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Posts posted by RCooper

  1. 1 minute ago, hackerung said:

    That's what I'm saying, you wouldn't need to if it removed all vehicular damage entirely. And the other player could just exit and shoot you.

    If they do that,they would have to put a negative effect to valzipram tablets like happy landings.

    Also this would give satel charge and osmaw,volcano some serious advantage

  2. 3 minutes ago, hackerung said:

    In no way it's 'OP', double the speed of a player is any mid-high tier vehicle at startup, which almost every player has. If someone dodges your car as you're parking you can just exit and shoot. There's literally no scenario where Valzipram is overly useful, if you're getting away in your car and a player is in front of it you can just keep driving if they dont die by collision.

    Every time u are fighting in the road or near it u have the risk of getting run over,also just after getting out  of ur vehicle and getting rammed/run over by other car it is useful,also valzipram is used by all the tryhards which demostrate it is the pioneer of blue mods.

  3. 2 minutes ago, hackerung said:

    My mistake then, but still, if that's the case there's no reason to use it over any other BLUE type mod.


    Making the player immune to vehicular collision damage would make it a fun and interesting mod to have on, on the same level as happy landings and car surfer.

    Valzipram tablets is the more op blue mod, in the game, happy landings have one negative effect while valzipram tablets no,also car surfer is only really useful when u have a gun than u cant shoot inside a car.

  4. 1 minute ago, LilyV3 said:

    isn't it a bit too much coincidience that this happens shortly after server maintenance? Sound smoe like maintenance broke something.

    Hi all,


    I am sorry for the unexpected outage. We moved some critical services from one physical location to another. 


    Everything appeared fine yesterday.


    However after disconnecting the old location and turning everything off, several services hadn’t been transitioned properly causing the new servers to stop functioning properly.


    Unfortunately several of the engineers had already been up for 24 hours and were asleep when we noticed the issue.


    Everyone is back up and looking at it now. I’ll have a better update soon.




    Thas is exactly what happen

    • Thanks 1

  5. 2 hours ago, Caio Sparkz said:

    Weird how ppl gets so triggered when a different language pops up on the forum lol


    Mas respondendo a sua pergunta, macro é proibido,  de programas executáveis e de mouse também. 

    Uma dica: Quando tiver dúvidas sobre o jogo, pergunte no grupo do facebook, aqui algumas pessoas tem uma mania horrível de serem babacas sem qualquer motivo aparente.

    What do u expect of americans they think are the center of the world

  6. 9 hours ago, demonoid said:

    Yeah depends on the scam, some are easy to spot, some not so. I've had tons of scammers try to contact me through Facebook for example, and most of them all use the same tactic and that makes it easy to spot. Plus most of them have obviously dubious accounts. In the case of this scammer his profile was 11 years old, over level 25, and had 100+ games on his account. It looked pretty legit. Like who would risk getting their account with that much in stow banned via criminal activity. I certainly won't let it happen a second time.


    Guess it goes to show you can't judge a book by its cover. It could have been worse. In the forums I looked up several people lost there accounts to same type of scammer I fell victim to. Some scammers even gained access to accounts of people in their friends list and used that impersonate their friend.


    After this I obviously immediately changed my password, and set more things on my account to private access so outsiders can't see what I have from the get go. All in all I didn't lose much that isn't easily replaced, and I'll be more guarded in the future.


    On another note, back when I was in my late teens, I got ripped off by someone who I thought was my friend. Knew the dude for over 3 years, and out of the blue stole my gamecube and 30 games, plus some of my other friends stuff and skipped town. All my stuff was over at a friends we were hanging out at and gaming together. Me and several of my buddies left to go to the park for some disc golf, and when we came back hours later, a lot of our stuff was missing. We discovered who it was later, as he had started posting the items he stole on Ebay a week or so later. Being stabbed in the back like that made me leery for a long time, but it's been over a decade ago since then.

