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Posts posted by Yapopal

  1. I was banned a month ago. During this time, I have sent three requests to the support service. About a week after sending the application, it disappears. The second application leads to the same result. Fingers crossed, I'm going through to the third round!







    I have supported this project 91 times. Isn't that enough to help me?



    I've been bypassing anti-cheat protection for 12 years. I am so confident in myself that I have supported the project 91 times without fear of being banned. I've been playing for 10,000 hours now and I've never been caught. Yes, I am a super mega scammer! Put up a monument to me in the social district!

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  2. On 4/17/2024 at 10:25 PM, iRawwwN said:

    out of everything idiotic you said in your post, this has got to be one of the most brainless things on this forum that I have read.

    Why do you call my criticism idiocy? Most gold players use the vulnerabilities of the game to gain benefits. This is a fact. You consider such behavior normal for the same reason that cannibals in the wild tribes of the Amazon consider it normal to devour their grandfather for dinner. You think - everyone does it and I do it, it's okay, the administration doesn't criticize me, so it's okay. But this is not normal. The Bagoyuz is the basis of excellence in the APB. 
    Tell me, which one of us is an idiot?

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  3. Your speech is very inspiring, but the customization system is almost meaningless because it is separate from the gameplay. I will give you an example of an excellent integration of the customization system into the gameplay. 
    Imagine gang and gang wars. The district is divided into sectors belonging to the dominant factions. Each group influences the situation in its sector. Gangs of criminals wreak havoc, paint graffiti and destroy cars. Groups of security forces counteract them. Imagine that the players of the dominant clans get access to the area map editor. This will give a huge boost to the social component of the game. Clans will make sense. People will have common goals. But this is not the case... Today, clans exist for a tag under the nickname "I am the coolest pepper in the village"
    I'll give you another example of an excellent integration of the customization system into the gameplay. Exhibitions and sales of players' works in the social area. This has been added to the game for a long time, but no one is updating the assortment. No one holds contests on this topic. This could be done by the people responsible for the recent squalid and broken GUN GAME events. 
    Why not add new font sets or universal wheel models to the store, textures of clothing materials, textures of car interior materials? 
    The developers realized that the game engine would not give them the opportunity to move on. Its replacement is impossible. That's why they're marking time. They've been doing some nonsense for half a year, then a patch comes out that adds new bugs... 
    Given the experience of previous years, I can tell you that the rumors about the closure of the game are quite real. Imagine yourself in Matt's place. He spent the money on the wind and is now trying to get it back, but nothing comes out. He has no resources left for development. Most likely, some kind of contract will expire in October, preventing you from closing the game today. These are just my guesses, but I'm sure we won't hear back from the developer.

  4. The missions are designed for 4 criminals and 4 enforcer. Adding extra players leads to confusion and chaos. Team leaders are appointed almost randomly. These innovations will break the mechanics of missions and reduce the number of free players to zero. Players will be stuck in a crappy mission with no way out of it. Give the players a choice. Give them the opportunity to exit missions without stupidly restarting the client!

  5. 6 hours ago, BlatMan said:

    I thought you were banned.

    You're right. I was banned. But that didn't stop me from creating a new account. And that's the big problem with this game. For cheaters, it doesn't matter if they are banned or not. Yesterday, our team was spoiled by two rank 40 cheaters. They're having fun, we're not. There is no way to refuse recurring matches with them. It's upsetting.

  6. I would love to take part in your delightful celebration. Yes, that's the problem... I was banned by your wretched anti-cheat! 
    Today I was very disappointed to see some dudes playing.  Judging by their rank, they created accounts yesterday, a nickname of unrelated letters, a gun firing a burst... The score in the mission is 18 to 2... these dudes will probably be banned tomorrow and they will create accounts again. Tell me why the hell I shouldn't hate your work on this game?

    The holiday in this game will come when you guys start solving problems QUICKLY!

