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Posts posted by Spy

  1. 12 hours ago, INSANITYV2 said:

    So why is it when I want to wear a backpack or anything else like the new katana and knife sheaths it can go over only certain clothing ? can we please change that. It's kinda of annoying that I have guess which clothing it can or cant go over. 

    I hear ya but this has been discussed many times without any success so don't get your hopes up. Just saying...

  2. Here's what most likely is going to happen:


    • Not enough testers in test districts to get proper LO judgement
    • LO listens to average Joe 'Neh' and only nerfs the jumping, just to shut them up
    • LO listens to the tryhards and fanboys crying that their precious overpowered NTEC is being questioned so they won't change anything else but the jumping that hardly anyone requested

    Imho, there's really no need to discuss this because I think LO has already made up its mind.

    • Like 3

  3. 6 minutes ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    I mean, I don't wanna brag or anything but I've been smart since the day I was born.

    Smart and smart-a$$ are two different things and get mixed up very easily. J/k XD



  4. 22 hours ago, Clandestine said:

    Explosive weapons should follow. There's so many dethreating groups on the roll with surfer+osmaw. Or just lazy high rank noobs spamming the opgl at trainees because they play with 1 FPS and blabla. 

    It's just not fair.

    Whenever my team and me (preset group) face a group of enemies with a low rank we always switch to the default weapons like Star and NTEC. Bronze, silver or gold districts, it doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is to get a bit more fair fight between them and us. The only advantage we have then is map and mechanics knowledge. Also, if those new players are still learning then it doesn't hurt to make the new players aware that you're coming, IE: honk, fire and miss a few bullets before the fight starts etc. We do this every time and it works like a charm, the new players get a bit of an advantage and it's giving them a bit more time to prepare.

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  5. 11 hours ago, Kevkof said:

    Just throwing names out there won't help the issue at all, It just leads to more toxicity.

    You're absolutely right. Three weeks ago we where playing in a silver district vs 3 ragehackers the whole time. A GM entered our district and we where 'throwing names' of the ragehackers towards the GM, asking to check them and follow them for a few days (we did too). Throwing names didn't help one bit, they're not banned and still ragehacking every day.


    Bottom line: throwing names won't help, they're not getting banned anyway.

  6. 9 hours ago, LewdLemming said:

    It is 13 JTs that you wouldn't have gotten prior to this patch.


    I don't get what everyone is bitching about.

    It's sugarcoating, the amount of time you have to put into this is way to much. People who have jobs and who have not that much time to play aren't gaining that much from it. Making every opposed mission worth 10 JT is a good start in 'fixing' the issue. The RND as it is now is just proper bs, plain and simple.



  7. On 9/17/2019 at 5:14 AM, MattScott said:

    Just to make things interesting, we have two extra rewards that can sometimes pop up if you haven't reached your Daily Cap in the Weapon Prototype Districts

    The population on those servers is extremely low (8 over 4 districts atm) and there's already 2 rage aimbotters in collecting their precious rewards without any district supervision of a GM. I see you thought this one through...



  8. 2 hours ago, Solamente said:

    i plan to grind out whatever the new rewards are on day 1 and then go back to not logging in

    I'll check the reward first and if they're same ones from last years then I won't even bother.



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  9. 5 hours ago, XxxRedHoodxxX said:

    Why is team shooting even a thing?

    I'm pretty sure TK'ing isn't ment to kill your teammates on purpose. Knowing that you can TK and that you'll be kicked if you do it to much is a great reason for a normal player to change his/her tactics from spay-and-pray to a more tactical approach for the objective. TK doesn't need to be removed, it's fine as it is.

  10. 38 minutes ago, Havana said:

    I get it, GOLD tryhards are too surprise to play in GOLD and will ONLY say LOW POP cry BS. So thats why you 255's play in Bronze.

    Nope, it's the high amount of closet cheaters and macro kids who are ruining it in the silver/gold servers and they're not being delt with by LO in any way. Lots of average legit golds get downranked by these idiots and they turn to bronze district to play vs players who do not use 3rd party crapware. I can't blame them.


    The first part in fixing this 'problem' is to start at the source of the problem: cheats/macros and then go from there. But then again, if LO decides to ban macro users and closets in silver/gold districts then the population would shrink dramatically and in a game with an extreme low population it could be the final nail in the coffin.


    38 minutes ago, Havana said:

    It's one thing that frequent 255's play in Bronze, then a WHOLE other when A 255 with a WHOLE Extremely LARGE CLAN has them at his beck and Call at moments notice.

    The Report function is A JOKE AND WE ARE TIRED OF IT! Guys and groups like this make a mockery of the game.

    This IS why APB has such the bad rep that it does.

    I kinda agree on this one. Actually, there are 2 clans who are taking the p*ss at this. Both of those clans where cheating hard before Fairfight entered, they went total BS while it was active and now with the new and improved (/sarcasm) anticheat they started wallhacking only mode. One of them is even using an old method like one of the biggest cheat clans APB has ever known used to use: wallhack rotate; only 1 wallhacker per team and a differend one each round.


    Reporting them is useless because of the lack of skill GM's have to detect a cheater. Pointless....



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  11. 16 minutes ago, Icemoon said:

    When you don't need a scene with the character creation - you can significantly save time on client start. Why waste the time of your dear users? I am almost sure that this option is in development.

    I guess you didn't see the latest Q&A on LO's official twitch channel. Matt confirmed that the old apb login is coming back to save time within the engine upgrade.



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