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Posts posted by RCooper

  1. 2 hours ago, Noob_Guardian said:

    meant shredder.


    nfa 9 has 32 rounds or so vs 6, NFA can kill players up to ~7m from my experience from using it and dying to it (but can be rough to do so i havnt used it since the buff). Yes it's not effective at kills past 5m, showstopper's ttk drastically increases to get kills past that generally to 4-6 shots. NFA has a very fast reload and generally 1 mag per kill. Showstopper can get 2 however nfa's reload is more friendly than showstoppers and you can't miss with the showstopper. NFA is full auto vs Semi auto. NFA mag dumps faster than the showstopper. Showstopper is/should to lose sub 5m against the NFA. Showstopper past 5m is on better grounds of winning. NFA ironically also has a 30m full damage range, in comparison to showstopper's 10.


      Showstoppers ttk gap barely matters against shotguns, it is roughly on par with other "competitive" pistols such as the fr0g series (which is arguably much better than the showstopper within showstopper range if you don't account for 1/3 life damage and go for ttk and rof when tagged) and the .45 which is also very effective but not nearly as forgiving. If the shotgun takes 3 hits to kill, all 3 pistols have a very good chance of finishing off the shotgun before the third shot. OFC people prefer the FBW (which is why i find the .45 and fr0g kokoe much better due to ttk and accuracy). So bringing primary shotguns into this has little meaning, considering that the last 3 cqc? Pistols created aside from JB funzies or harbinger, aka frog, .45, and showstopper, all have low TTKS. .7-.8 respectively and are exceedingly able to finish off a shotgun that misses once.


    iHe's not saying that they don't hit min TTK. I use showstopper at times, and it hits min ttk, however it exeedingly depends on my range. It's spread is large so past like 5m the TTK increases from .7 (which I don't macro so it's closer to .8-.9 or so for the ttk without accounting for missing and spread increasing STK) which is also a balanced ttk for the range its in. Even then using a JG and timing 2 shots, is easier than 3.


    The idea that cqc based pistols shouldn't be effective in cqc is asinine. There has to be pistols that can be able to be used as a backup for weapon's that cannot effectively be used in cqc, such as snipers. .45, fr0g, and now showstopper, fill that role without making the player have to essentially just die. Their ranges are limited for reason (aside from .45, but it's slight recoil and low mag balance it's range)

    The thing is that all that others secundaries takes quite some time to be good with them and also have higher ttk while the showstopper requires very low effort to master just like a nfas

    It is not the same having to land 3 shot that 5 or 6,that without counting  how tight the showstopper  spread is.

    The things is that cqc secundaries should be as good as long range secundaries, u cant compare the efectiveness of the showstopper compare to the  act44 even with the recent buff



  2. If u are in the unnoficial apb discord,i think  the news_feed bot said it when the update comes live

    I agree in the forums every wednesday should be a post about the patch,it doesnt matter if it is only maintenance



     low and behold RCooper

    hahahaha xd

  3. 11 minutes ago, T0asty said:

    Thought you meant the forum posts, figured those would be there under "patch notes".

    Went and favorited that link.

    Np No but that would be nice ,a post in the forums or something in the main page of the forums


    2 minutes ago, LilyV3 said:

    thx, interestign we hav to go to the g1 site now and don't get that info from the forum anymore.

    Just a bit sad that they don't give us estimated downtimes anymore.

     they dont for obvious reasons xd

  4. 1 hour ago, Kakalaki said:


    dat exhaustpipes = my eyes almost bleeding


    dat english = my eyes bleeding


    LO - Please fix the bugs in this game and bring the new engine before doing such useful stuff.

    Thanks in Advance

    thanks for the free roast that no one asked for

    These are just suggetions obviusly  the engine upgrade is first priority

    Also the exhaustpipes are cool i wouldnt mind them added to the game

  5. How enforcers  have a lot of more unique accesories of his faction so i thought it would be cool to make able to make crims cars have no plate becuase they dont really need it and also be able to put the plate like this


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  6. 50 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

    Yeah, that a completely different kind of game.

    Give APB a single player campaign complete with DLC, and watch pop increase.


    All we have is PvP, where T's with nothing but a no slot STAR and an FBW go up against fully kitted out ARMAS whoring r255's with literally every gun, car,  and mod in the game.


    You are right though, that probably has zero impact on the current state of the game.



    Fortnite is the same as apb though

    I personally think the same as u still the difference in gear will always be there after all u can basically buy all the nice things on Armas with rank 0

  7. 1 hour ago, TheJellyGoo said:

    What a beautiful paradigm of ignorance leading to confidence!

    Threat is shifting every single match, doesn't mean your color changes every match (volatility excluded to a degree). I'm talking about the system behind the roughly depicted icons.
    You claiming to be into high-gold territory makes this even worse since it expects you to perform to a certain degree. And yes inflating the threat of weaker players by purposely losing to them is negative. Their threat is designed to provide proper opposition which will lead to bad matchups further on thanks to you. But, nice of you to farm them before letting them win. 

    Also good to know that you only ruin missions "half the time" for other people... are you even comprehending the words you're typing?


    You need to realize the whole reason why threat even exists. So get down from your high pony and maybe you will see that you're part of the portion that is wrong in this community.

    Sadly everyone is in fault

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