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Posts posted by RCooper

  1. The only reason some people use the cheap cars is becuase the only "advantage" they have are the fact that they are free or cost less,also the fact that the cars cost money to spawn is part of the balance of the game,same reason why explosives ammo is expensive

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  2. U have to also take in account that now u can get the legendaries for free,meaning that no one has to pay for it u can buy them directly from the game not from another player which is another bonus,also winning joker tickets lately has been quite easy,so to me it is quite fair u still gambling but now u have the security that u are gonna get the weapon and how the price is bigger so it is the chance of getting it(5% and not 1%).

  3. MPDPCtG.png






    Name:Hayden Thompson

    Hayden Thompson has been very curious since he was a kid, born in 1996 in San Paro in a very modest family, son of taxi driver since he was a kid his father will tell him stories related to the craziness San Paro has to offer, from a typical car accident to a heist, San Paro have everything. Due of how dangerous San Paro was, his parents made Hayden normally stay inside,he passed more of the time looking out of the window imagining all the craziness happening in the city and hoping to be able to see some action.What changed the life of Hayden forever was that one day his father brought a camera home,it looked like it was a very expensive camera definitely owned by a profesional cameraman ,his dad said that someone have left the camera in the taxi,his dad said to him that probably someone would call the taxi company to retrieve the camera during the week so that he shouldn’t get too excited,that didn’t stop Hayden from actually using the camera and making some photos and record some videos.At the end of the week the owner of the camera called to recover it which made Hayden very sad but when his father showed up from returning the camera he got a surprise,his father came back with a camera, it wasn’t the same camera as before,it was a older camera but it was still good,his father told him that the owner of the camera give it to him after seeing the photos and videos Hayden has done on his camera saying that he had talent. Hayden got very excited hearing this so he started to take very serious filming and photography,so when he finished school he decided to apply for a job at Nantego News Network where the interviewer result of being the old owner of his camera who recognized the camera ,due to that he got the job,his career in  Nantego News Network was succesful due to his curiosity and the fact he was very eager to learn make him one of the best cameraman of Nantego News Network until lately when the life of cameraman was getting very dangerous due to the fights between  enforcers and crims reaching a new level of recklessness never seen before,Hayden got a lot of close calls before but what makes him quit was when I what seemed to be a normal day ,while recording one criminal attacked him leaving him as a present the scar he has on his left eye marking him forever.After that he quitted his job, but he wanted still to work in something related to crims and enforcers but more slow paced so when one of his contact offered him a job at the jocker store he couldn’t resist to say yes.

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  4. On 5/5/2020 at 4:22 PM, Rade said:


    If any of you want to study the grenades / throwables whilst being equipped in the hands of your player model, this bug will allow you to do that.


    Simply press your grenade key followed by the look behind camera key, you need to do this almost simultaneously. ie a very minor delay, [grenade button] > almost no delay > [look behind key]


    05/05/2020 - Unconfirmed if anyone else can replicate this.


    Bug that happens 100% of the time when u try to do it

    • Like 1

  5. 2 hours ago, 404 said:

    iirc you have to refurbish (if they've been equipped) vehicles before selling them to contacts


    and armas vehicles can't be sold at all afaik

    The cars in question were refurbished and werent armas vehicles.


    2 hours ago, Thornecroft said:

    Don't forget that you can't sell items bought on the ingame marketplace to contacts.

    Both the cars were from the ingame mp,and i was able to sell  one, the one i was able to sell to contacts had no kit maybe it is that why.

  6. 17 hours ago, Xandra94 said:

    ¿La pistola Colby .45 se vuelve mas lenta cuando usas el modo Marksman (Modo punteria)?


    La he usado sin apuntar y siento que es mas rapida que cuando apuntan con ella, ¿es cierto o estoy mal de la cabeza?

    NOTA: Odio esta arma v:

    La cadencia de disparo es siempre la misma, asi que si ,tienes alucinaciones :v

  7. 4 hours ago, xXD4v1dXx said:

    Take a chill pill bro... Everyone here knows that. The suggestion thread is just for them to pick and choose stuff at a later date, the reason why its the "suggestion thread".

    It was a joke,I was just saying what people always said when i did a suggestion here


    To answer ur question the varzuga 4x4 should look like this which is the focus rs and be a kit u can put in the normal varzuga


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  8. Idk why people are saying that only good players get punished by bounty system because reality isn't like that  because I have seen/suffered good players finishing his mission in p5/n5 thanks to the good matchmaking and then how the nice people they are even though they are complaining about bounty system all the time they decide to make ur mission be  3 vs 2 making u lose, but even though this happen I don't want it removed because in apb FUN DON'T EQUAL WINNING MISSIONS

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