  7. The main question. Deadlines for completion. There are no deadlines. Only pathetic positive answers to disturbing questions. The phrase "near future" is very vague. Given the experience of Matt's previous statements, the new statements are worthless. They have the same value as farting into flour. 
    I do not know, maybe working on this project is his hobby? I see work that doesn't look like working on a profitable project.

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  8. Would you like me to tell you a joke? One small company spent money to implement an anti-cheat that blocks players for no reason. Do you think this is the end? No. This small company knows about the problem, but does nothing to solve it. Yes, I am aware that this will be fixed soon. But when? When?  This problem has been present in the game for more than a year. Has the game been losing its audience for more than a year? Explain why the hell you are doing further development of the game? Who are you trying for? An idiotic anti-cheat is emptying your pockets right now, and nullifying the results of your work. This is absurd. 
    I was banned permanently. I've been playing since its launch, I remember when it was paid. My account is over 10 years old. Of those 10 years, I spent about a year in the game. 
     Short-sighted developers and cheaters will soon destroy the game. The direction of the vector is set definitively. 
    A little explanation. I call cheaters people with Flavs configs, macros, bug unions and other scum. Scum who use the vulnerabilities of the game for superiority, and hiding behind excuses about poor optimization and other nonsense.

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  9. OPGL grenades fall under the sidewalks.  It is necessary to increase the size of the 3d model of the grenade collision. Or fix 3d models of sidewalks.
    OSMAV missiles fly past the target if the character is near the car. This is a crude crutch that changes the mechanics of shooting! It is necessary to correct 3d models of car collisions. It is necessary to change the respawn point of the missile, to make it closer to the weapon model.
    Setting up graphics is a solid bug. It's not normal when third-party apps are used to customize the game, and half of the players use the potato graphics mod.
    Third-party players' cars are shot through during the mission. This is also a rough crutch. It's confusing. Third-party players can still interfere with the mission. To solve this problem, it is necessary to remove cars from the point of completion of the task, but it is worth doing this only if the owner of the car is not involved in a third-party mission.

    If the owner of the car participates in a third-party mission and his car blocks the task, then it is necessary to make the car vulnerable to damage

  10. Your account will be unlocked, don't worry. Anti-cheat has long undermined trust and will soon be removed from the game. But the funny thing about this is that the company spent money on integrating an anti-cheat that bans honest players, while cheaters will continue to do their dirty deeds.

  11. 1 hour ago, Pista said:


    It doesn't help when this game has GM (ingame) telling players who complain about weapon balancing that "weapons are balanced, you need to learn game mechanics."


    If weapons are balanced we wouldn't see all the tryhards using the same OP weapons.


    I agree with you. The game master's recommendation To study game mechanics is that the player should be able to use the bugs of the game. Quickswitch is a bug. Reducing the sight in a jump is a bug. Improving the accuracy of shooting when changing the display resolution is a bug. Rapid-fire shooting with a mouse wheel or a macro is a bug. A huge delay in the health interface for some types of weapons, such as PMG, is a bug. If a game master calls this the study of game mechanics, then he is an ordinary buguser!

  12. Little Orbit has been solving problems for a very, very long time, because of which the population is declining. For example, the imbalance of guns, the developers could fix it at least every week without attracting large resources. There are a thousand such examples. But the fact is that the developers themselves ruin their project with their inaction and indifference. 
    This game is like a dog on a chain. Every six months, the owner brings her a barrel of water and a bag of feed. Everything seems to be fine, there is food, there is water, but for some reason dog want to die.

    • Thanks 1

  13. There are two anti-cheats working in the game. At the peak of the online game, the population is around 400 players. But at the same time, in almost every battle there is a player who violates the rules. Why use configs if they spoil the graphics? For the sake of better performance? Seriously? Are you playing a calculator there? Why does every other player use a pistol firing bursts? Don't you think it's too much? Why are my friends permanently banned by anti-cheat for a legal video capture program? Why are shotguns useless? Any additional weapon has an advantage over a shotgun if the distance exceeds 15 meters. Heavy sniper rifles are useless against semi-automatic rifles. Adrenaline is broken, spray is broken, Obeya CR762 is broken, Colby 45 is broken. Colby PMG 28, low time-kill, poor server performance is a great reason to throw mud at the game. Matt, as the owner of this game, you are the best role model. You don't respect this game, and the players follow your example. Once again, your stream is empty chatter. Actions are important.

