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Everything posted by lolicatgirl

  1. Old APB had a wanted system that wasn't neutered and the aggressive out of bounds system didn't exist. Those 2 things alone are pretty substantial changes from the current game.
  2. No fun allowed. Enjoy having no counter play when someone decides to run in the final segment. And if your response is "better designed missions" you missed that window by 10+ years. I don't care how jank it looks, I enjoyed nuking babies with a DMR that think they're safe in their sports cars. You can hardly do anything fun in game anymore since its been neutered to hell and back. We can't even launch ourselves onto roof tops any more outside of missions because they implemented the out of bounds function.
  3. Its time to let go. He's working on digital card games now
  4. I mean if you really wanna creep on him, he's still sorta active on linkedin. Also lol
  5. It's been a while since I played, but I remember it being an issue with the asset cache folder which is supposed to get purged on restart. The folder holds onto things like player customizations and stuff like that. Once it gets to a certain size I remember getting some pretty bad performance drops. Most people got around it be putting the folder outside of their primary drive via symbolic link. I'm sure the original thread it came from is still on the forums somewhere. I would imagine once the engine gets updated that shouldn't be necessary anymore.
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