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Everything posted by LAPDAlonso

  1. engine upgrade is never coming, let's face it. It will be 2020 in a few months, I'm getting old folks, release it before i turn 80 please.
  2. You guys fell for it. People ask these questions so when they get banned for using hacks, they can use the recording problem as their excuse. This is how closet hackers think, come on. You guys should know this already lol.
  3. Matt, can you tell me if there will more visual options in the graphic settings to choose from? Also more importantly can you add HQ bloom settings in the option menu and make it optional ? i say optional because a few folks complained about it. Also what happen with "expanding" the two main districts, i read that in a report when the engine upgrade was being talked about. Thanks. And last, when is the engine upgrade coming? this year ?
  4. I agree, who cares about some new contacts in the same old tiresome district maps. We want the engine upgrade, new better visuals ( HQ Bloom settings as optional, so people won't complain ), weather effects like rain and snow, finish Asylum district and create a new map district and stick to their original plain about "expanding" the two old districts. So i agree, sadly the team doesn't get it. I also would like to see them bring back the old threat system, but i highly doubt that would happen , even though IMO i think by removing it , it killed the game. Summer of 2020
  5. What Matt is saying, expect the engine upgrade to be finally be release in Summer of 2021. Seriously, every update they give is same thing over and over again, data reports, what they are doing, how they are having problems, its coming soon. Said that what, 2-3 years ago.
  6. That's a difference of opinion obviously, because if the game look and played like that right now, i will play all day everyday. I am curious who made those videos, because whoever did it, sure are a better dev than LO team/Gamerfirst.
  7. When i haven't played APB in like a year or months, i sometimes dream about it. Probably just a sign we need to come back playing it. Or i think we are awaiting the engine upgrade and probably upset that its never coming. (which seems to be the case)
  8. sorry haven't been here in a while. but thanks for the info.
  9. 2 Weeks of premium, hmmm not bad. But what about sharing some new engine video and photos? can't you guys do this for the community.
  10. Actually you know what, i would put it to you like this. If LO would release the RTW version/edition with all the old stuff in tact, including the old threat system, graphics, hud, visuals, tracers, muzzle flashes, and release it on Steam as a new game and called it All points bulletin RTW edition, I BETCHA! i betcha 300 dollars, people will flock to it and more players will be playing that version, instead of the current APB. I guarantee you that over 5,000 players will be online right now, maybe even more. If i was LO i would do it, and just expand on the features, like expand the two main districts with new areas and places to explore, DX11/DX12 and new maps, finish up Asylum and make that into a full new district. But again, this is just my views. I just don't think even with the new engine upgrade its not going to solved anything in the long run. But then again, i look forward to the new engine upgrade, and i hope that they bring back the beautiful visuals from the early versions, including that bloom quality so at night time it actually looks like night time and add some reflections from rain and the sun. But i am probably asking for too much lol
  11. I just told you, in fact i have been telling you. So has others for years now. The problem is, you don't listen. Or in your case you just don't agree that the old version is better than what we have now. And that's your opinion. Numbers don't lie and i know what i am talking about, sadly again you guys just don't listen. And that's why the game is where its at now. And now another merge is happening. This game has been going down hill since all that stuff i mention started to be removed from the game, if you don't want to believe that, that's on you. And that's all I'm going to say. Have a nice day.
  12. I think i should have been a bit more clear on what i mean by bring back the rtw version. I'm referring to the old gun sounds (which are way better than the sounds we have now ), the old threat system, the old hud, the blue muzzle flashes and tracers, old better graphics with bloom, etc. I'm sure you can find videos to what i am talking about. And not just RTW, after RTW, past early apb versions. If i am not mistaken, the changes to the game from the RTW didn't happen until they changed the old threat system, I'm not sure when they removed the old gun sounds, and got rid of the tracers and muzzle flashes. and don't even get me started again on who changed the graphics and replaced it with this ugly mess we have now. Old version was more fun and better, but again, what do i know, i just know what i see
  13. I already told them that they needed to bring back the RTW version , I am pretty sure not only would people come back playing that version over this one, but more players will be playing it over the current version we have now. But hey what do i know, I'm a nobody. See how that worked out since they removed the old threat system years ago, game has been heading down hill ever since, and firing G1blackbeard was the worse decision ever. The new company, no offense, but i hope they know what they are doing.