  14. 2 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

    but then players would exit if losing, and good players would never get matches, since everyone can just quit and get another try

    You're right. We need deterrents. At the moment, the limiting factor is the loss of time to restart the game. You can replace this factor with another factor. For example, to impose a fine in the amount equivalent to the amount of winnings.

    There are also people I don't want to play with, they abuse the rules. I would love to blacklist them for a couple of weeks so I don't have to play with them. Expanding the capabilities of the blacklist will help in this.

  15. 6 hours ago, BlatMan said:

    Duh, this new matchmaking isn't going to work with a pop of 40. That's why it should have never been implemented. It takes longer to find missions, and the missions are less balanced since the teams' player count is even. What's the point of waiting longer? Just go with the matchmaking that Open Conflict used. Threat balance doesn't matter as much when you can instantly get a mission after mission.

    The matching system lacks an unlocked exit button from the mission. The ability to exit the mission at any time will improve the rotation of free players.

  16. These streams are just empty chatter. There is no one in the premises of the company's office. Three permanent employees work remotely. Sometimes random people are hired for some kind of work. I am sure of this because the game is in a deplorable state. The administration is not even trying to solve the issue of population decline. They ignore the problems of anti-cheat, ignore the problem of bug-breakers, the problem of broken guns. Read the reviews in the Steam. Most players say one thing. The game is good, excellent customization, unique game mechanics. But it's full of cheaters and veterans. It is impossible to play. LO does not seek to correct this mess. Their main goal is to attract profits by creating the illusion of the company's work.

  17. 14 hours ago, bajkon said:

    Just get good or get some fancy dll to your game, admins careless 

    There are no administrators here. Their place is taken by people whose only task is to wear a badge on their shirt.

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  18. Do you know how to lose credibility and trust?  The recipe is simple. Does not fulfill his promises or do them in a way that would be better not to do. You talk a lot in vain. Ignore the people who trust you.

    Please provide arguments if this is not the case.

    I don't understand your logic. You are selling a product. The buyer tells you where your product is bad. You completely ignore him, and continue to rub the sign and the window.

    You have a bad policy.

  19. The Little Orbit website has written a great speech for investors. I wonder if there was at least one moron who believed what was written there... I do not know for sure and maybe I am wrong, but there is only one screen left of the company behind which there is nothing. The developers are not interested in the development of the project, all the work is aimed at simulating the work. Promises, fiery speeches, low-grade content... - this is all that a team of one developer, Matt Scott, is capable of. It takes a lot more effort and money to develop the game! You're ruining yourself!

  20. It's easy to solve. The first step is to unlock the ability to exit the mission at any time and assign a fine and loss of experience for this. The second step is to change the principle of operation of the hazard assignment system. Assign a zero danger level at the start of the mission to all players. If the player is clearly superior to the others, he will increase his danger level. Upon reaching the fifth level of danger, the player becomes a target for all players of the opposing faction for several minutes. The death of a player does not affect the cancellation of the fifth level of danger. Read reviews about the game on any website. Public opinion says that the game is good, the customization system is excellent, but it is teeming with cheaters! In fact, these are not cheaters, but people lost in life (APB esports players). The administration is to blame for this state of affairs. They can't fucking figure out what the reason for the unpopularity of the game is. here's a simple example for you - anti-cheat. Six months of work. Reviews do not change - the APB is teeming with cheaters. Dear developers, you are working in the wrong direction! And you can't understand it for several years! Analyze at least something! This stupidity is very annoying!

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