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Posts posted by Thaumaturge

  1. On 1/22/2022 at 12:02 PM, Sniperturtle said:

    While there is no cheat that can literally make you immortal there are indeed cheats that register whether you are being aimed at and move you out of the way, or at least they existed. Had this one time i was aiming with the golden Act44 at a guy who was aprox 50m away behind a wall and only a marginal bit of his hitbox and head stuck out.

    Aimed at him, my crosshair turned red, he moved to the side. This happened a few times and i started wondering, so i experimented on him for a the few remaining seconds in the mission without actually firing, and he was sitting completely still safe for the moments when my crosshair was over him and turned red which then caused him to move a bit to the side so it wasn't red any more.

    But that was 3 years ago, been observing it more frequently but that's when i first took note of it.

    I have one instance where i captured that behavior on stream with an opponent after a match where one of us was bounty and thus as my crosshair went over her she moved to the side even though she was apparently afk. Only realized that later sadly, it would have made a great opportunity to highlight this.


    And yeah, hitreg is a horror. You crouch in MM and try to land shots while they run around and do backflips and all sorts of nonsense and hit every shot because "statistics" say they should. That needs urgent fix, but will never happen ofc.


    no you didn't.

    a cheat/macro that does that would LITERALLY make the game unplayable outside of the situation where he is barely peeking.


    more than likely you went into that match with an implicit bias the guy was cheating and then you used situations like that to confirm your belief and forgot about all the other times it didn't happen.


    arguably the biggest problems with this game has been the removal of the appropriate threat system so players genuinely had a gauge of how good someone was (yes, g7+ players fighting g1-5's is the equivalent of a gold fighting a bronze in skill difference.) how unclear the third person camera can make certain engagements, the poor servers g1 threw up about 3 or 4 months into their ownership of the game that have caused hitreg issues ever since

  2. You seem to misunderstand something.


    Most good players, i'd even argue and say "good" players play like that because it is the most optimal way to play. They aren't tryharding, it's just the natural way to play the game. After a point playing like that is simply habit.


    APB has devolved into this: Stomping morons who can barely operate a mouse 95% of the time, and getting good opp the other 5% of the time.

    • Like 5
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  3. On 8/17/2019 at 4:16 AM, Kestrain said:

    It's getting really annoying getting back into this game after 3 years, going into Silver districts, and losing EVERY GAME to Gold tryharding 255s. 

    this has to stop, Remove the Treat System, Put 255s in their own little World and keep them the fuck out of Silver Districts. 

    "Oh but Kes, why don't you just 'git gud?' "I hear some of you furiously typing at me. 

    it's hard to "git gud" When the weapons you have aren't shit, They take more damage than possible, and they have way more skill than you could even compete with. 

    255s need to get fucked off and locked to their own District, or be forced to sit out on missions/Kept out of missions. 

    I watched a Gold Detreat, go into WF Bronze the other day, and trash a few new players. 



    why 255? why not 195 for top tier mods? why not 80 for certain vehicles?



  4. 1 hour ago, Ohshii said:

    With all due respect, EVERYBODY who streams APB gets stream sniped. I dont care if youre a nobody or Summit, everyone gets stream sniped in APB. If you want to learn the game, don't do it on stream. Lesson learned.


    I'm not about to cater to or rub the back of a new guy who t-bags, talks trash, acts cocky by saying his opp isn't good while getting beat up, and then rage quits. He got carried by a smurf and had this salty look on his face the entire video all the while non-stop complaining. With all due respect, the only people catering to this video are silvers who need something/someone to blame for when they get rolled on in missions.


    If you want to get good at APB, you have to put in work and get good. If you magically expect to pick the game up and just beat everyone up and be god-tier, you're an honest to god moron. Look at Summit. His aim is better than most players in this game. yet when he plays and doesnt get griefed, he STILL SUCKS. You know why? He refuses to learn the maps, missions, guns, mechanics or anything else. He just ASSUMES he's gonna be #1 cus he has good aim in OTHER GAMES.


    Again, with all due respect, the streamer alt-f4'd and I hope he doesn't ever come back. And if he does, he better stick to the bronze district off stream and show a little more respect to the game, or he's gonna be in some more huge disappointing patootie beatings. 



    Gold player out.

    no they don't. if you're gonna be a shitty pers, or you have a poor attitude, or you rage you will get streamsniped.


    there are some people who will do this off stream frequently, and leaving people that aren't in the know wondering why they get streamsniped.


    summit was one of those people who would shittalk people who beat him, off stream, in whisper constantly.


    using my personal experience here, at least from the last two years, every time i streamed as a "known" player (prime "streamsniping target", especially with my ego), i've been streamsniped one time.



    everything else i agree, this streamer was a shitty pers, got what he deserved. company he kept was moronic at best too.


  5. the apb community is so clueless it literally blows my mind


    what Zombiebiscuit posted:


    Step 1. Go to bronze District

    Step 2. Destroy Greens and Bronzes

    Step 3. Hit silver

    Step 4. Go to Silver district

    Step 5. Get destroyed and whine

    Step 6. Go back to Bronze district

    Step 7. Destroy Greens and Bronzes again

    Step 8. Get opp better than you

    Step 9. Complain then rage quit


    was what the guy was doing



    guy deserved it, new players actually get the help they need when they arent assholes. refer to @Asu


    @claude youre about 4 years out of meta buddy

    • Like 1

  6. On 6/23/2019 at 6:50 AM, Nitronik said:

    TL;DR Yes, LO please fix the car stats thank you

    First off - LOL. The meta does NOT favor the Vegas as much as you think it does. Far, far from it.