  14. Why is you guys bringing back a old thread from the depths of hell? Thanks Matt for answering the question about TechMech. Once again you people don't read correctly and also seem to love putting words in my mouth. I never said i worked with any police officers tracking down cheaters in APB. I clearly said i work with other GM's from other gaming companies who are in my clan who help track and catch cheaters in APB. Maybe try actually listening to what i say from time to time instead of hearing what you want to hear.
  15. I will make this short as possible. This is a goodbye post( but read carefully) but i also want to say a few things. I have been playing this game since RTW(last 2 weeks), and i have dealt with and seen all the changes with this game since then. I still remember the good times when this game launched on steam, there was 4 servers: EU1 = 5000 Players / EU2 5000 players / Colby 4200 players ( all time record ) and Joker (4500) , so you're looking at around 180k players online every day. That's pretty good for a game that came back from the dead. I remember the old gun sounds, and blue muzzle flashes, the beautiful graphics/visuals from the past ( not sure what in the hell Monte was thinking when he changed the visual appearance of the game/textures.) I also remember the old threat system, which made the game fun. There's no purpose, no goal to play this game anymore. This is just my opinion, but i honestly believe the game started to die when they removed the old threat system. The player base probably will hit 5,000 players right now, if the new team bought back the old threat system and upgraded it. I told the old team to do this, and other people did also, they didn't listen, you see the aftermath of this? Nevertheless, you guys know that old saying " all good things come to an end", well that's not true at all. Real life lessons, if people listen to each other and when you know you have something great going, don't messed it up. Good things come to an end because the people in charge or the people who are in a position never listen to reason and they end up messing things up for everyone. G1Blackbeard was a great example, I am not sure what exactly happen to him, but after he left or was fired, things really went down hill with the "communication" . I still highly regard him as the best GM. (along with G1Nexus, G1Alleeia, G1Zieu & Neume). I also respected Dev Bryt (he was much more respected under Byrt, then Jobs. That whole Taco/carebear clan nonsense just ruined him IMO ). Now fast forward in 2018, we have a new company and we have that communication back. Its nice to see a new team take over and glad to see that Androvald is still around. He helped out my wife in the game when steam launcher, we were all talking on the mic, not sure if he remembers that though. Anyways, i respect the new team for taking over and possibly keeping this game alive, i respect that. But some far, i really don't agree with some of the decision making so let me get down to the bottom line. ........................................................ The main reason why i am leaving APB ( and by the way, in the past i never said i was quitting APB, i said i was taking a break, which i did ) is what Matt said in that anti-cheat post. He said that they are not going to be Broadcasting bans and he believes its toxic to do that. I'm sorry , but i disagree with that decision and i think its a very very bad idea not to Broadcast bans. If you don't want to do it in the game , which i think should happen, that's cool., but not to Broadcasted them anywhere its insane. Let me explain something, for the real legit people who play this game, we want to see who is being banned, especially for those, including myself and my clan members and other people who play this game to take the time to record these players, and submit in videos of them. Knowing who is being banned or have been ban, making us feel conformable of knowing that some sort of action is being done. Not telling us, doesn't give us any reinsurance that something is happening. BattlEye is install, but not banning anyone? When i read that, i really did "roll on the floor and laugh". If i didn't know any better, not broadcasting bans, saying its toxic, and you said you want to be "extremely carefully about banning players", hmmm makes me wonder if you guys are going to take it serious. If you know the history of APB Reloaded/All points bulletin, even in the past there were "closet hackers" who complained about being banned, and complaints about people being um "wrongly banned" lol. I remember in the past, over 5,000 players were banned, history repeats itself? because they did unbanned i think over 200 people. The facts are Matt , if over a million people was banned in PUBG, do you remember believe that there's not alot of cheating happening in this game? People cheat ok, that's something that's always going to happen. Stop being so nice to people, because again real life lessons, the majority of people in this world who do wrong, commit crimes, most of them will not change. So your decision not want to broadcasting bans, that's the main reason why i am quitting. Because i need to see who is being banned, it helps put my mind at ease knowing that this new team is taking things seriously. And i know i am not the only person who feels this way. I usually hold my tongue for certain things, but I'm real about it, and i thought you and your team should know. There's nothing toxic about broadcasting bans and that sounds like you're basing this off a personal opinion. When bans were mention in the chat in game, i never seen anyone get upset, people will be laughing or just shocked or just don't say anything. Why are you so scared of calling people out? People cheat, that's something that you and the rest of the online gaming world has to realized, the sh** is never going to go away, in