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  1. So, when it comes to FFA R&D3... ain't that a rare gem in game right now? Almost nobody owns it and almost nobody is able to afford one even if they wanted (prices are ridiciolous because whoever has it, can dictate prices pretty much unchallenged...). But I don't see anyone having problem with that. And when they do, they are silenced for being silver and wanting to take only worth thing away from people blah, blah. So here it is. I'm owner of FFA R&D3. I could afford maybe two more if I really wanted (with such prices...). They are unscoped OBIRs with 3 mods slots, agreed. But question is why they aren't at Anne yet? I think since we want all legendaries to lose they unavaliability status, that's only way to do it. Put it on Anne. Maybe make it so each lease is 10k JT so people don't whine. I don't care. For me it can be 2,5k JT. Nothing justifes fact that this weapon is somewhere in shadows and only owned by few. I don't even use it. For me it's symbol status. So make it avaliable.
  2. Well we all know the gambling of jmb's where you have 0.0001% chance of getting a legendary? Some can spend 10dollars and get a legendary while others can spend 100 and not get 1. I myself personally have around 510 dollars on jmb's and i only ever got 1 legendary. I think the jmb's need some changes to make it a bit more worth, so that people do not get items they will never use. Like 95% of what we get we already own and will never clear up those pages of none needed items. So here is what i think can be better Legendary 30 day premium 365 days cars 180 days cars $100.000 APB$ 1500 JT Some 15 days guns(but reduce the drop percentage for these 15 days guns by a bit...or a lot) 10 day premiums 5 day premiums Random clothing piece(For example a hoodie from juggernaut pack) $50.000 APB$ 750 JT Random 3 days guns (but reduce the drop percentages) 1 day premium Random clothing(Like those baseball jersey's) $10.000 APB$ 200 JT A symbol of Matt's beard (That is 1 good beard man...) Reducing the weapon drops since most of us who spend money in the game already own permanent accountbound weapons and stuffs. We will never retrieve them from our mailbox leaving us with pages of 3 day & 10 day guns. These chances will give the JMB some better value and less "this is a money gambling because i things i already own with $50dollars thrown in jmb's" Because these changes can actually reduce the "this is a gambling" by a lot since you have a higher chance of getting something that is way better than 3 day atac's and stuff.
  3. Hey Guys, I already tried to contact the support Team of you (2 Days ago) but they didn't answered so far. Sad life. Bad support Team. But back to the Topic. I bought 6 Joker Boxes and won a few temporary Items out of it. The Guns were shown as 10 Days in the Joker Box win Segment: But unfortanely I won a Gun, that is not even included in the win list, but also it's only for 3 Days. This should be a bug or otherwise it's a kind of fraud. Maybe someone of the Support Team here can help me with my problem. Have a nice day. Best regards and have a nice day, Lukas aka. ViolettaGG
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