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Posts posted by Thaumaturge

  1. couple things


    1: this game needs more accuracy, not less. anyone proposing less accuracy needs to rethink a lot of decisions in their life, especially those i see that have posted this here, but whine about spread RNG in the APB discord constantly. A better solution was already made and implemented for us, called damage dropoff. Get with the program.


    2. its not that a few guns are overpowered, its just everything else was way overnerfed.


    its important LO starts small, here are some changes i'd like to see, preferably implemented one or two at a time for feedback so they can be modified before adding more as opposed to all at once.


    OCA TTK buff from G1 removed.

    PMG made more accurate


    Important that the OCA will always out TTK the PMG, but the PMG remain competitive at that middle "cqc" distance, and will succeed in outranging it.


    CSG/JG should match the PMG in range, as it used to do.


    Refraining from comment on NFAS/DOW until observations on cqc are made with the above changes


    Carbine should have far steeper damage drop off, and should be much more accurate than it is now.

    OSCAR should have its damage dropoff steepened as well.


    FBW/45 should have matching TTK's, and it should be increased just a tiny bit via firerate changes if the below change is added

    ACT 44/RSA/Long Range Sidearms in general need to be made much more accurate, but still have damage dropoff occur coming out of medium range so they don't out contest long range weaponry ttk wise. You also want the above change to occur in this scenario, or youd have the modern NTEC problem but with a pistol.


    all RFP variants need to have damage dropoff steepened significantly, they should not be replacing primaries in their own right, and consider upping the TTK via firerate so they also cannot dominate other close range weapons.


    STAR should be made a tiny bit more accurate.



    these are the big ones i'd like to see. thank u


  2. 3 hours ago, NotTheEnforcer said:

    They're the definition of a Superiority Complex. They think just because they havent seen them, that they must not exist at all and that only their experience is truth and nobody elses. Cheaters aren't rampant like people say, but theres definitely a specific few who are being obvious. 

    gotta keep in mind server differences


    its not like that at all on NA (yet certain people posting in here about cheaters also play on NA, and i don't want to necessarily call them out, but, some of them are the same people that call me a cheater multiple times a day, and most of the golds they encounter.)

    • Thanks 1

  3. 10 hours ago, Croslie said:

    I hope you are sacastic but if not. you know a max firerate FBW, 45AP, FROG , SR15 Carbine, Obeya CR.762 basically dont bloom at all and a full auto VBR is till great because you dont need to fire full auto all the time only in CQC

    are you actually trolling?


    the only one that is effective past 15-20 meters at max rof is the obeya

  4. 12 hours ago, Zoriya said:

    I've seen one definite cheater in the past week, and a couple more who might have been macro-ing, but that seems about par for the course. With the way this game works, there's a really big gap between someone who is decent like me and someone who is truly dedicated, and I get rolled all the time. Doesn't make them cheaters, better teamwork and map knowledge goes a long way here.

    literally nobody macros in this game


    why the fuck would you LOL


    holy shit please think this through


    "im going to max rof my semi auto weaponry so that way i can't kill anyone past 10m when the bloom peaks"

    • Thanks 1

  5. ITT:


    OP makes post claiming company does nothing, ignoring engine upgrade (probably will quote me and reply as if G1 did something for the engine, even though it was stated there was little done.)


    OP fills post with opinionated statements about balance, outside of a few things everyone can agree on, that again, aren't going to be changed until 3.5 comes out.


    OP also conveniently fails to mention LO has pretty much consistently accomplished everything theyve announced.


    2 hours ago, Clandestine said:

    Actually cheating, especially closetting requires more skills than just playing on rus net and depending on your laggy hitbox

    Hang on bill, just got a breaking news report here.


    Ah, seems you have no idea what you're talking about.

    6 hours ago, Clandestine said:

    BS. If it affected servers then how am I still able to spam and it doesn't even kick me. I have 0 reasons to believe that. It's just another change by people that never played this game.

    A lot of server crashing exploits in the past have been directly related to spamming, and thoroughly abused. Refer: EpicGoat


    However, this type of spamming was typically used to leave a sub par gaming experience easily, so, should have just enabled the option to leave as well.




    I'm incredibly critical of many things about the game, but, if you're going to make a post like this OP, put some effort in, jfc.

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  6. If you use a consumable ammobox to change your orange mod, as an example, field supplier to spotter, you do not have a cooldown as opposed to if you changed it with your own ammobox, it would change with a cooldown.


    How it should work:

    Use ammobox

    Change orange mod

    Be put on normal cooldown.


    How it currently works:

    Use consumable ammobox

    Change orange mod

    Immediately usable provided you didn't just use its cooldown.



    As an example, you can drop your yellow ammobox, change from orange field supplier to spotter, and instantly be able to spot people. If you used your orange field supplier to swap to spotter, it'd have a cooldown on swap.