    Maybe he was scamming u with a stolen account, because scamming with a account like that is strange

    I have never scammed by a friend yet, but I have people do shit to me which is practically the same so yeah when it happen sucks 

  7. Sorry to hear that but how u said the one time u are not in guard you got scammed,that is why i dont like the trading system in apb too much because i have been scammed in others game by it,for now i have done 2 succesful trades but i will never trust it.

    How u have already said it something is too good to be true the most sure thing is that it isnt.

  8. I think with riot Little Orbit is just trying to get young audience to the game because pretty much all the players are 18+ besides ramdom bronze guys that mostly ragequit the game so that is why riot is coming to solve that problem,they launch  riot and no publicity to figure it now and advertise it along with the new engine update i think.

    Exclusives only make people mad but in the end how u said if u are loyal but u suck in the end u dont care that much about it.

    In my personal opinion apb should be focusing in give a RP vibe to the game more than a BR but idk really what it is better to bring back to live APB

  9. 2 minutes ago, iTzBlackout said:

    Suggestion for the next event: TGMs should be able to post something in the forum too. Atleast if they host events.

    Todays event was announced for 1AM PST, so I came online around this time and start searching. After 30 minutes I still found nothing so I decided to wait for a GM writing in chat. After 2 hours still nothing so I logged out for some time. In that time I kept checking the forum and social media and even had the event topic open to hear/see new replies, but nothing. When I came back, the event was already over. The second event was announced for 10AM but hasn't even started yet. I heard about more people with the same problem. We need a bit more communication please.

    Yeah also this event(the 10 am one ) coincide with the gopnikery which is bad

  10. 2 hours ago, MrC said:

    Can you guys actually give information about the rewards at each rank. Like really this is a top tier shitpost in terms of giving any info out. Thanks there's an event you briefly stated things. No actual info until you scroll way further down (seven posts, really couldn't edit the first post and include that info could ya?), and nothing on rewards. Don't want to ruin the "spoilers" of it all? Ha. Give people a reason to grind something out instead of making me blindly grind out role ranks for rewards I might not even want. I didn't play any of the previous Easter events so I can't just recall the rewards off the top of my head, but I guess that's on me. Poor judgement on not picking up APB sooner in life I suppose.


    Get it together. Also why is this in the social forum and not the event forum? Like where posts about events go.


    Also also, make an announcement about events and draw in some players. Would that really be so hard? Probably based on your initial post about this though. If you need ideas let me know. Stop dropping the ball.

    Here u have it  


  11. 17 minutes ago, GhosT said:

    ATAC is far from OP at this point, you barely even see people playing it.

    It has 50m range stock, but you can't really use it at that range.


    It can kill, but it takes such a long time that your opponent can easily turn around and finish you, if he has a weapon that can do that.

    That would be your case I have seen twitch streamers using it perfectly at that range. Atac is a meta weapon only avaliable by p2p. 

    How I said just compare it to the Tommy gun stats to see what I am talking about

  12. 32 minutes ago, VickyFox said:

    Well if people rage quit then that's more telling of the individuals.

    APB is competitive and can be stressful but cheating isn't any more rampant than any other game.


    At the end of the day some lessons need to be learn the hard way, sometimes the only way to get better is to be taken out of your comfort zone and locking threats isn't going to help with that.

    It may sound old fashioned, it may sound harsh but people don't get to max rank by rage quitting.


    If people feel so strongly that indeed it does need to be considered on how to be addressed.



    I believe a review into the threat system and matchmaking is going to happen but priority is to the game engine. This would make the game more stable for most computers/servers, and possibly even easier to work with for staff.

    MattScott said that he would like to introduce "Phasing" although it has a number of people confused if Phasing is referring to match making between districts or segregating players from others when entering a mission.

