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Posts posted by xXD4v1dXx

  1. 5 minutes ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    Off the top of my head it would only be usable in four seater cars and removes the ability for the back seats to be used. Though I am not sure if that is enough of a downside for it not to be the go to in almost every situation.

    Hey actually if you notice in the video I posted earlier when in the game 187 if the car is hit hard enough the character will fall back into the vehicle so that could be another fall back. So in theory it'll also take a good driver not hitting other cars and obstacles for it to be affective (which in fact is somewhat hard to do in apb lol) What do you think? 

  2. 3 hours ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    What is the downside to it.


    Why ever use car surfer or normal windows if the sunroof is just straight up better.

    Actually thats a good question, hmmm well off the top of the head you can switch between sunroof and side windows when being shot at so it wont necessarily replace side windows but yeah its only really better than side windows if you have a light machine gun or a rocket launcher and I'm thinking while someone is using them while in said sunroof the vehicle will have a speed reduction maybe (not sure by how much) or perhaps ammo reduction. Not being sarcastic but what do you think would actually be a good down side using it? 

  3. 14 hours ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    These 'meme' styled videos were old and bad before they were even a thing.


    And of course with this one you din't even do anything special with it. It is just the same stuff as every single other one.

    Why you always such a debby downer my guy? Like constructive criticism is always welcomed but whenever you post on something its just you shooting an idea down or just disagreeing with the majority of things in forum... What you bring to a topic is the same stuff as every single other one... A black and white look to it.

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  4. 21 hours ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    So it is just a straight up better version of leaning out the window?

    There's always one bruh... Yeah if you guys wanna think of it like that, thats basically what im saying. But the point is its something new, something fresh man. It adds to the the game play a tad bit. Its not some new crazy innovated gaming mechanic thats gon fix the game but its something... Its just an idea.




    If you guys can't see the vision check out this gaming video. The game is called 187 ride or die and its basically a gangster sytle racing game. 


    Watch "187 Ride or Die - PS2 Gameplay UHD 4k 2160p (PCSX2)" on YouTube


    Kinda the idea twords it.

  5. Fairly simple idea, just a new body part for all vehicles that adds aesthetic and a new way to do drive bys... Sunroofs. Be honest how many times have you seen bad and good guys alike in movies poke there heads outta the top of a vehicles sunroof and start blasting away with machine guns at the other car? Hell I can name about 20 off the top my head haha, but fr jokes aside I personally would love to have the ability to have my car look more sleek while also having the option to have a team mate get up through it and blast at who ever sad bloke it is in front or back of us, to or from an objective im I right? I know you might be saying to your selves "well there's really no need for it other than show when you can just hang out the side windows like normal." And to that I say NO your wrooong, I mean yeah its also for show but isn't that also a big part of Apb? to show off your cool stuff to others. Plus can you shoot a beast of a light Machine gun like the Alig 726 while hanging out the side of a car? One handed? Im sorry to be blunt but you're not Arnold Schwarzenegger so no... no you cant lmfao. But with the sun roof you could stick out the top and lay waste to whatever car that so much as honks at you. "You could equip Car surfer" yeah but after how many months of grinding just to unlock it... And think how many times you've died using it, how many times you've fallen off causing you to spend more time getting to an objective. Im not saying it should replace it but it sure is a better option I think and makes more sense than someone standing on top of a car going high speeds...


    Idk, Ive typed enough just let me know what yall think ✌

  6. Joker Cr5 "Noober"

    A Cr5 with a m203 style Underbarrel grenade launcher (also known as the Noob Tube in cod) shoots like a regular Cr5 but also has the ability to shoot one grenade at a time that explode on contact buuuut only being able to carry one or two grenades for it.