  7. I'd expect this to have to wait for 3.5, but, yes.


    Inventory/UI Related:

    The inventory desperately needs a sorting system, preferably by categories such as Newest first, Oldest first, or Alphabetical.

    Money and joker tickets should be account wide, people still transfer things between their characters the game just makes it as inconvenient as possible to do so. (excluding joker tickets, obv.)

    The inventory storage needs to be increased drastically, or account wide, preferably both. It's incredibly inconvenient having to spam the marketplace with my belongings to reorganize what i have in my inventory vs the mail. Same with having to log onto another character to mail stuff.

    When mailing weapons in particular, you should only see what you can mail, and none of the rest of the crap.

    District queue, and maybe a "Don't show me this again" for things like threat prompts.

    Customizable crosshairs

    Ability to change theme and symbol anywhere in the world


    Mission Related:

    Objective timers should be standardized across the board, as in all hacks have the same time, etc. You all know what i'm talking about when you get that one mission that has one hack or hijack that takes a millennia even with rank IV equipment for no reason.



    Disabled collision for out of mission players during an opposed mission.

    Consumable ammoboxes should not let you change orange mods without resetting the cooldown as if you changed it normally.



    Sprint toggle/hold binds.

    Crouch toggle/hold binds.

    Marksman/ADS toggle/hold binds


    • Like 6
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  8. On 2/19/2019 at 11:25 AM, TheKeanuReeves said:

    With such a low playerbase, I'm pretty sure support team doesn't even try, Pretty sure they only work on support like 1 hour a week.

    do you even read these forums?


    do you realize how many absolute fucking IDIOTS report every person who has a decent match, every person who has a symbol or word on their outfit or car that offends them, or every person that insults them ingame?


    Some dude not too long ago literally posted here saying he was making 14 or so reports a day trying to get rid of toxic players, and people actually supported his dumb patootie behavior. Many of those claims are probably investigated too.


    Dumbass OP also doesn't realize how far along 3.5 is, and probably believes old G1 did work on it.

    • Like 1

  9. 18 hours ago, Kewlin said:




    Never really thought of the Carbine and N-TEC as similar in use though TBH.


    well used to be, the reason the ntec is a big gun right now is because its not gimped by the dumbest design decision ever made in gaming


    rng spread


    its great when you lose a fight with a carbine when you track them perfectly and your bullets go to switzerland

  10. 14 hours ago, WhiskeyTangoFoxX said:

    Why on earth would reintroducing an even more broken threat system bring back any players, let alone "most?"

    how is it more broken


    its literally the same thing displayed differently, the only difference is it made the game actually have something competitive to work for as gold right now isn't a challenge for anyone that can move a mouse. it also represented the difference between the real top tier players and the average golds, now when you get a gold and you are new you don't know if its someone actually good, or just a random gold.


    even though its the same thing, at least you would see your movement is my main point.



    right now there is nothing to work for in the game, at all, zilch, maintaining the high threat may give people a reason to play, i know it would for myself.

  11. On 2/3/2019 at 1:02 PM, Defibrillator said:

    Thats a crosshair shader. Thats the closest thing anyone could come up with from that image. 

    no its not, its an overlay.


    4 hours ago, Halelulia said:

    Like it would matter if cheats or overlay.

    Its a 3rd party program which gives you an advantage.
    So ban him for being a pathetic scrub.


    good meme, both this dumb patootie post and your title of "threat level diamond".



    as long as it doesn't modify the game files, it is allowed. (so shader crosshairs are not.) sorry to bust the bubbles of all the retards in this thread. ask mattscott/selali in discord or a GM ingame.


    you guys dolts or adults, get real man. one of you deserves to sleep in a twin bed for the rest of your life.



    also, OP, sorry, but you don't have the knowledge or the skill level to know if someone is streaming with cheats, especially considering what you posted isn't even related to cheats. If you think someone is cheating, how about you stop being s'fuzzy bunny and hit the report button on twitch and report them ingame.



    and hey everyone, i'm a bad person. sorry if i hurt your feelings but dumb posts like these exhaust me mentally.

  12. On 1/28/2019 at 1:30 PM, NotTheEnforcer said:

    Welcome to 32-bit. BE basically isn't doing jack shit right now about cheaters. Only thing it really does is detect cheaters who used a detected method of cheating. Anyone who's smart enough to bypass it is scot-free until the reports start flowing. But even then it'll take fucking ages with Support being so backed up. Maybe when 64-bit BE comes along it'll actually be able to detect and ban cheaters like it's supposed to.


