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Everything posted by LordVegeta

  1. "Dont worry guys, I can just make a new account" -ZombieBiscuit
  2. Theyre the same. Both are voice programs. Duh. I'm not wrong lol. Like, at all.
  3. You and I both know that altering your files is the issue here, and not some random 3rd party voice program that APB has built in. Dense is my word please dont copy me. Also, you are just being defensive because you alter your game files and I called that out as cheating and now you're realizing you're breaking TOS. Whoops.
  4. It's not cheating according to the TOS. Those programs dont alter your stock APB. Maybe if you stopped supporting configs that alter your stock apb, maybe we can have a decent convo.
  5. both are a voip program. both use voice to communicate. same thing
  6. The best part about this conversation is the part where you constantly defend cheating. Like it's the right thing to do. Why cant you be legit like the rest of us and use your game normally. Nope. Gotta be better, gotta be the best. No matter what it takes. #You'reTheReason
  7. I'm not contradicting myself. I just gave you a valid example. You aren't looking at the big picture. You just look at these small differences and say "oh yeah theyre completley different." Dude. Theyre not. Lol. Theyre the same thing. They work the same way. Theyre both voice communication programs.
  8. Yes, yes you are. Changing ur files, aka "cheating", for a good cause doesn't justify you changing your files bro. Like when people cheat only against other cheaters. That doesn't justify you using cheats at all. it's the same scenario dude.
  9. What's funny is you think theyre different. Lol. They are literally the same thing. If I have a green apple and a red apple are they the same thing? are they apples? Yes. Just because one is green and one is red doesn't mean they arent the same fruit. Same scenario. Voice vox and Teamspeak literally do the same things theyre both voip programs. Do they have small differences?? Sure, of course. Are they the same thing? Yes. YouDense.jpg
  10. We get it bro, you defend cheating. >>smells like a configurer still
  11. Not if your voip is off. Not if you have district volume lower. You're assuming all the variables are true. And besides, whether or not the enemy can hear you is besides the point. It's still the same thing. Does apb have a program that allows u to communicate through voice to your teammates? yes - voice vox Is discord the same that allows u to communicate through voice to your teammates? yes - same thing
  12. Using a part of a config is still the same as using a whole part of a config. It's still cheating. Using only some of a cheating application is still the same as using all of it lol...
  13. Dude you don't get it at all. Like you want me to point out every possible scenario or example of a cheat? Like how obvious do you want me to get here? I keep repeating myself and I feel like im a broken record. 1) Does it edit game files? If yes - cheat 2) Are u trying to give urself an advantage over other players that they dont have access to? If yes - cheat 3) Does a hardware macro count as any of these two? yes - cheat 4) Does a monitor crosshair count as any of these two? yes - cheat 5) does it mean you will get banned for any of them? no, but is it cheating? yes it's like not that hard to identify a cheat you guys. Think a little bit harder. YouDense.jpg also not even trolling dude
  14. VOIP is built into the game. you're using the exact same thing as the game has. kek? really? old as the hills and not cool anymore. also voice is built into the game yes it is. thats why when I press X to push-to-talk people hear me.
  15. Discord and teamspeak are a voip application that apb builds into the game. You're using the exact same thing apb has. Lol. Thats not even a valid example Does APB have mouse acceleration built in? no, it doesn't.
  16. Dude im not saying what he did is wrong. All I am saying is that what he is showing is a cheat. If a player had that config they are cheating all I am saying you guys. Jesus
  17. 1) I dont care about what you're telling me right now. 2) I just told you what is and isnt cheating. Changing ur monitor isnt cheating because it doesnt edit ur files or do anything with them its pure hardware. Lol really? you have to question that?
  18. I dont care about that at all. Im just saying that what you are showing me is a cheat. Are you editing your apb files? then that is against TOS and if ur editing ur files ur probably using it to gain an advantage so then cheating. You can change ur windows color settings all you want that is hardware and has no effect on game files.
  19. APB Configs ... eh i use Flaws not entire one just abit of it and its gives huge advantage if u hear footspeps ant others like that (not using it now too obvious sometimes looks like radar hack) you said u use flaws
  20. It doesn't matter if you did it for a second or if you did it for 10 years, it's still cheating bro. That's all im saying. Just because the shader is difficult for you to play with doesn't mean it is difficult for everyone.
  21. derp, that doesn't alter ur game files also voip is built into the game. so that argument isnt valid
  22. All those outlines and colors give you an advantage dude. It's so much easier to see the enemy when everything is outlined in black borders. Besides no one has access to do that, that is not a built-in function of the game. Why cant you play the game normally like the rest of us?
  23. Are you just upset because im right? Is that not a 3rd party program?
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