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Posts posted by Acornie

  1. 'Very very close' but having no release date is perfectly reasonable; snags could happens, complications could arise. As much as I want Battleye and the engine update to be out yesterday, there's nothing contradictory or to be upset about from those statements ¯\_(ツ)_/¯



  2. Depends on how you're struggling; tact is a big thing I am bad at, when to push, flank etc. Think about what you need to improve on: Playing in silver dist and trying to figure what makes the gold teams who roll anyone over so much better than me has helped personally

  3. Not to sound critical but this list is all over the place, goes from simple bug fixes like car spawners to more health that would be an entire game changer.


    Tbh, I don't want major changes; just bug fixes and lil quality of life things, such as a larger friends and ignore list by default.

  4. 9 hours ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    I find any images of Jesus, God, The Holy Spirit, or the cross no accurately depicted by those entities themselves to be highly offensive. Please remove from the game.

    Ironic, I find Satanist symbols, the number 666 and upside pentagrams offensive, pls remove as well

    You see those way more than any religious symbols or references 

  5. Too many false bans, too much corruption; bans for petty things... bans for a non-cheating related reason but put through FF and told a bogus reason for the ban... yes I hate to see cheaters back but a clean slate is the best idea. I cant believe the stories of unprofessionalism I've heard. You only got your ban seriously looked at if you were a 'known' player with old G1. A disgrace.

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  6. I'm genuinely confused why this seems like a confusing topic; they are European style (on same side) but lacking the light down lower; thus making it illogical since the first two cars could not possible look up and see what color the light is. So they have two options to make it logical; add the lil one down low to make it properly European or move them across the intersection like an American intersection.

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