in district chat, it gives us all a bad name, I'd like for us to be a clan other people would want to be a part of. 3) Teamwork is Key - Work together when playing with other clan members, respect other clan officers and each other. Don't insult each other, team kill other officers on purpose or leave them behind when they are about to be killed. Uniforms/Clan Vehicles Uniforms are currently completely optional so don’t feel like you are forced to wear one I just wanted to promote some clan pride and team spirit by at least geting us wearing the same colours. You can buy our starter kit uniform or build your own by requesting our symbols! We want you to make your uniform your own and unique to you while showing you are part of the team. It just looks pretty awesome when we all turn up in our clan vehicles and pile out in clan colours. We're enforcers after all, I think it's cool to look like we belong to an organised unit. But as stated earlier, it's completly up to you. We even sell some pretty awesome looking clan vehicles too! If you would like to buy one check out our website and let me know which one you would like to buy and I'll make one up and send it out to you. Criminals plague the city and we are the CURE! Links Click Here to Visit our Website's Clan Page! Click Here to Visit our Youtube Channel! Click Here to Visit our Twitch Channel! Click Here to Visit our Steam Group! Click Here to Join our Discord!
  5. Hi, my name is Sedustic. You may know me or you may not. I have been around for a few good years now. Me and my friends have all been parts of a small amount of serious clans. During my time as a member of one of these clans I have really enjoyed the sense of community and unity within. I have however always found the same problem. The leadership would lack any sort of firmness and the clan would end up infested with people who had no idea what they're doing. I would like to aim to create a clan where everyone knows their place, their role and the direction the clan is going. I want to create a clan where the players can feel like they're important. Rule 28 has been a small clan that me and my closest friends used as a way to identify us as one. Due to Little Orbit taking over and the game once more regaining hope I believe that once more there is a reason to create and expand a proper clan. Therefore, I would like to announce that Rule 28 is now hiring. Requirements: - For now the clan is only Enfo. If more people join we will make an equivalent on Crims. - We are looking for mature people, age is important but there isn't any restrictions on it. - We prefer game experienced players however, we do not look for a specific threat. - Being communicative in the English language is very important to us. We need to be able to speak to you. Which leads me to the next one: - In order to group with us we would prefer to be able to speak with you using a microphone although once more it's not a requirement. All in all we're looking for people who just like us - want to have to some fun. In order to apply please send me a private message with the following filled out: Name: Age: APB Game Time (Hours): Thanks and see you in San Paro
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