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Posts posted by xXD4v1dXx

  1. Yall are really sad bruh... Like fr majority of you bash every f****** move they make (they haven't even had apb that long when you really think about it, mistakes and wrong calls are bound to happen) and then when it's down for a couple days you'll cry like some b******, I'm calling it right now their gon get sick of y'alls whining and as soon as the engine update is complete they're just gon give us away to another company thats most likely gon let us sit and rot again.... Acting like some goddamn crack addicts. Sorry to the admins for language.

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  2. Post here any guns you'd like to see be added into the future of Apb, with a picture of said gun and a quick run down of features and utilities it might have. You're free as well to share your own gun ideas and drawings as long as is its not too crazy sounding and at least fits into the game in some way 😄 basically a back burner for LO and a place to share a love for guns 💀




    Mossberg 500 chainsaw 

    A hipfiring pistol grip shotgun with a over barrel bridge chainsaw style hand grip with a breacher barrel for getting through doors. 



    Would love to see a mod implemented into this fine machinery that allows shut doors to be shot open (not that useful of a mod but still) 

  3. I have what I think is a really cool idea 💡 its kinda like a free option for the premium mission rewards that you gotta pay for and get through said premium. Lets say you're trying to grind through the BloodRose Contacts but you want that little extra Exp boost and money boost that you get through premium but the thing is you dont wanna pay for it right. All you gotta do is dress the part for that faction! equip some unlocked premade clothing from that specific factions contacts and boom you start getting them premium reward boost for free twords said faction contacts. (besides the cool downs and more customizable slots of course, this post is really only for mission reward boosts) its like showing off your colors for the gang or organization you're representing and will have more players using the pre-made clothing in game. Of course you can still wear your own clothing just wont get the after mission reward boosts, and yes; if you still just want to wear your own clothing and get premium rewards and boost as well you can still just buy premium. Idk this idea might need some fine tuning but let me know what yall think of it 🙂


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  4. New Secondary/primary gun suggestion.


    Since I was little I've always had love for the preferred guns of gangsters of the 80's and 90's era of gang violence (exp: Ak47 = Ntec, tec 9 = UL3's, micro uzi = N-fa 9, Uzi = pmg.) But outta all them my most favorite gun of all time would have to be the Mac 10 easily. With that being said my gun suggestion would be that of the mac 10.


    The Image above (if it works, dont really kno how to add pictures tbh my bad if it doesn't Im doing this from phone) would be a secondary variant with this version being a Primary Variant.


    Let me kno what y'all think, if the images worked that is.





    First image I tried showing which would be a Secondary variant. Basically just a regular mac no stock pulled out and no suppressor.

  5. Tbh this is a really good Idea and I like it a lot 👍 make it so that just like when playing as a crim an enf can witness you as your committing crimes ( mugging, ram raiding ) it could be the other way around. the crim dont like the enforcers going around knocking down there stash spots confiscating all there drugs and stolen loot, you can spot the enforcers 💀

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  6. Might have been suggested before but would be super cool to see new throw base weapons/explosive/ordinance in game, Here's my version of it.


    Ask yourself what's one of the most simple and fastest way to cause mass panic and Havoc? a true Pyromaniac go to? Its not only simple like stated before but cheap to make multiple of.

    -  Molotov cocktail >:) (1 to 2 allowed equipped at a time, maybe 3 but 3 might be too much. has a small radius on hit but burns the area for some time. Does High to small damage depending on how you use it or get it used against you, with a direct Hit being High damage, walking/ running through it medium damage, and after running/ walking through it has a burn affect causing small damage. With the burn affect to characters the waist down should be engulfed in flames ) *Its a real Riot starter*😉 pun intended. 


    - Smoke grenade/ Tear gas( 1 to 2 equipped at a time. With smoke grenades just making it harder to see or blocking visuals to move from area to area for a retreat or an cqc attack. With Tear gas kinda the same thing with Smoke grenade but improves the difficulty to see with a somewhat of a blurry screen and causes small damage over the amount of time in said gas both to you, enemies and Friendlies, Both with same radius and burn time. Maybe add timers to these ones so its not spammed crazy?)


    - throwing knives ( 2 to 3 equipped at a time. Basically just another reskin of the throwable brick. Add cutting sound affect, bigger blood hit affect. More visuals things iono. Oooo maybe add like a poison throwing knive as well that doesn't 1 shot you but add a bleeding affect kinda like spotting where there's blood on the ground where ever you move and you can see an icon through things.)


    - Sticky grenades ( 1 to 2 equipped at a time, maybe up to 3 cuz what fun it would be >:) just like the name suggests it sticks... Let it be to enemies, friendlies, cars, and walls no matter the sticky bomb will stick. 👍 The visual for this grenade would be unique as in its a Sock covered in the adhesive that when holding the button to throw you swing it around above your head kinda like a cowboy or some shit wit a rope.)


    - Flash bang grenades ( 1 to 2 allowed at a time. Blinds everyone who sees it go off directly. better to bank it off a wall , throw it over cover or just say fuck it and blind everyone and just let the bullets fly and spray 😂 . no cook timer, once thrown goes of in a few seconds and the blinding affect only last for about 2 to 3 seconds so its not so OP. However, maybe like the tear gas the flash bangs have a timer cool down in between throws so its not crazy spammed.)


    These are some ideas for new throwables that would be a really cool addition into the game I think and would prolly need more work on then the couple facts a gave them but in all I'd like to hear the forums community feedback on it. 👍



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  7. Ight new Idea here... bare with me on this one guys, I get that this idea might be far fetched and the game still needs more improvements to even think of new game mechanics but what if little orbit were to add skateboarding and bmx'ing one day to apb? I for one would think that this would not only be dope asf 👌 but help bring in new players and stuff... Mainly skateboarding because it would fit into the whole G-King lore type feel if that makes sense, but also all factions as well in a way (sure it can be implemented in). Just ideas but add like an inside skate park to the social Area to just hang around, talk and mess around and do tricks, rework and remodel the NCSP so its bigger and possible to skate in and make the NCSP a safe zone too, free from shooting and damage. I know matt Scott has a shooting range planned for social one day because he said so himself but I just think at least an inside skate park would be a cool addition as well to Social... 


    Just let me know what you guys think.

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  8. Iono if this was ever discussed before or not but I'm new so if it was, my bad. 


    Anyways I've had this idea for past couple weeks or so I'd say, I was thinking what if there was a hotkey or hotbutton (consoles) for the emotes in game... Like something kinda like fortnite where you can use your emotes after a kill or somthing quicker. Idk just a thought that I think would be super dope if added into apb. Just a lil somthing to add to the toxicity 😉


    I'd like to hear other peoples thoughts on this topic too.

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