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i don't even know how to start this, that's how bad these changes are, holy crap. im just gonna get straight into it, ill start with positives since that's a much shorter list Positives: N-TEC 7 'Ursus' Delay before bloom begins to recover: 0.075 -> 0.085 (Nerf) Maximum Bloom: 2.4 -> 2.8 (Nerf) Marksman accuracy while moving: 1.2 -> 1.6 (Nerf) Minimal changes that make the gun handicapped enough to not be as big of an issue before. thanks. why can't you do this for other guns? N-TEC 5 Maximum Bloom: 2.4 -> 2.0 (Buff) Allows the gun to be viable enough to spray in close quarters again. thanks, it's not terribly accurate but its enough to not lose every fight because you have your ntec out. Stabba PIG Stamina damage: 950 -> 675 (Nerf) i mean, it doesn't fix pig perc, which was ultimately the issue, but it does lower the strength of combos like JG pig or CCG pig. so im ok with this change, it's not awful. N-HVR 243 'Scout' Damage per shot: 550 -> 600 (Buff) Equip time: 0.6 -> 0.8 (Nerf) small change, noticeable enough to make the gun seen a little more commonly, while keeping it balanced. im ok with this Obeya CAP40 'Sergeant' Recovery per second: 4.44 -> 4.5 (Buff) Radius at 10m: 37 -> 36 (Buff) nice FAR Maximum Bloom: 1.45 -> 1.65 (Nerf) nice Colby PMG 28 Accuracy when crouched: 0.8 -> 1.0 (Nerf) Accuracy at 10m: 33 -> 34 (Nerf) Effective Range: 35 -> 20 (Nerf) Min damage Range: 50 -> 35 (Nerf) Recovery per second: 7.2 -> 6.9 (Nerf) It's a little overkill, but the gun's still useable, so props. onto the negatives we GO OBIR Bolt timer: false -> true (Nerf) Reserve ammo: 240 -> 144 (Nerf) this was by no means the way to fix the OBIR's strength. lowering the damage so that the gun didn't have literally insane overdamage(as it still does) would have allowed the gun to keep its place in the meta. now there's no reason to play the gun because the Obeya CR762 exists. please for the love of god do NOT touch the cr762 and just revert this change and lower the obir's damage. N-HVR 762 Damage per shot: 850 -> 800 (Nerf) can't you just revert the stupid crosshair thing and then lower the damage to 750? S1-NA 'Manic' Accuracy while jumping: 2.2 -> 4.4 (Nerf) Damage per shot: 115 -> 110 (Nerf) Maximum Bloom: 0.6 -> 0.725 (Nerf) a great way to completely destroy a $50 gun and completely remove it from the meta. Joker SR15 Carbine "We decided to bring the Carbine back into the spotlight again" Bloom per shot: 0.23 -> 0.20 (Buff) Reserve ammo: 100 -> 140 (Buff) first of all, the carbine was never not in the spotlight, second of all, now you have people lasering with the carbine at ranges they shouldn't be. ACT-44 Effective range: 70 -> 60 (Nerf) Equip time: 0.6 -> 0.9 (Nerf) im ok with the range change, but why would you nerf the equip time? like, yeah dude, the #1 thing I want to do is switch to my ACT44 in close quarters because my close range primary is totally not a viable option. if a player needs to switch to this gun as fast as 0.6, it's because they're in a deep situation. now their secondary is no longer viable to get them out of the situation. by the time anyone pulls out their ACT44 they're gonna get melted by literally every gun that isnt a sniper/ marksman rifle. Colby RSA Fire interval: 0.85 -> 0.9 (Nerf) Delay before bloom begins to recover: 0.5 -> 0.3 (Buff) Accuracy while walking: 1.2 -> 1.75 (Nerf) Accuracy while running (not sprint): 2 -> 2.5 (Nerf) YOU NERFED THE RSA? THE ENTIRELY OFF META GUN THAT NOBODY EXCEPT ACORN AND SHERIFF ROLEPLAY DUDES USE BECAUSE IT WAS ALREADY BAD. I needn't say anymore about this. OCA-EW 626 Fire interval: 0.1 -> 0.096 (Buff) Recovery per second: 5.15 -> 5.35 (Buff) Maximum Bloom: 0.7 -> 0.66 (Buff) Accuracy when crouched: 1.0 -> 0.8 (Buff) OCA-EW 626 'Whisper' Effective Range: 50 -> 30 (Nerf) Min damage Range: 55 -> 35 (Nerf) Accuracy at 10m: 36 -> 33 (Buff) dude, wHAT? who thought this was okay? If you're nerfing the pmg you can't buff the OCA as well, ESPECIALLY NOT THIS STRONG. Now there's absolutely no reason to use a PMG, and no reason to use a shotgun unless you're holding a corner. You nerfed the range on the whisper but with the accuracy buff, it might as well not have even happened. Ridiculous. Colby SNR 850 Equip time: 0.1 -> 0.5 (Nerf) so the only benefit to an otherwise dead gun is gone now, nice this is entirely opinionated, you're free to disagree with it, just, y'know, be civilized.
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Hi everybody, It's not exactly a game suggestion, cause we have already discussed about give a damage multiplier for head /headshot for ages, also pre-LO, but maybe having this ability it may help to improve the balancing and give sense to some modsweapon and weapon for being bought/utilized in more competitive match ups. Right now we have a absoluty unseful/untilized mod: High-Magnification scope Info: Quick Description: -Very High zoom level -Substantially decreases accuracy while running -Changes Marksmanship Crosshair. -Removes Non-Marksmanship Crosshair. The clue is adding the disponiblity, when equipped a High-Magnification scope on just only some sniper weapons, after a target is after the 40/50 m the ability to headshot people if hitted in head. Sniper's weapon may benefit from this change: - Agrotech DMR-AV PR1 - Agrotech DMR-SD R&D III - Agrotech DMR-AV PR2 - SBSR "IRS Personal's Note: Actually these weapons are totally trash or actually not comparable with the compatitive ones, reason for why actually they arent a lot of used maybe with this change then can be find to be more "appetitive" and used than now. Sniper's weapon in doubt if they shall benefit from this change: - N-HVR 243 "Reaper _ Right now it's just a nerfed Sitting Duck/Scout Nol, with less range, no chance to use purple/red mod, but with a HANDSOME TAG ... YEP maybe Finally headshot ability will arise the REAPER FROM THE GRAVE... but It's true that Using Hight Magnification Scope remove completely the use for close ranges, but the mobility, 2 shot per kill variable... yep not so sure -"Anuubis" _ Another one here, it's more and less a DMR with less recoil and a poopie not yet fixed crosshair... your thoghts? -S-247 "Oblivion- A very awknaward sniper weapon that get increase of accuracy while moving/shotting.... good ttk, accuracy increaseing... I put this one as the last one because I consider it between the "doubt ones" and absoluty "no ones", sincerly no idea... Sniper's weapon shall absoluty no benefit from this change: -N-ISSR B "Dog Ear... it's already meta gun, It doesnt need this features. -N-HVR 762 Dvah.... it perform one of the Highest damage of the game at "any range" and we have discussed enough about it. Another note: For adding more balance to it, equipping High-Magnification scope will also increase the switching time from primary/secondary such as HVR. Throw like that, maybe it may be a solution for balancing the snipers weapons or other weapon of the game just adding a damage multiplier, give your thoughts guys. Bye Added Poll