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Posts posted by Flaws

  1. No thanks. All the mentally sick people on FFBans would literally go after innocent players to try and ruin their real and/or Internet life just because they got smacked in a game and most of you know this is no exaggeration. One of the best things that LO did was get rid of FFBans. It killed off a considerable portion of the toxicity in the community and you can no longer become relevant by cheating your patootie off like a mongoloid. 


    Edit: Also, don't confuse the FFBans website with the FairFight anti-cheat. FFBans =/= FairFight.

  2. Edit: The giveaway has now concluded with 30+ themes given away to the participants. I appreciate everyone who participated and/or watched the giveaways on my stream during the 3 days.






    Thank you all!


    And of course, special thanks to the theme creators who made this giveaway possible: Arwo, Esgobar, Boofu, bombin and a couple others 🙂






    I will be hosting another theme giveaway next weekend (Citadel Only!) We will be giving away a whole bunch of exclusive themes made by some of the top theme creators in the community such as Arwoss, Esgobar and Boofu. Some of the themes are brand new and have not yet been released to the public.


    I've decided to do it properly this time and host it later in the evening to make sure that most people will be home from school and work and will have a chance to enter as well as added some rules to counter people trying to abuse the giveaway system. It is still unclear exactly how many per day we will give, but we have 20+ themes in stock. The giveaway will be done through Nightbot's giveaway system like last time.



    1. You must have an R150+ character on Citadel, as this is a Citadel only giveaway.

    2. You must be a follower of the stream for at least 2 weeks.

    3. Your twitch account must be older than 2 months.

    4. Behave like a normal human being in chat.

    5. One person can only win up to two themes per day to keep things fair in case someone's luck is too insane.


    I will be following the ruleset strictly this time, so keep that in mind.


    The giveaway will be held on my stream @ twitch.tv/Flvws from Friday 18th January, 2019 and ending on Sunday 20th January, 2019 starting at 9PM GMT+2 / 21:00 GMT+2.

    Make sure to FOLLOW and turn on notifications if you are interested!

    You can also join my Discord Server for more details so you don't miss out on anything. (Recommended)



    Here is one of the new themes you can win:



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  3. The giveaway is now over. Here is the winners list:


    Winners of the giveaway:

    19th - Aimzique

    20th - Bershama

    21st - HardStyler3

    22nd - Mikarity

    23rd - SweetToothiwe


    Thanks to everyone who showed up, participated and watched my streams! Another giveaway might be on it's way after New Year 🙂




    Original Post:


    Hello, everyone.


    Over the next 5 days (19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd and 23rd December) I will be doing a giveaway on my stream of an exclusive theme made by Esgobar on Citadel called "the ballad of tony hitreg". This will be the only way to obtain it and never again after this. 


    I will be giving away 5 copies for free to 5 winners during my streams (1 per day). Make sure to follow my stream @ twitch.tv/Flvws and enable notifications on your phone to make sure that you don't miss it, if you are interested.


    We will be using Nightbot for the giveaway and I will show it on stream to be as transparent as possible.


    The streams will likely start at around 18:00 - 19:00 GMT+2 and I will run them once we reach closer to 50+ viewers so that we can get as many people in as possible.


    For more information make sure to join my Discord server: https://discord.gg/MeMDVmj


    Take a listen to the theme:



    • Like 4
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  4. 33 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

    But steam already has 2fa, no?

    The problem is that even if you use Steam (and have it's own 2FA enabled) it won't stop anyone who has somehow acquired your GamersFirst Account Details to just login in-game without needing your Steam account at all. They are not related in any way. The GamersFirst 2FA MUST work with and without Steam login. Like, this is an absolute MUST.

    • Like 2

  5. 11 hours ago, BXNNXD said:

    im not big on the idea of a racing district myself, but the appeal here seems more like its for having racing AND the rest of the game

    Yes, I understand that and I think it has potential to be cool if they add racing district only type rewards like new car kits that can only be obtained from there. My only "issue" with it is that car mechanics in APB aren't really race friendly.

  6. 20 minutes ago, Crusade said:

    While I'm not opposed to nerfing the base damage of the HVR, I'm confident doing so wouldn't change the state of the weapon as much as you are hoping. The reverse damage drop-off would restrict the weapon from being used outside it's intended ranges, and I was pointing out that every other weapon in the game already has this restriction, so why should the HVR be completely exempt? If the HVR didn't start doing real damage till say 50m and you have an FBW. That's a 20 meter deadzone. Suddenly, you actually have to worry about positioning as a sniper (w0w), and you actually have to fear enemies with CQC weapons because you can't cover pop behind a short stack of pallets or whatever.