    That said,
    Yes, goddamnit. Vehicles need a stat rework, and bad.

    Everyone with half a brain has been saying it, and everyone who plays the game can see it - SP3 / Nitro Pioneer, SP3 / Nitro Pioneer, some SP3 / Nitro Espacios, a Vegas 4x4 sprinkled here and there...

    That is, if you want to *win*. If you're just HaViNg FuN you may also spot the odd Mikro around town. Paging my man @Thaumaturge to get his awesome "so you want to win" flowchart posted, since a picture's worth a thousand words

    The vehicle health buff that happened way back in 2013-2014 was what made the current Pioneer meta cement itself. It's extremely boring and made a good 90% of cars in this game redundant. I miss the 2011-2012 vehicle variety, whereas people actually drove the Jericho and Bishada.

    That said, I do like how the Fresno is a pretty competitive 2seater atm due to its tankiness, so they did get that right.



    • Like 1

  7. 5 hours ago, swindIe said:

    hello can you guys get your priorities straight and stop pissing around trying to develop this absolute failure of a gamemode ( that no one asked for )


    beats me why you guys are trying to implement content instead of focusing on the engine.. anyone with more than 2 brain cells would have been understanding of the lack of content if you actually released it within a reasonable time frame





    more likely they have different development teams working on different things

    • Thanks 1

  8. On 5/31/2019 at 10:38 PM, Noob_Guardian said:

    its almost daily I think run into people using them, i can't be sure because i don't have little to any real practice with semi auto weaponry




    also you aren't aware the disadvantages of a macro, who is max ROFIng you? a silver? secondly how you dying to it? you a speshul?

  9. No.


    It was immediately obvious it was going to be a no. This community harbored extreme negativity towards battle royale, and thats what RIOT is, a slightly changed battle royale. On top of that, it doesn't fit in the game.


    Once we get down into the grit, it showcases everything wrong with the game, like the spawn system.



    I had actually wrote a five paragraph reply as to why RIOT is a heaping pile of garbage, and just changed it to this. I like LO, but I don't understand why this decision was made at all.

    • Like 3

  10. It's uh, pretty obvious that players maintaining a monthly subscription will be your ideal majority income. I, at least, think it should be, and in order to make it so the benefits should be appropriate and not as they are currently...


    The current benefits of premium:

    You can get an insane advantage with orange mods

    Can actually customize your character properly

    XP + Money boost.


    Heres what i propose:

    Increase the symbol limitations for non-premium players a bit, to at least 10 so they can properly dip their feet in the kiddie pool here.

    Add a customization limit to the music studio (this will be vastly unpopular, but hey, most of the wealth in this game is controlled by theme makers, who aren't premium, who also spend most of their time ingame, making themes.)

    Make the current premium CD on orange mods base, and do not give premium an advantage in this regard

    Increase base joker ticket gain a fair bit overall, add 25% more for premium players.

       - Go back to adding community material to the joker store, and guess what, you can now only get the community made material if you're premium.

    Extended marketplace listing times for premium players

    A selection of three skins that rotate monthly that premium players are free to use on their weaponry. (They don't get it permanently, just random skins each month)



    Suggestions requiring a lot more work:

    Premium players getting priority district entry (if a queue system is introduced)

    Automated relisting of duplicated item upon sale (Would require UI/Marketplace rework)



    As for making the current benefits more valuable:

    Decrease amount of $ required to purchase weaponry across the board, as it's pretty much impossible to maintain multiple 3 slot weaponry as a non premium. Instead, make it possible, and make the ammo more expensive.



    • Like 1

  11. 13 minutes ago, RCooper said:

    that already exists rfp with ir3

    one thing i dont really understand why match the range of the jg/csg with the pmg it will make pmg useless and shotguns overpowered


    because you aren't matching the ttk, each will have their niche and it was like that previously years ago, and nobody had an issue. it seems to actually be a commonly requested suggestion from a lot of veteran discussions. (referring to shotguns/pmg)


    not to mention, the range was referring to the damage dropoff (i shouldve clarified), not the spread on the shotguns, which works in its own way independently of other weapons and would seriously hinder it  compared to every other mid range gun. (and this guy just said shotguns are op, wow LOL.)


    so no, if you had any idea how shotgun spread works, you wouldn't be twoshotting at 40m if the damage dropoff was raised, not to mention, the pmg isn't even good at 40 meters.


    and youd be using it because it has its own style of play, is successful at close-mid range, and will outperform an oca past that range every time, while still being relatively competitive with an OCA in its bracket.



    i actually wish you would seriously read my fucking post bro

  12. 6 minutes ago, Lign said:

    I'm talking about your stupid idea to match ttk of fbw and 45, not about act44

    okay, in that case, maybe try being a bit constructive and give a reason, other than a dumb meme video?


    both are stupid easy to use, the 45 is a straight upgrade in every way except the clip size, which is largely irrelevant for any good player. it's also not readily accessible for many players, which is an issue in and of itself.


    1 minute ago, Lign said:

    true, but the problem with act44 and rsa is if it gets even a slight buff, it will too strong. Imagine a secondary that performs as good as obeya or obir

    i'm just gonna stop replying to you, i'm not sure you understand what you're talking about.


    my post literally stated i wanted to return to previous archetypes of having close, medium, and long range secondaries, and that it was important that existing guns (which would include the act44 and rsa), like the RFP, do not outclass primaries.

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