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  1. YukiiaChan

    Merge the map.

    That dosent really matters at this point pretty sure they'r able to change it. or are we scared to deal with some changes? ^-^
  2. YukiiaChan

    Merge the map.

    "Waterfront is long but not thick if you adjust it a little so it would fit together why not If you ask me." Are you even listening? aylmao ._.#
  3. Well, little Orbit is doin a good thing actually with all the updates and stuff take care it'll just require some time. There's also a good chance to increase our playerbase again if they also start an good advertising after the engine update.
  4. YukiiaChan

    Merge the map.

    Hey Infamy, That's actually Not a Bad Idea. Waterfront is long but not thick if you adjust it a little so it would fit together why not If you ask me. It also would help your "low playerbase/districts are empty etc.." issue.. and im pretty sure it would be better atleast to turn these maps into a bigger one since they removed thereated districts.
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