    That just sounds like a way to kill the weapon in favor of any of the other free to play long range options since they wouldn't be restricted like that. There are too many advantages to any of the others over what you are suggesting for the HVR. For example an OBIR which can still quickswitch just fine with only a 3PS3 on it. But yeah, if you want to make it lot less popular then sure. The only real upside it would have is the higher damage at extreme ranges which would almost never be enough to keep the gun in the meta imo.

  7. 3 hours ago, SyllyBear said:

    You really need to understand that the game offers a lot of variety... some missions offer you open areas, other close, others a few of both. When a mission offers you an open area thats when you pull out long distance weapons and there is nothing wrong with it.

    So if you are maining a shotgun and an nfa (full close range), or you need to switch to a more suitable weapon to counter or protect yourself from those range weapons (specially nhvr or even dmr), or look for the way to get close to them as quick and safest possible, or ask a team to cover you. You know a sniper (pre nhvr nerf) can't do much against a rushing shotgun (or pointman).

    When i had the luck  to play in groups with friends, we had a really experienced sniper that would cover us efficiently enough for us to reach the enemy or the objective.


    Something alike would happen when you have to fight in really closed areas where you need to switch to pointman because you need a more efficient weapon for those kind of zones, and then a only sniper user comes to cry that pointman guns are way too op for him to handle in those areas or that his secondary is not strong enough to face pointman guns (?).


    Is that why in a team vs team scenario the one with mixed weapons would work better than full of nhvrs. Is the job for the closest range to take down targets quickly while the longest range cover him.

    Add bricks, shields, granades, ephinephrine (or whatever is called) and etc etc. that helps you to get closer to your enemy... nowdays is barely a problem honestly.

    Yes, but that doesn't excuse the amount of damage it deals in 1 simple point and click at that insane range where you are unreachable. There are more balanced weapons out there that can cover you from long range like I already mentioned. It doesn't take much skill or anything at all in fact, to point and click to basically secure a free kill for any of your team mates. Besides, you'd probably be silver and living in the bronze district if you play with a shotgun and a CQC secondary, especially one like the NFA. (and yes, I am taking on your example since I guess that's something that you or someone you know would do.)

    3 hours ago, Crusade said:

    There are two major problems with the HVR. One is a direct issue, and the other is an indirect issue.


    First, the HVR's damage at 90 meters is not the problem. The problem is high damage at CQC, regardless if it's a quickswitch or not. If a heavy sniper rifle does not belong in a CQC environment, why not give it reverse damage drop off to keep it from being effective in those areas much like every single other weapon in the game.


    The second major issue is the map design. Spawning in line of sight of an objective while on defense and having an HVR equipped is the epitome of what I'm talking about. Spawns should be in alleyways or in buildings (preferably close to vehicle spawners) to prevent snipers from immediately guarding objectives (this would prevent TDM/VIP rush downs as well). Areas surrounding objectives should have a bit more cover (a lot of areas have been slightly improved). Approaches to objectives should have significantly more cover. There should also be an increase in the number of line of sight blockers from vantage points so that snipers can lock down some approaches, but not all areas.

    Because those types of weapon mechanics are frustrating if anything and don't belong in a game that wants to be competitive (at some point in the future). You don't see the AWP in CS:GO dealing less damage in CQC or even the railgun in Quake? Things must be consistent.


    While I agree that the spawn system is one of APB's biggest banes, I still don't think that that would really help the HVR situation. It's not necessary to get killed and to spawn 90m in LoS behind a player to be an effectively annoying HVR user who points and clicks once to win for free. There's a reason why there's a joke about silvers and bronzes (mainly new players) being extremely dangerous with HVR. It takes no skill/experience/knowledge about the game to be effective with it.


    Level design is something that needs to be looked at heavily for both FIN and WF regardless of weapon balancing in the future, there's no doubt about it. But I still think that the HVR will find a way to be annoyingly effective with no real skill required behind it.



    Again, for both of you, I must remind you that the heavy HVR is not allowed in arranged matches which is where high/top tier players get together and play by a ruleset that makes the matches fair and no cheese is allowed. That should tell you something on it's own.

