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Posts posted by xXD4v1dXx

  1. 19 minutes ago, RCooper said:

    It was a joke,I was just saying what people always said when i did a suggestion here


    To answer ur question the varzuga 4x4 should look like this which is the focus rs and be a kit u can put in the normal varzuga


    Oh crap my bad bro 💀 I'd couldn't tell if you were serious or being sarcastic 😂 but yeah anyways fr it needs something done with it 👌

  2. 3 hours ago, RCooper said:

    EnGiNe UpDaTe HaVe PrIoRiTy OvEr EvErYtHiNg

    Take a chill pill bro... Everyone here knows that. The suggestion thread is just for them to pick and choose stuff at a later date, the reason why its the "suggestion thread".

  3. Would be nice if we had like a ricer kit for the Varzuga, Ik its not a vegas or Bishada but its not a bad car in the slightest. Maybe some better rims for it, perhaps a more decked out hood and bumper set? 





    ^Something like this. Different rims with different color options, lowered body, better hoods and Bumpers, side skirts.

  4. Lmfao everyone crying about the new JMB only to still buy it 💀 y'all are a bunch of hypocritical clowns I swear, If I didn't love this game so much I'd like to see it shut down to see you all lose your shit. But eh this community is toxic and I'm pretty sure that aint changing anytime soon. Better hope LO dont get sick of y'all cryin.

    • Thanks 1

  5. Some people have been waiting a looot longer than others and are understanding about the situation of the game just take that into consideration... We all want the Engine upgrade but if its rushed and comes out crappy what was the point of crying in the first place that it took so long? I swear this community is a bunch of no brainers.

  6. 16 hours ago, Hollowchick said:

    Let's face facts: LO ARE G1 at the moment. They took over from G1 like 2 years ago? Maybe even 3 already? What have they done so far with that supposed engine launch? A launch that G1 assured us was almost finished mind you. That has been on the table from late 2013 onwards.

    They hyped it up, end of 2018, early to mid 2019, late 2019, now we have almost mid 2020 and still nothing.
    They changed frick all, this is G1 over and over again. Just take this carcass of a game out back and finally put a bullet through its head, alleviate some of its misery ffs.

    Let's be real here: If the engine was released, let's say realistically speaking end of 2020 is the earliest date I'd even reasonably consider, it's definitely gonna be pushed back later than that. Then what?
    Nobody is even gonna be around to play the god damn thing anymore.
    The next 6 months will be fixing stuff, bugs, performance, dealing with migration. That is if the release isn't gonna be a huge catastrophe again like the console launches you mentioned. I could almost bank on it turning out exactly like that.
    And then what?
    They can NOW just start to add new content after cleaning up everything. That's at least gonna take another 6 months to 1 year. We are now theoretically talking mid 2022.
    Keep in mind that they wanted to stomp down the NA servers and merge em with EU just because there weren't enough people left alive in this game, dunno if that was even done or not (I have only been peaking into that forum sporadically to see if they've even remotely progressed, turns out they don't).

    You honestly believe the game is gonna hold up that long? Just count your losses, pack up the stuff and leave.
    When they ported the engine over the graphics are gonna be outdated again anyway so what's the damn point to it?

    I was really hoping they were different but they are not.
    G1 was all silence and no progress.
    LO is all talks and no progress and I am not sure what's worse tbh.

    Keep telling yourself this game is gonna live, LO is different than G1, but it's delusional. In the beginning I had hopes too that LO was different.
    But no.
    LO is just G1 Reloaded and with each passing day it's becoming more and more apparent that they will never release the new engine and revitalize this comatose brain dead patient of a game either.

    Bruh plz just shut up, if your such a prophet and feel like you know exactly what's gonna happen to the game why you here... Like literally your contributing in no way whats so ever other than spouting toxic waste from your mouth my guy. Boo hoo I get it, the game aint progressing as fast as you want it to progress but to say LO is just G1 is nonsense and your just being a whiney, entitled crybaby. I Ain't no fan boy but we're in the same rocky patootie boat bruh and LO Is trying to steer this mf best they can so just strap in and stop complaining or jump ship and leave cuz your negativity aint wanted here.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 2

  7. Lmfao seems like once a week we get a post like this smh. Plz just shush and wait like the rest of us. You're literally contributing in no way whats so ever and just adding to the junk posts in forum my guy. At least be happy their sharing what ever they can with us on the Engine progression.

  8. An Idea for the Enforcers side that I think would add to the gaming experience is Npc open world bounty missions, as in like when you spawn Into a mission district there's always a list of Blood Rose and G King style NPC's posted up on like a screen or board at noob spawn that you could then go out and have to find in the district and arrest for a paycheck, this could be a in between missions kinda thing and just adds to the enforcer side of game play. Could even have it like some Npc's are harder to find and spawn in less but pay more than others. If anyone has anymore ideas to add to this lmk.

  9. Little orbit already stated nothings final... Like seriously y'all cry waaaaay too much about a free game that's clearly still going through fixes and changes. Yall need to start acting like adults bruh fr, its honestly pathetic. Just give a good reason on why you like or dislike a change then move on, Im sure they'll take note of it. but to sit n whine and complain about every little thing is little banana energy. Thanks for listening to my TED Talk.

  10. 3 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

    Are other weapons disabled?

    Cuz that WOULD be sweet.


    Though even then, with an entire district shooting the same person, Im not sure what data you are getting from that.



    Bruh... Like are you serious? Cant tell if ur joking or not Lmfao 💀 its not just gonna be him against everyone else. I hope not anyways.

  11. 18 minutes ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    I could see that being not just a downside to it but also a fun mechanic for both the gunner/driver. Makes it more interesting than car surfer is. Would jostle around the aim or even knock them in to an animation depending on the kind of collision. 


    Also gives some counter play to it if close enough.

    Yoooooo I like that idea a lot bruh, the jostle around the aim and knocked into a lil animation would be dope asf tbh and totally make sense. Im thinking the animation be that like how you said depending on the severity of the collision the gunner could accidentally fire off his gun sporadically, wasting ammo. Imagine that with a rocket launcher lol the diver crashes into something and boom you shoot a rocket off to the side of the vehicle hitting some pedestrians or poor taxi driver stopped at a red light 💀 

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