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Everything posted by Nymphi-DoubleDee

  1. Because the ol' "There's no one to play with!" argument. Though, I do also understand that right now, BattleEye is collecting data, and some people are going a little ham at the moment.But then there are some names that I see that seem to never leave Bronze, and always Gold.
  2. Not disagreeing with you at all on that point. It's stupid boring, but you can make more money in an hour than what you can make doing missions all day long. Enfos do not have that ability at all.
  3. If grouped, you split it, so each of you made 20k. 4 man group? 80k an hour. At $80 an hour, that is far faster than what you could make running missions as an Enforcer.
  4. But wasn't nerfed in a massive way. It's still a viable, but boring way to make good money.
  5. Okay.... Again... You didn't answer my question.... If I click yes, what does that mean?
  6. That's... Two... Different... Questions.... So, if I click Yes, what does that mean? Yes to Buff? Yes to Nerf? How can... How can you not..... Oi....
  7. Then you didn't read the question right. Fish or Beef? You can pick Yes or No. Buff or Nerf? Yes No Maybe Whatever else was there. If you click Yes. It should be buffed and nerfed? At the same time? Know how you can just end this? Say you have a poor grasp of the English language. Boom. Done. Can't fault ya on that.
  8. But you can only pick one! You said yes to both. The question, was, "Fish, or Beef?" You said "Yes." But to which? Just like your little Poll? "Buff or Nerf?" "Yes."
  9. Do you not understand the words that are coming out of my mouth? Here... Let me give you an example.... Do you like Fish, or Beef? Yes or no? (And note, you can only pick one answer.)
  10. Nerf or Buff? Yes or No? Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm... Gee.... Two questions with polar opposite answers, and only one answer for both questions..... I wonder why I didn't.
  11. It's obviously not clear as water, if, according to your logic, the poll is heading to nerf the SNR.
  12. Soooooooooooooooooooooooooo..... Why not make it: *Buff *Nerf *Please stop me *I need help Instead of something we have to sit and decipher?
  13. Wut? It was mainly about BattleEye installing when launching from the launcher... Every time. Yes, but every time you start it up? Like NiVaki said, using the APBprogram shortcut on the desktop solved this.
  14. Should OP be forum banned, or not? Yes or No? Because your title is "Should it be nerfed or buffed?" And then Yes or No.
  15. Making 2 mil over a weekend sure is nerfed...... Yeah, no. Leave the LTL alone.
  16. That's probably the issue. Thanks. ^.^ I'll try it later, once all the Tryhards go to bed for school tomorrow.
  17. Pioneer vs Espacio. But other than that, yeah... Pretty much right there.
  18. Steam, and then the regular APB Launcher. Checks DX and installs BattleEye the last few times.
  19. Oops! Forgot.... Srs buznis. And what bullshoot? Hell, even when I told Kiida to stop grouping with Cheaters (in another thread), they took it light hearted too. You know, maybe when everyone is calling you crazy, and you are the only one going, "No! You're crazy! All of you!"..... You might just be the crazy one. Have fun, peace out.
  20. So, after getting my account back, going through stuff, and shaking off a bit of rust (even though there is a lot there), I am glad to see that 255 Gold's are still roaming the streets of the Bronze District. As a side note, why do I have to install BattleEye every time I start up APB? Just curious. I have noticed that it does load faster, so at least that's nice.
  21. Oooooooookay. Maybe you take the topic too seriously (because of a guilty conscious?) Cookie got it. BuggedOut got it. Maybe you need to chill out a bit.
  22. Wow... What a blanket statement...... And found the other macro user.
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