  8. First and foremost, the main problem with the heavy HVR wasn't even quickswitching. It was annoying but it's only a part of the bigger problem with it. The biggest issue is the damage output you can do at up to 100m range with it while using distance as a powerful cover from enemy fire with MOST weapons (not all). I personally think it breaks missions completely when you have an HVR sitting 80m out behind cover while tagging everyone for a bigger portion of their total health. I believe that the Scout is a more balanced choice, could give it slightly more damage/range or something else. If you want a more flexible long range weapon you can pick up an OBIR or an Obeya rifle, but the heavy HVR is just game breaking as it gives way too much of an advantage to the team that utilizes one.


    Regarding the changes, I personally dislike random weapon mechanics that make no sense or are OVERLY unrealistic (not saying that APB is supposed to be realistic, don't get me wrong). Sadly, APB has had some of those for years. In terms of the HVR's case, while I can say that it was pretty fun jumpshooting in CQC with it, from a competitive standpoint, the HVR is a no-go even in it's current state (which is why it's forbidden in arranged match rulesets) due to how annoyingly overpowered it can be at range. However, removing weapons from the game completely is not likely to ever happen for a few reasons that should be obvious. So maybe further tweaking will be required.

  9. Slow sensitivity is usually preferred/recommended by shooter game professionals at world tournament level like in CS:GO for example. The reason for that is because slow sensitivity allows for more precise aiming & tracking, where your crosshair doesn't move all over the target from slight movements, but is instead more precise. It also tends to negate panicking mid-combat a lot because it's easier to take back control of your aim due to it being slower.


    It is indeed personal preference of course, but slow sens is known to be more efficent. It's usually good to find a sweet spot between a slow enough sens where you can track enemies efficently in but also be able to do a 180° spin in one quick, swift motion in case someone is backstabbing you. Extremes (too slow/too fast) are never good. The best way is to play around with it the next time you play APB and find one that you like. It's a lot about experimenting and the same goes for marksmanship sens.


    Another thing you need to keep in mind is that due to slow sens requiring more space to move around the mouse, you should consider getting a large, quality mouse pad if you don't already have one, so you can move your aim freely.


    Just so you know, it's good to have a large mousepad, but it's also going to be necessary to do mouse resets. That is basically the motion of lifting your mouse from the pad and moving it back to the center due to you "running out" of mouse pad and that is okay. No one really plays with low sens without resetting their mouse while playing. And those will start happening on their own as you practice the game with your new sensitivity, they happen subconciously while you focus on the game so no need to worry about that. The faster and smoother your hands get at doing these motions - the better and more consistent aim you will achieve.

    • Like 2

  10. 2 hours ago, Frosi said:

    Giving the Butcher skin to those that have won and the Autumn Assault skin to those that have logged in during the weeks it was running sounds like the best option really.

    I like this idea best. It balances things out. It won't make the butcher skin a lot more common considering the amount of people who won the event more than 5 times through out the weeks and wasted chances for the rest of the server. And the people who really want the Autumn Assault skin but couldn't due to performance, time etc can still get it and such events can be handled better in the future. This is as fair as it gets imo.


    Besides, many of us were hyped for the Butcher Skin since this even was even talked about originally.


    P.S: Also, make both the Butcher and the Autumn Assault account bound rewards!

  11. I vote yes, as I've been saying this since the 2nd or 3rd day of the event, even though I've won the event 3 times on 3 different characters. There way too many factors that made it annoying and unplayable, even after the 20v20 districts cap, the areas were still buggy and made no sense.


    P.S: Shouldn't have written "Yes. The event was flawed. There was no way for me to win." since some of us won it and we still think it should just be given out to everyone.


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  12. Having a good enough PC to run the game smoothly (smoother than 50-60+FPS stable) and having decent latency to the server (less than 120ms is playable, beyond that you will suffer for it the higher it is. So no, 315ms is unplayable by any standards) are two of the most important things in every shooter game, not only APB. Especially fast paced ones like APB though. Higher refresh rate monitors (144hz+) are the standard for 2018 gaming as well, so that's not something you should neglect either. As long as you also have the PC components to keep the FPS high enough in the games you play.

    • Like 2

  13. While I do agree that the event is not friendly towards lower tier players, I have to tell you that even at the highest tier, it's completely luck based (unless someone is being naughty of course). It's just not well thought out for it to be skill based like it's been previous years with the Christmas Gun Games which were actually fun and completely skill based.

  14. Just give the skin to every character that participates in the event tbh. It's already enough that people take their time to join during that 1 exact hour to play it, the fact that it's such a clusterfu*k doesn't help. Give it to everyone who partakes and make it an exclusive, never put it in any event again. Done.

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