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Posts posted by Spy

  1. 29 minutes ago, swft said:


    Maybe you should read the post instead of jumping on here immediately. You have a 5% chance for every 2500 JT (500 G1C) spent activating a 7 day trial on a legendary. 

    Maybe some people read 'a 95% chance of not getting that permanent drop'.


    From a ‘wanna have now’ perspective like the loot boxes:


    • 20x rentals = 50.000 JT
    • 50.000 JT in Armas = 10.000 G1C
    • 10.000 G1C is approximately $100 irl cash


    So basicly in the worst case scenario your legendary will cost you $100 while there are loads of 3rd party websites who sell them for $50 or less. Eventho buyers know it’s against the rules the price difference is way to high and people will still buy from those sites. With this in mind it would not suprise me that legendaries in the ingame market will increase in price.



    • Thanks 1

  2. 4 hours ago, swft said:

    Anyways, I'm just baffled at the game's latest gun balancing and hope that LO starts surveying actually good players for feedback instead of relying on people from the SPCT that think they know what they're on about.

    This! I'm not saying that they're all bad but there are a few with a shady past, think they know everything and still think that we forgot. Only one seems to be forgetting, LO.



  3. On 6/1/2020 at 5:00 AM, MattScott said:

    We're going to be making a change to the anti-cheat soon,

    How soon? Pick one:

    • Impatience guy soon: within a month
    • Lazy guy soon: We'll see, no rush
    • Revomag soon™: real soon but I hardly keep a promise
    • Upgrade engine soon: after the engine upgrade

    Seriously, it's getting out of hand. This needs a solution fast.

    • Like 1

  4. On 6/4/2020 at 2:11 AM, safdfsgkjhdgsjkhs said:

    said 3rd party but thats what im using, i have no reason to lie im posting on an anonymous forum account lol not trying to get unbanned either idc.

    All I read is that you don't have the balls to post crap like this with your main account.

  5. 8 hours ago, Chinook said:

    I think most of the annoyance with explos comes from the fact that you unlock them pretty late in progression.

    You can rent an osmaw for 2k JT wich is not hard to get, join fightclub and get kills with it until you hit Demo rank 3 and voila, osmaw/opgl unlocked and usuable at rank 85.



  6. 17 minutes ago, JOSELA said:

    So you guys are telling me that I have to buy a rocket, take a camper position, stay all the match there, when people delete a lot of my HP cover myseft, and thats the fun for the player rocket? so sad. I respect my seft for no do it that LOL.

    No, that's not what we're saying. But, if you cornercamp I will bounce an opgl grenade on the wall behind you, make it land next to you and force you to move 😛

    • Like 1

  7. 2 hours ago, VanilleKeks said:

    Very few people in this game even bother to learn explosives to such a degree that they can use them against high threat players and be successful.

    Exactely, if you master the OPGL and/or the Volcano and know how to use them propery then enemy will have their hands full. On the other hand (as discussed before) it can be countered by experienced players. 


    For the record: I'm an OPGL/Volcano user who uses the weapons in a tactical manner, not just point & click towards an enemy.



  8. 15 hours ago, JOSELA said:

    Me and more of people are fucking tired to play vs this explosives guns make the games EXTREMELY BORING is 0 skill for the boys who use it a monkey can play with rocket and make kills, and 0 fun for other players.


    Me and a lot of players thinks this elements of the game sucks, it make the pvps incredible bored and with no sense, good players and start players want to play the pvps leggit with guns, and be fun not want to waste our time vs losers who only know spawm a rocket or a explosive, is totally stupid.


    Two of my friends delete the game for this reason and maybe if I get tired I will be the next, it make the game looks like monkeys playing with negative IQ.



    Explosive weapons are a differnd way of playing and are usefull ingame, IE car missions, crowd control, corner camper countering, countering item runners and lots more. Besides that, the weapons aren't that hard to counter-attack due to the low reloadspeed. Just because you do not like these wqeapons does not mean that they're not usefull. They don't need to be nerfed nore deleted from the game.


    Just incase you get tired of fighting vs payers who use explosive weapons and want to quit, I can teamview you and help you uninstall the game.

    • Like 4

  9. 5 hours ago, 404 said:

    crosshair overlays are officially allowed as long as they don’t interfere with game files

    And that doesn't change the defenition of a cheat, not all ppl who play apb read forums and just play with a vanilla installed game asuming that they did the right thing.



  10. 4 hours ago, safdfsgkjhdgsjkhs said:

    i was also banned with EAC and was not using an aimbot, esp, wallhack or triggerbot. I was using macro and playclaw overlay for crosshair.

    Wiki definition quote:

    'Cheating in video games involves a video game player using various methods to create an advantage beyond normal gameplay, in order to make the game easier.'


    Cheating includes more then just aimbot/esp/wallhack//triggerbot and I really hope the new AC will pick that up so macros and overlays will be a thing of the past.

    • Like 1
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  11. It's a common concept to make new guns a bit overpowered in most games. After a while the weapons will be nerfed and suddenly the gun is not 'OP' no more, then a new gun is released shortly with overpowered stats and the process repeats itself. And the funny thing is that you can't do anything about it since developers have the right to change anyhthing in the game and you agreed to it (TOS).


    'I need a dollar dollar, a dollar is what I need, hey hey'



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  12. I only play if I have free premium because I think its current state is not acceptable for me, IE the difference in XP/money is to big. Besides that, I dislike that my premium codes that I've gotten from Arma purchases in the past have an expiration date. On top of that, I cannot gift premium to friends either so currently I'm not spending any $ on APB.

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