no online game. Besides that, i also don't see where this game is headed too. Meaning, i know you guys just got onboard per say, but how long is the engine upgrade going to take? when is it coming or give us an idea on when it might show up? For the Devs, you do realized it takes about 10-15 months to create a map district, did you know that? What sort of future, road map do you foresee for this game? What type of leveling system/ranking system, threat system are you planning? The old team talked about "expanding the old two districts, even went as far to use that red bridge in the background in waterfront as a new driving location", did you know that in the old two districts there are "locked areas behind gates" that can be opened up for new areas to explore? what are you plans for Asylum? to make it into a new full district? Think about bringing in "Midtown district or a new city map"? Blue muzzle flashes? (optional settings)? I wish the new team the best, and i hope you guys succeed into making APB into a better game, but unless you broadcast bans publicly on a "site" and in the game, i have no intention on coming back. ................................................... Now about my request, well one day i hope someone in the department decide to release the original RTW version client and just add bots to play against / basically the full RTW APB game, but for those who just want to battle the AI with the same leveling up, everything included, old stuff fully intact. I will buy the RTW client , right now for as high as 300 - 400 dollars, if you made one for 300 dollars right now, if you sold it. Just saying. That's just my final request, before i leave. I also requested this, because let's face the facts, one day APB Reloaded is not going to be around and I'm positive that 100 million investment you wouldn't want it to go to waste, meaning a RTW or a "offline" version would make sense, that way " Those who love APB will always be able to play the game forever". That's all i wanted to say. Bye.
  16. I'm online right now, one problem i have notice i can't use the action mirillis recorder anymore, its not being detected. Fraps and bandicam works though.
  17. Let me get online and see who's doing what right now haha.
  18. I know people are excited about getting unbanned (lol) and battlEYE atm, but i am curious about how far is the engine upgrade for the PC and when is possible that it will show up and if its coming before the end of the year? And a road map? and what are you plans for the threat system? That's all i really wanted to know and care about at this point. Thanks.
  19. Hey Lixil and MattScott, check your email in a min Lixil, I'm sending you something i want you to pass to matt, this just one time. Thanks.
  20. forums are off the hook today lol . But yea I'm in Maryland right now, Dundalk and Owings Mills area to be exact. Visiting family and friends with my wife. I just want the engine upgrade for the PC to appear and a new threat system lol. Anyways, let me go play paladins battlegrounds for a while. See ya. People don't like snitches lol. But you won't see me for a while, taking a break until some new content/engine upgrade appears. See you when it shows up. Peace
  21. Any admin can see my IP and I'm in Maryland at the moment. I'm not LuzExtinguido. I also have nothing against Shini or Lust, personally anyway. What in the world are you talking about? Yea someone can closed this post, I said what i had to say from the start. Bye. I don't watch GM's, again, what are "you" talking about also? lol. I have nothing against the real GM's who are with Little Orbit. As for the community GM's, i haven't even seen them and I'm not even concern about them. My focus when i play this game or any of my clan members play this game, we watch players, not those who have GM or dev titles. You guys are silly lol. thanks for the chuckles bro.
  22. Hello everyone, Hello Matt and Lixil. I was just reading that thread about the Lag and GM abuse. I'm confused about one thing, Lixil said this: After a quick investigation (on the correct server), it was deduced that a GM did, in fact, mess around with Shini. Effective immediately, Bas3, is no longer part of the GM team for Little Orbit and will not be welcome to apply for future roles of GM with the company. " My first question, Was Bas3 a paid employee with the company ? or was this person someone who just applied online to be part of the GM community team? The reason i ask and confused, because i thought GM community players aren't allowed to have admin tools and do actual GM duties? Now if Bas3 was a real GM , an employee with the company, then i don't see why he was "fired" . I mention this to you Lixil before, that I'm a GM myself and community manager for a few different gaming companies ATM and in the past, one of them was T3entertaiment and i use to work with Scapes, Tiggs knows him also from flagship, I'm also a ex dev for Terminal Reality(T2), there's nothing wrong with playing with the players using our admin tools for "fun or entertainment purposes", we just have to make sure we informed the public/community players in the game before we do it. In the past with APB, there was someone name G1Zieu who i highly respect, but I'm not sure what happen to person, but i do know the day players were reporting him for using admin tools against the players. I really don't understand the logic by any player why they were get upset about it. If the argument about how Game Masters can't have fun and use them on players or in the environment around the players and "players" aren't allowed to do it, well that argument can not be be won. Players aren't allowed to use them , period .......................................................................... Now my Concern about allow players who are not employed with the company to have GM titles(red tags) or even GM roles should