    Yeah it is true but this is a game not a work you come here to have fun not to get max rank

    The game is not noob friendly at all and doesn't matter how strong your will is if any mission you do finish 1-1-14 or something like that u will finish quitting

    The upgrade engine is important but if the population quit decreasing more when it will come out it will be played by few people that why I think matchmaking should be addressed now 


  13. 45 minutes ago, Nafryti said:

    kinda like the Green Districts meant for Trainees to do the tutorials and learn the game in, but the game auto sends them to Bronze/Silver districts indiscriminately for no reason at all?  Game sent me automatically to a Gold district that was empty while i was Silver, even said threat mismatch, i was like "why?" 


    New players obviously show a KDR and play style, like seriously, i been up against T's that spent more time shooting players OUTSIDE the mission than me, who was their op, waiting by the point, i wasn't even going to shoot at him, i was gonna let him do it, cuz new player!! O.O then poof rage quit mission ends... am left there to speculate "wonder if he left cuz 'why none my shots hurt them? q.q' ugh"


    The new players need to have a special district where they are forced to learn the game in complete PVE style just like how Star Trek Online rushes you through a scenario to learn the game with a crash course, literally fast tracking you through basic combat training, and blatantly telling where to go, what to do, there are even markers on the ground that say "dude, its this way" and when you realize it, you're like, "oh, this game takes brain cells to play, so its not like League of Legends or Candy Crush, got it."  If every new player were forced through this tutorial, if it were like EVERY OTHER game that had a "WELCOME TO THE DAMN GAME" quest (i srsly hate these quests, but they are helpful) then EVERYONE new to the game could finally start off and be able to defend themselves somewhat, now if these new players were to have ACTUAL levels to grind through instead of the dumb R### system, like, maybe the Ranks of the Contacts could be used for instance, as they unlock contacts unlock higher threat districts where us blood thirsty silvers and golds lurk just itching to throw another fresh meat into the grinder.


    Yeah, player rank should be directly related to Contact progress, and new players should have a FORCED tutorial that isn't able to be "disabled" until finished, and isn't intrusive like the current one.  Like simple arrows and boxes highlighting things, where to go, what to do, and nothing PVP yet, cuz hello, new player here, PVP can be an instant mood killer when someone is learning any game.  A newb PVE district, can't be that hard to do, especially since LO actually doing shit with the game now.

    That would be the ideal solution still LO hasn't done anything about matchmaking and we are losing new players everyday, new players how u have said it make ramdoms things so put them together and they will figure out while having fun not that when u don't know what is going on(people whispering, getting killed) they get stressed and rage quit in the bronze/silver server

  14. 52 minutes ago, TacticallyRed said:

    Yeah let’s further separate the already dwindling player base and encourage more dethreating

    I wouldn't make the difference too much bronze already rage quit the game a lot and they never come back this would make them a opportunity to enjoy the game also it would be more gentle with new players

    • Thanks 1

  15. 20 hours ago, SirVilla said:

    I think, that few new players are going to come, if not those who forgot to play, own friends call me tell me what I do playing that, apb has become for me in a short time, something where I enter a while just to remember That once I'm filled with enthusiasm to enter and give joy to other Judah hahaha, we cheers laughed at them, very boring people we said they were, even though it has been an extensive plague, and that's why many left, the golds that they are in bronze more problems, it is the other plague of apb, many are more than tired. I am one of them, I do not know how to say it, I at least do many games more in a bronze than in a silver and that is very sad for me, (I dream of a district that does not shoot me, where I'm going? in a bronze I can not play because I have experience and that is unfair (I know), in a silver I can not play because I do not have a macro, nor do I have an aimbot, because I am fair and I do not spend much money, but I face them more than I can even if the result is not always the same, the continuous insults, are more difficult to endure than the more than 20 times that can kill me, if they tell me where I'm going to play bronze or silver, or I'll go to black desert that is what I do almost every day for not boring this situation.

    I have literally same problem still that is not the point of this post, I did this post to try and save the new players coming in, that problem won't be possible to solve while we have the treat system we have and a population grow

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