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Everything posted by blockblack

  1. I today found out that APB Costed 100 Million dollars to make, But how the hell did it cost all of that? This is kinda impossible since 70% of it's codes are corrupted, I mean a 5 Million Dollars game has a better coding and game-play and Quality, So how did this happen to APB? Why it's budget is very un-real? I doubt APB Costed less than 5 Million dollars to make actually.
  2. That's my life story, I never get good driving teammates, I think I need Valtteri Bottas in my team.
  3. I know how to gain JT, I am also rank 195 and have these mods, and again, It did not help, why none of you gets it. Hm okay, I admit it, they are just exploiting my team, but LO should really do something about that in the next updates by making enemy cars don't reach it's max speed.
  4. Bro, you still don't get it, They exploit the whole game, since if you put objective on a vegas 4x4 and boost it with nitro booster and drive on max speed and take random un-expected corners and have OSMAW with blow-torch on your roof, you are simply un-stoppable and can beat anyone, no one can stop you, so it is considered an exploit to the whole game.
  5. Brother, type a helpful reply or shut up. Don't say crap like the Original Poster is crying and he could have done that and done that, Also read the previous replies before replying, because the other folks that replied said the same stuff you said like getting car surfer and being on a roof of a car with osmaw/alig and it failed terribly since the driver of the car I am on the roof of it is so dumb, And Again, Keep your reply helpful and non-repeated or just don't reply. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/exploit
  6. not dethreaters, But from these bronze OSMAW a$$h0le noobs that get easy win with that running tactic, if they didn't have that tactic or OSMAW they would have been green by now.
  7. I just tried this out in a mission, And well, the driver that I was on his car's roof was stupid and didn't block enemies route, he just kept going behind them and since the driver's car is a poineer and the enemy is using a vegas g20 it was too late to stop them
  8. actually a vegas G20 has a trunk that is the size of 5, and large objective is the size of 5 so it still can fit it, and still if they put it in a large vehicle like poineer it can still reach it's top speed 19 m/s which is still fast, the should make the car not able to exceed 10 m/s so that is would be fair enough fight. Merged. Folks, I don't think anti-vehicle weapons even work since you equip them too late after they start running, and their car can reach max speed so after they run at max speed you can't do shit about it, All what you can do is just hope the enemies' vehicle go in the route you expect it to go and interrupt it's way and explode it, which doesn't often happen, so ye, they should make cars not reach it's max speed. Merged. I play in bronze servers, where I find some Osmaw bronze coward campers than got 0 Aim skill still getting easy win with that method.
  9. There is a tactical exploit that makes my team always loses, The enemy takes the mission capture objective in a Patriot Vegas 4x4's trunk and use nitro booster to give them a head start their car's accleration be messed up but they still could reach maximum speed, then they flee AF around the city and take random corners so you don't expect their routes and stop them, they also get an OSMAW on their car's roof so you can't follow them up with a car, This exploit is so annoying because it gives the enemy an unfair easy win that they never deserved, I hope this exploit be fixed on the up-coming updates, I suggest the Devs would make the capture objective teleport to a random teammate after the enemy run away for more than 200 Meters, tell me if you agree if this exploit should be finally fixed since after the enemy starts running away you get no second chance to stop them, Also tell me if the enemy used this exploit against you before.
  10. Anything that is unfair and not acceptable which is game breaking is considered a bug (at-least for me). hm? Wait what? so the designers wanted the match making to be scum baggy like that?
  11. For anyone that never noticed, APB Was never pay to win, APB Was always pay to look cool. Hmmm, the CEO of LO replied to my topic, I think that's quite rare, but not very rare since not much new topics are created on APB Forum.
  12. I can blame it since it is unfair, Would you like to deserve a win then you lose because your teammate ain't sh*t? It is a bug since it is unfair.
  13. There is a very annoying bug that makes me be called for backup in a mission where the team I joined is losing at the last 20 Seconds of the mission which doesn't give me enough time to even arrive to the mission's location and then it counts as a loss after the time runs out, But that's so unfair, I didn't do anything at that mission and didn't even have enough time to arrive to it to be even counted as a loss, Also there is another bug, I was matched against a silver and a bronze today (my treat is silver) and the silver was max rank and bronze was rank 195 with ATAC 424 Patroller, And I was matched alone against them so I called for backup and the backup gave me a rank 74 bronze that was using a SHAW, so at that mission the enemy silver player had 9 kills and the bronze player had 5 kills, And for my team I had 13 Kills and my bronze teammate literally had 0 kills 1 assist 14 Deathes, So what the hell APB, These match making unfair bugs should be fixed, They should also consider K/D Ratio and rank at match making not only treat, Tell me if you hate these match making bugs too.
  14. Yep, I am trying to fix that Merged. BTW, Why APB forum doesn't allow you to upload images like every single forum on earth?
  15. https://media.giphy.com/media/khOhRkEIHQK51qGBMV/giphy-downsized.gif
  16. I just went to check the JT store today and... WTF, All weapons in it are now offered Perma for free, I saw a sh*t-load of folks in-front of Wilde impressed of what just happened, So why did LO do that? and will they do another small patch to revoke what they just did?
  17. NFAS is my favorite weapon when I equip it with reflex sights 3 and improve rifling 3, It gives me ultimate advantage against these ATAC 424 Try-hards, But I am wondering if it will get Nerfed again since it was Nerfed 6 Years ago, So Will it get nerfed again? I like it they way it is since it is the one of the rare weapons if not the only weapon that ATAC 424 simply can't defeat in close-quarters-combat, So what will happen exactly in the up-coming updates?
  18. What happens if Nfas gets un-nerfed? I use Nfas and it is very OP already with reflex and improve rifling, Then what about it's original power before it got nerfed
  19. Thanks for doing that event Ketog, I had fun.
  20. Wait, what? you said the event will have no rewards
  21. I am wondering if this requires you to also be a part of Social wave/Criminal longue. I design some really nice cars, I would like to show them off
  22. I created Vegas G20s with mercury kit and awesome design, But then I struggled for 13 Days after I made it then had to sell it for 30% lower price than contact price, So no, selling stuff is really NOT helping at making money.
  23. I found a bug, It happens when you spawn for the first time in a Server after you join it, This bug happens after you click on any spawn point, It puts your location marker on Spawn map and gives you the Spawn loading screen forever, Anyone else noticed that?
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