    Go ahead and downvote me, yall know its the truth anyway. Hence why there's still speedhackers around even though you wouldnt see any of that shit with a statistics-based anticheat.


    you are wrong, and don't know what you're talking about.


    refer to my previous posts because im getting real tired of typing this shit out so an idiot can understand it.


    when you say you understand anticheats, and particularly battleeye.


    you aren't wrong about 32 bit being less effective, and while it is a significant difference, its not the end all be all of detection.


    and most of the idiots in here thinking googling battleeye bypass means its easy, which is literally the same thing as googling aimbot, you get a lot of results but you don't immediately think its easy to get past every anticheat.



    I also know you're gonna ask this so i'm gonna answer this.


    On 1/29/2019 at 9:36 AM, NotTheEnforcer said:

    You know what, before I answer that, I want to know what your experience with it is. Do you work for them? Do you know everything about the internals of BE? Do you have thousands of hours of experience with programs that run BE?


    You want to make yourself appear so superior to everyone else yet you provide zero background. I can tell you, from my 17,000+ hours of experience with Arma (and it's internals, such as the SQF format), that both architectures are different from each other. You will see vastly more cheaters in ArmA 2 than you will in ArmA 3, even though Arma 3 is much more populated, yet with very little differentiation in the server modes.


    So there's my experience. Wheres yours?


    I don't work for them, I had a roommate for three years who worked in the industry. No, but, I know about the technology they use, considering they set the standard in the anticheat industry right now, so, pretty much every "mainstream" anticheat company if you will takes ideas and methods from others, and it's pretty easy to notice that a good business will have its competitors watching them, and what made BE what it is today is the way it detects cheats with heuristics like certain anti-malware programs detect new forms of malware with heuristics.


    You don't have any experience outside of ARMA and basic server/community administration and likely content creation, not sure why you bothered even writing the latter half of that paragraph.

  13. 8 minutes ago, Noob_Guardian said:

    I know they were kicking from servers for it, didn't know if a policy change made bans happen.

    yup i just mean this has been almost a daily occurence for me as these are like background logoff macros/price check macros you wouldnt know are there unless you hit the binds for them and i have never had any issues, and i've played path since forever, well before BE was even added, and still play through it so no idea but i'm still here.

  14. On 1/25/2019 at 8:34 PM, WorldDominator said:

    As mattscott said once before that it is hard to tell who is cheating and who isn't in Apb specifically, most of the inexperienced unaffected players seem to be happy with those recent bans and congratulating LO for their great work when it actually is a complete madness of them to do that so unprofessionally. Let me tell you that so many people got falsely banned


    So back to the main question, do you think falsely banned players will simply reroll and start it all over again and invest more money and time in that game after years of growing their accounts just simply because of some GMs who seem like they they do not know what they are doing?


    In my opinion i see that the decision of making this ban wave a thing made alot of players distrust LO even more than they already do, sadly.

    This was supposed to be something important that needed to be revised 1000 times to make it flawless by banning the real cheaters only.


    If you got falsely banned keep your story for the support team, Lets just wait and see what will they do 



    i play with many many many very skilled players, none of them got banned. One of them has even streamed without the anticheat hook, so.....


    you know who I know got banned? someone who cheats, was recently banned for cheating, has 5? fairfight bans, and one punkbuster ban under his belt, and his friends.


    hmm, makes me think, actually, now that i think about it, everyone that i know that actually got hit with a ban has a previous vac ban on record, and multiple previous bans in apb, but they were "never cheating". yeah bro, i just got hit because i used a prestige hack in MW2, alright buddy.


    interesting. Fairfight bans? I get that, We do know Tiggs went a bit nuts, banned a few people for streamsniping for "cheating", that sortve thing. BE bans? Yeah, GL, lowest false positive rate in the industry for the type of anticheat it is. Not to mention, everyone i've seen has many bans under their belt already who were hit by it, and that kinda kills all credibility.


    @zyde According to your post history, also looks like you were "banned for no reason" sometime in september or before it.




    ok buddy. id search you up on the old forums or on ffbans or your steam too but, then again, you did change your name for this forum specifically too so you likely have bad history. I mean I know you said your internet nickname in your post history was Vail, but that forum account on the old forums has 0 posts.


    "just a pro"




    just to make a point to people that don't know, you should take a gander at how rare false positives actually are, even with the worst anticheats. it's less than 3-4%, and, you'll notice, most of the people in APB that claim they were falsely banned have been banned a lot, usually multiple times in APB like this dumbass, and many have multiple APB bans + vac bans + bans in other games, because, they like a big ego they didn't earn.

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  15. On 1/28/2019 at 6:35 PM, Noob_Guardian said:


    Wonder if they hit people for macros in the wave as well /speculation



    i play HC path, and i commonly end up running APB with several macros for path open all the time, sometimes i get kicked for it, sometimes i play for a bit before it kicks me, and sometimes I turn them off, and I didn't get banned.

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