    Lmk what you think lol

  7. Ik the Capture the flag game mode has been suggested once before but I just wanna suggest that the capture and hold game mode in Asylum be switch out for that honestly. Rename it something with ur own spin on it like Capture the Bag then have the two objectives that are on each side of the map (obviously at the back warehouses and front gate) be the medium duffle bag objective in normal missons and boom its a fresh little new game mode for people to enjoy or to rage out on lol. You could even have the new little lore to the mission be that the Enforcers are doing a raid on Asylum since its a known criminal hot spot n den and that the mission is to take out any Crims on sight and collect the drugs or guns or whatever evidence that makes sense and bring it back to the extraction point (front gate) then on the criminals side they're mission is to push out the Enforcers from their turf or whatever and get the goodies back to their stronghold (Warehouses). Ofc its something to consider after the engine update and more but I think Asylum is a perfect map for this game mode, just fix and smoothout the vehicle path that stretches all the way around so you can use your car as a quick getaway at times, but of course using your car ain't always gon be a certain solution for a quick score when everyone and their grandmothers has rocket launchers to cut you off and blow yuh ride up so with that being said I think whomever is the bag carrier shouldn't have the speed reduction from carrying medium objectives where it makes you do a light jog instead you can sprint normally while carrying the bag and even perhaps hold a secondary in the other hand to fire back at people! This will most definitely make up for some crazy and fun gaming experiences for sure! Let me know what you guys (the community) think about this idea.


     Just image that you've just had to fight through multiple enemy's and defenders with your team and you finally got the duffle bag for your side, a team mate spawned in his van and pulled up next to you so you plus two other members can hop in makeing a quick getaway from the other team now closing in on you! You guys drive off and drift around the corner of the building only to hear the wind up noise of a volcano... Someone predicted your route, positioned himself on the rafters and now has you dead in their sights. You were the only one quick enough to react and just barely cheated death that rained down upon your team mates by jumping out. Now your out in the open with no back up, gotta think fast what do you do!? Having no other option you kick open one the the side doors and now have to make your way through the maze like corridors of this nut house. Sprinting through halls and jumping down stair ways with the duffle bag in one hand you run into yet another obstacle of an enemy that you make quick work of with your trusty nano from the other hand. You make it back outside and you're home-free now, nothing's in between you and scoring the objective... So you thought anyways, and as your but a couple steps from winning it you take two sniper shots to the back of the dome dropping you like a bag of potatoes. Nothing you could've done to change the outcome sadly but respawn, and thats exactly what you do is respawn because now you can't get enough of this new thrill. You get back in and your teams bag is missing.... Guess its time to go on a hunt. 😈

  8. 1 hour ago, ZoriaDunne said:

    We don't have actual reload animations, or visible weapons mods, and you expect an animation where you can throw the magazine? xd

    Hey this is the game suggestion section bud, As in its just a suggestion that is of no priority but just snow ballin ideas for the future. And the reloaded animation stuff was already suggested. You know why? Cuz it the fucking game suggestion section smh. 

  9. Just thought of a funny and somewhat cool idea for another throwable and it goes some what like this, you can throw an empty gun mag at an enemy for a insta kill... That's basically it really. Not sure if it should be either a character mod or just another throwable like the bricks n 8balls but I was thinking what if it was just a hybrid of the two, and I say that as in its a character mod (maybe Orange mod) but it adds to the nade count by one or two upon finishing a magazine. So say you have three low yeilds then have two empty mags extra to throw after using up ur yeilds (not a lot of people use the brick n 8 ball throwables on console, like no one uses em at all so it seems ok on there but dont really know how op is would be on pc. Tbh sounds kinda op but eh). Lemme hear what yall think.

  10. Love this Idea but along with the gas stations they should add liquor stores too that you can rob, and for the cops side it be nice if thay added like stash raids where how like as a crim you can ram raid as a cop you can stash raid where there's warrants on doors around the map and you can knock the door down and it drops drug packages and stolen loot just like when you ram a store.

  11. Seems like yall only answer to new post so just merg this back into the original one after reading it. But Social and financial are down yet again, I know things ain't stable right now with the whole server migration/server move and all so I totally understand but just lettin you know.

  12. 33 minutes ago, Ellix said:

    The more work that's gonna be done on it the better - If it flops the game is dead..

    So they should take some time with testing in my opinion 

    Totally agree with that, I'm in the mind set that is like "the update comes when the update comes". If its gon take more time then yeah dont try to rush it, majority of players that have stuck it out through the years will still be here more or less but if it flops thats gon be a big blow to LO and I'm on their side 100% so i don't want that to happen lol.

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