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Posts posted by WitchQueen

  1. Derby_Poster_2018.jpg


    It's Christmas time so we need a car based event with a lot of destruction! Holidays are coming!


    What: WitchQueen's Christmas Destruction Derby & Design Competition

    Where: Gold Financial CITADEL on the incomplete highway

    When: Sunday December 23rd 9PM GMT

    How to Enter: Design a Derby themed Calabria and post it here. When you post tell me which Xmas Jumper design you want (Penguin, Rudolf, or Snowman - See Below) 



    1st Place: Yukon + AAEPD Volcano JC Rocket Launcher*

    2nd Place $500k APB Cash + Colby 1922 Hazardous*

    3rd Place $200k APB Cash




    Design Competition:  Win 1100G1c - Post your Calabrias here. The theme is 'Destruction Derby' so make it look like it's in a competitive derby and not just some random nice looking car. It DOESN'T have to be Christmas themed. I will pick my favourite 5 and then the winner will be voted on my stream on derby day. Only cars posted here can enter and the design competition will go ahead only if  a minimum of ten cars are posted. ANYONE CAN ENTER THIS EVEN IF YOU DON'T COMPETE.


    Raffle: For all fair competitors, helpers (security, camera people etc) & active viewers (that play apb) in the stream. Prizes TBC


    Betting: We will be taking (non-monetary) bets on winners in my stream (twitch.tv/witchqueen) to earn my stream currency which allows you to purchase various things.



    This is half Demolition Derby half Car Sumo. All cars will be together on the highway and winner is the car that stays alive and on the platform the longest.

    If your car blows up you are out.

    If your car falls off the highway you are out.

    If you get out of your car you are out.

    If anyone repairs your car you are out.

    Macchina Calabria 127's ONLY! NO MODS

    No Weapons obviously.

    Queue up on the highway ready to jump to the derby platform (we will have security). Once you are there line up like you will see in the pictures. Don't bash other people until the derby has begun and be patient. These things don't magically start right away.


    How Can You Help?

    Donations towards prizes are always welcome.

    On the day I will need 4 people to be security.

    If you are driving then I would greatly appreciate it if you could film your view so we use it to make a better video.

    Feel free to have a co-driver who can film if you'd rather not stress your system during the event.



    I would like all contestants to wear the Destruction Derby Christmas Jumper. You don't have to but you won't get the bonus prizes.  Here are the female versions taken back in 2012:


    I'll send all participants a jumper once you enter.


    Here's a video of a previous one:



    Here's some pics from the last ones:

















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  2. 8 minutes ago, SyllyBear said:

    Losing to cheaters even more.

    Personally I rage most when it's my fault.  Like if I run out of mouse mat ooh that annoys me lol.


    If I'm up against an obvious hacker I don't really mind I kinda like to get an up close view of what they're doing. If I was up against hackers constantly I'm sure I'd get annoyed but to my knowledge I never have.

  3. 'Guns don't kill people, rappers do'


    Cheaters don't cause toxicity. Or at least not the sole cause.


    Losing causes toxicity. And when people lose they either deal with it or decide to blame something. A mouse, optimisation, cheaters.


    People just need to remember we're playing a game and LO are trying damn hard to make it a good one.

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  4. How about:


    When you win a game you could have like 5% less hp for any further games and you gain a rank. Further wins reduce your hp and raise your rank even more and other prizes are given if you win at higher ranks.


    It's basically like a handicap in golf but makes winners feel awesome rather than weak.


    I gotta say though that I found the event a lot of fun and they're just throwing joker tickets at us so we're still getting stuff when we play.

  5. Andy Dufresne you are not. When you realise you are just bringing together all the respected members of the community to state that actually there aren't that many cheaters in the game, you will stop.


    No used library books for you. I give you 4 days max.

  6. Now accepting fighters for the next USC event. Let me know here if you either want to enter the USC:2 or if you want to challenge a fighter to climb the rankings (or both). Remember to challenge someone higher ranked than you, you need to put the pruze yourself. If they beat you they get the prize. If you beat them you get the glory.


    I have updated the original post so read it for more info. It will be on 1st December: Saturday night, 1115pm uk time. Citadel. Meet me in the centre of social.

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