not be allowed. No offense Little Orbit, but you're just asking for trouble when you make these decisions. You shouldn't allow anyone who is not on your payroll to be allow any have any GM powers or GM roles. New players already get help in the game by other players, this is nothing new. Players take the time, well those players who are willing to report players for suspicious activity or whatever already do this. You shouldn't have to have players apply for a certain role to be able to do these things, which both those things are already being done. Even myself, I'm sure you can check the log on how many players i have reported under my character name LAPDAlonzo, and i have the evidence to back up every player who i think is cheating. You want names, clan names, rank numbers, videos, i have them. You don't need to have player GM's in the game, when the players ourselves are willing to report people or even help new players. Now you can do whatever you like, but I'm just saying be very wary about how you do things. I say be wary, because some of the players will try to fool you. A player who cheats will always cheat, period. They can't hep themselves, either they suck so bad at life or in the game, they have to use cheats to win or to get to the top. You guys are talking about unbanning players, that is what they are waiting for. I personal think its a bad mistake, but its pretty obvious you want to get them a second chance, and due to the low population , you will see an increase in playerbase. If you want to see a real increase in playerbase, the best thing to do is to release the engine upgrade, bring back the old threat system or something similar to it, new content in general, and promote it everywhere, including on steam, you will see a huge increase in player-base. ................................................................................ Anyways to end this, I'm just letting you guys know that don't be stupid ( not implying that you are) and don't fall for everything. Players who cheat are criminals, period(be careful on giving them a second chance). Second, a GM using his powers against players is not a violation of a Game Master duties.( you may have mix views about this, remember i said what happen to G1Zieu, he did nothing wrong IMO). And last, To Lixil and Matt, i think you both are doing a great job of handling "certain" things, don't let any players bother you with any nonsense. The comments in that thread was honestly disgusting to read, and i know you Lixil apologized for that "player GM" ( i'm assuming bas3 is? ) was behaving. The only people you should be concern about are players using any cheats/hacks/3rd party tools and i think one of yall said credit card fraud ( seriously people actually do that? are they that low of a person? ) This is just my opinion and my opinion alone. But if a GM who works for little orbit wants to have fun and use his or tools against players, or whatever, that's fine, but that GM should always informed the public about it first or ask the players in the game if its cool to do. But even if he or she does not, it shouldn't bother the players, what happen to everyone sense of humor? In the past, i clearly seen most of the players enjoy some of the past GM's roaming around in the district, playing around. But there's always some players out there who don't support it/accept it. But that shouldn't mean that GM should be fired or let go because of it. I can tell you like this, in the past when there were alot of GM's in the game, players felt at ease knowing that there are GM's in the game, and if a player is cheating, that GM or even dev will banned them. I think You Matt said the team has to be careful on who to ban, well that's not true. I'm not sure how well you are at detecting someone using a cheat, but its very easy to do it. The problem with APB, there's alot of people who do cheat and won't take responsibility for what they do and try to make you feel like you're the one that is wrong. Now some of them are giving a second chance soon lol, not a wise idea. One of my clan members caught someone cheating the other night using a Stabba, that player was a low rank silver, that player was on a team with another player who just happen to be a rank 255, and that rank 255 player was training the silver. So you have to cheaters right there, because the rank 255 has to know what the player he or she is training is doing. It doesn't take long to figure out how criminals behaved and how they try to look less suspicious about their activities. Cheating in online games is never going to go away, period. Its everywhere, even worse in games like fortnite and pubg. You have over a million people who use hacks in PUBG, that should tell you something right there. There's alot of evil people in this world without a good conscience. So my advice, you should never allow any player who is not with your company , an non employee to become a GM in any sense of the word. Take care and good luck with your game. I am not playing APB atm, decided i will come back once the engine upgrade is release and a better threat system, no telling how long that's going to be. But hope everything works out. If you want to closed this post, that's up to yall, just read it before you do.
  23. I don't see any difference then using the N word, and saying any other hateful ignorant words, such as the B word, F word. Its all the same. My advice, ignore it. If someone is using too much "foul lauangue" report them. I was online this morning, you have people talking about sucking off their mothers or something or having sex with men. There's some weird people who play this game. There should be a chat filter though, so we can enable that option to censor what shows up in chat.
  24. Considering i have been playing since RTW, and I'm still here in 2018, i am patient.
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