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Posts posted by xXD4v1dXx

  1. For a limited amount of time every couple days or so all Graffiti Spots will open up to both the Crim n Enf players across the maps, including the ones restricted by missions and you then will have to reach multiple Spray goals for JT, Cash, Consumables, and Maybe skin or clothing Rewards. You wouldn't be able to hit the same spot twice makeing it so you cant just boost with friends or something. Sounds cool 

  2. 2 hours ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    Colours? Eh.


    Some different shapes/variations would be interesting though. Such as muzzle brake mod actually flaring the muzzle flash differently.


    But I'd only see that truly working if APB had proper weapon customization on the level of vehicles/character.

    What you suggested is another dope idea too, I would love to see different Flash Flarings too. Would be so sick. You should make that a suggestion my guy 💯

  3. Just now, Kewlin said:

    Am I joking?


    . . . am I?

    Oh well if not then like I said I totally agree, would be cool to have more mussle flash affects. Glitter, sparkles, ect. Would fit into the game.

    • Like 1

  4. I already know some event skins already have their own custom mussle flashes. However, what if you could customize the mussle flash color on its own? Could equip the basic orange, red, og blue, pink, and many others. Then of course you would either have to unlock them through contacts or buy them with JT but eh it sound cool right? Ik its not really that realistic but its a game my dudes could have the lore be that joker ammunitions found a way to dye their gun powders or something.

    • Like 1

  5. Kinda like a brick and 8 ball reskin with a beer bottle but does splash damage as well, so in theory it'll 1 hit on direct hits but also do shard damage in a radius to other players. Ik that makes no sense in real life but in the game it'll work haha, just let me hear some feedback. 


    Edit- when I think about it its kinda like a hybrid between grenades and brick/8balls, with the splash damage coming from grenades and the 1 hit kill coming from bricks/8balls.

  6. 3 hours ago, Resine said:

    It's silly to complain after getting 8k JK

    But this event is somplete clusterfuck that's full of bugs and abuses from players.


    Apb is performance disaster. Why make events that involve entire district.

    It was a shame that it wasn't faction based so you couldn't group up for it.

    It was random occurance knowing when you are in the renge to turn red.

    The circle of range was too small, forcing people to go CQC with shit Anubis is nuts.

    Sometimes you spawed inside the zone to die instantly.

    Sometimes you spawned few times so far away that you couldn't make any value of it.

    When you were entering zone from far way you usually killed the guy in front of you to get backstabed from guy entering behind you.

    You were permitted to leave the circle of unknown boundaries.

    Which is the abuse point of it. Get in shoot here and there, move out.

    The event should not start instantly. Make the zone first let players come and spin it up with some count down.


    Let's be honest. The only good thing about the event was ludicrously high amount of JT.

    I doubt people would bother with this shit otherwise.



    Your right it is silly to complain after getting 8k Jt 

    • Like 2

  7. Smh can yall at least try the new gun game modes before crying and shooting it outta the sky before it even has a chance to catch some air? Their literally trying SOMETHING! ANYTHING! to keep us at least somewhat content for the moment... Like bruh you can rack up some free and faster JT's and cash em in for sum fancy new toys afterwords, literally no down sides to that. Try it first and If it doesn't float yo boat then say it after the fact, but as soon as there's a new suggestion or effort to give US THE PLAYER INCENTIVES  its met with "boohoo I already dont like it" or "waaah why not do it like this or that". Really hope the ones crying get stomped on in the new modes so they can stay butt hurt ❤

    • Thanks 1

  8. Love the work and support it 100%. I kinda wanna go into the new factions, so if implemented we'd have 6 factions all together right. For Criminals it looks like this-

    ·BloodRose - Gothic cluber n heister kids

    ·Gkings - emo-ish Artistic Graffiti skaters 

    ·RedRain - Your typical gangbangers


    Then for Enforcers.

    ·Praetorians - hired Military Mercs

    ·Prentiss Tigers - patriotic Collage Kids

    ·Sppd - The Forgotten law that once was


    Not really feeling the names for the "new" factions, like redrain doesnt sound all that menacing for a typical Gangbanger crew but eh no matter would still love to see them in the future and see what could come of them.



  9. Just had a funny and "dope" Idea to add a 420 weapon skin that has the Devils lettuce all over it with an added affect of a smoke trail coming from the barrel 👌 just imagine that.

  10. On 4/18/2020 at 9:58 PM, NotZombieBiscuit said:


    This post was basically a gag suggestion.... If you wanna be so dull then technically it wouldn't add nothing to apb but something to do in social, something kinda funny in my eyes.




    Ouch my feelings 😰

  11. 3 hours ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    What does this add to APB

    Think about all the bullying we could do you and me, we can be our very own Simon from America's Got Talent!

  12. Lmfao A thought of adding Karaoke rooms in social 💀 kinda got it from playing sleeping dogs but aye dont know whats the process of getting licensing rights to songs, no matter its still hilarious as a thought 😂

  13. Y'all are really saaaad, like this is gone be a milestone for the apb community and yall wanna cry about who's streaming it???? WHAT'S THE POINT?! NO MATTER WHO'S STREAMING Y'ALL ARE JUST WATCHING!!! THATS LITERALLY ALL YOUR DOING. IS WATCHING. plz plz plz just shut up with all this, its already set in stone bruh... Some made it some didn't. Thats life. Move on 👐

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