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Everything posted by Akahi

  1. I'm still having fun here. Yesterday I did a full day of missions and although I had my patootie handed to me too many times to say it was just bad luck, I think I got some good experience that will hopefully improve my game as time goes on. Maybe it was because it was a weekday , but Waterfront did look a bit empty while Financial was hopping.
  2. I returned from a three year hiatus and I have to say that so far I am enjoying myself in game. I was much worse when I first started playing three years ago or at least I believe my attitude was worse. I suspected anyone who beat me was hacking and like a jerk sometimes I would hackusate. I left the game soon after but what I failed to realize was that I was mediocre at best when it came to the actual missions. The realization for me was that it was much easier to blame someone or anything else for failing rather than trying to figure out what I did wrong to get myself killed. As I said I've been back for a week now and I am having alot of fun. Going to get a new keyboard hopefully soon (keys are super presed down on the "wasd" , damn Star Trek Online lol) and then I want to get more into the mission to progress my contacts. One thing I will humbly impart . Try to find the humor in these missions and learn to laugh at some of the dumb mistakes you may make. I have made a pretty impressive list of mistakes but I am learning or re-learning as the case may be. So if you see a crazy looking tech ninja named "Akahi" don't be afraid to say "GG!" after I clobbered! At the end of the day , it's all about having fun.
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