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Everything posted by JudgeAnderson

  1. What lie? Come on cookie where did I lie. Quote it I dare you Sad attempt at bullying you loser. Let it go there is no spoon. If I knew how to edit past posts I would remove the word loser.
  2. You are right there is no evidence of this but turn the question around and see what comes of that. Keeping trolls in the game incourages new players to keep playing or discourages new players from playing?
  3. And finally mr.puss not sure why you posted like you where proving something there, doent change the argument which has become the main point of the post 1mil or 100mil dead still an aweful memory people dont like to relive. But thanks for googling there (doesnt make you good at history btw lol)
  4. Why so agressive tbere mr.puss? Lol. Whoops didnt check a reference, relied on my shitty high school education there, quoted death count at the Auschwitz complex instead. Not a lie bro about the parents, not MY parents I should add never said that, LEARN TO READ YOU JERK FACE lol lol i maybe bad at history but i dont make shit up to prove a point lol And it show that this is something that is still fresh in the minds of those who this was a real thing for them and this is not a delicate snow flake thing. And it is fucking horrible all can agree on that.
  5. So I dont really use any gun other than LMG, SHAW, ALIG, Medusa, SWARM and Euyale. I am at level 15 and 200 kills off level 16. You can stand and shoot any of these guns, I even sprint shoot in cqc and get a ton of kills because not many expect it. After a while you realise that there is a lot of potential to run and gun even in Kevlar lol They are fine the way they are. The only thing I would think would be good fun, is bigger mags, maybe a little tiny boost to hard damage and faster fire rates lol But thats why I ove extended mag3 and cj3 on everything RATA TATA TATA!!!!!!!
  6. I keep on seeing Autism Assault everytime I skim the forum titles
  7. IKR! IMHO i think KDR is OP ATM with the non-toasters potatoes!
  8. I can put up with some graphic lag that looks pretty if my internet wasnt a potato. But because of lag im more fussy about performance, get it now mr.b?
  9. Even though you cant measure it directly Im sure you could infer the offensiveness of a group of individuals using latent variables. Has been done in the past with happyness, depression and anxiety by turning qualitative to quantitative, could it not be used for hate speach too? Sry wtf? Try this sentence again.
  10. 1.3 million is the official count I believe so Million not Millions
  11. 999.999 is hundreds of thousands. Not far off the mark lol..... Cant counter? Just a chimp throwing stones lol
  12. Why nkt? I think its more logic than assumption now i think about it. Thanks for the comment.
  13. Have a think there sunshine lol its no assumption Cant counter my argument either lol Ok i will spell it out for you... I assume that thier family has the privilage to have not had any members murdered by Nazis. I do this because If he/she did they would not even consider defending his argument.
  14. and you dont care so why do i need you to take me seriously. Symbols are against terms of service, i bieve this is because companies dont want to appear to a agree with groups that commit genocide, people are still personally affected by this so they will be offended and this doest make them snow flakes You wouldnt understand why they would be offended because of your priverlaged position Read a book about it, pay attention in history class. I will screen shot them and do all i can to get the symbols removed any time i see them And there is room for people who care in this game because some one has to counter the pathetic apethy of the desensitised player base. I will wait for you to counter my argument.
  15. Because you cant counter my argument? What I meant is that online behaviour can affect behaviour in real life. Attitudes in a simulated world can inlfuence real life. If your too lazy to use your brain to think then dont bother please. Your just trying to muddy the argument because you cant counter and lowering yourself to baseless insults lol typical.
  16. I did. Your too scared to defend what you believe in, that is weak. And if you havent caught up we are now discussing swastika's and have already said that inverted is not the issue. What happens on online games is part of real life, if you dont care dont post.
  17. Well why def3nd it if you dont support it? You dont feel you can express what you really feel? If you dont think you can express yourself 'this game really isnt for you' I suggest focus on your top 2 pet hates and report the fuck out of them when the servers are down. Tbats what I do. Plenty of time to cut the fat from this game. For every troll we get rid of another 2 new players will stay.
  18. No you think its ok so you support it right? Big difference between triggered and making a point too lol
  19. So you support racist neonazi philosophy? Wow. Yeah it has nothing to do with a company wanting no association with historical evil tyrants lol
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