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Posts posted by Ichinose

  1. Weapon trades are starting to get seriously annoying when traders are still ignoring the trade system and then they tell you

    "Yea that price no , its -20% off that price."


    Can we for once have SOLID , FIXED, LOCKED or how ever else u want to call , prices for legendary guns..


    I been trying to trade 2 Huntresses for a Volcano for a while now even tho i previously managed to easily solve that trade.


    honestly this is the b1g reason why i want to quit the game. Trading being absolutely scummy and [Redacted] ingame.

  2. 5 minutes ago, kolaman91 said:

    Some kits are faction locked like the "Bishada Kissaki Sport Bundle" which is only available to enforcers (which I don't really see the point of, I'd buy it if it wasn't). To answer your question, the Seiyo Citadel should be able to use any kits you currently own for the Espacio.

    So im able to buy citadel and after that the rest of the kits ?

  3. Armas Description:

    The Seiyo Citadel is a CSA-Issued Espacio with a set of unique kits designed for fighting crime in San Paro. This variant has space for four modifications and is fully compatible with Espacio body kits. 


    Whats wrong here?

    "...fully compatible with Espacio body kits. "


    Nobody knows to answer me this question, are enforcers able to use the same kits like criminals?


  4. 12 hours ago, Nafryti said:

    Jesus, you just showed your computer illiteracy card.  Why the hell would you create accounts with email's you can't recover or use to recover, why the hell would you not have a fail safe for a fail safe, i've got email accounts 3 layers deep so that if i ever lose access to one, i can get in from another, easy as pie.  My main issue is forgetting what the password is, due to the fact that i had some issues with Russia logging into my Origin account a few times, and i decided to change the password, and stored it on my Chrome, couple years go by, new HDD upgrade, install Windows 10 Pro... and now wtf was my password again??? all boils down to my having an old barely related email with the same password that is over 12 years old. if i lost that, i would have lost thousands of dollars worth of Windows Server OS's, dozens of Windows OS's and nearly a hundred Steam games, and Origin games.

    YOU are the reason for that, not some kind of keylogger, which FYI is detected by UAC and NOT A/V software, in order for an unverified program to run invisibly it would need admin rights, and access to resources that are in a controlled by UAC folder that is normally invisible to you, and would require rights to install itself as a service... which again would require permission via UAC, which would pop up the message asking YOU for permission... which would mean, either you are NOT running a version of Windows that is in a support cycle still, or, you once again are showing that computer illiteracy card and turned OFF UAC, thinking you were hacker pro master when you discovered you could stop that annoying pop up asking you "are you sure you want to be brain dead and install this software that will clearly fuck your shit up from the site: "steal.youraccounts.co.ru"


    You need some LTT quick bits and as fast as possibles


    Though some don't update as often as others, and some are just ridiculously behind in their update pools.


    Though with that logic, you could just you know, not install an A/V and use the Windows 10 Defender A/V and be just fine, also freeing up a lot of resources for the game to use, thus improving frames, and unlocking the "got guud" achievement!



    I had not intended to make such a long winded reply, but some things were needed to be said.

    Those accounts were lost 6 years ago holy shit stop with tthis subject why do you care about my fucking accounts

  5. 1 minute ago, sakafiskafnjak said:

    well LO is a profit-oriented company and theyve realised that having no anti-cheat is cheaper than having an anticheat. + making hopes and promises is enough to make all the 10k+ hours players open up their paypal-account to unleash them €€€

    Welp it would be quite sad to see something like "PAY TO NOT GET BANNED"


    Its same as if i were to buy a 1400 EUR skin on CS:GO and start spinbotting every now and then

  6. 19 minutes ago, Lato said:

    you're facing people with 10k hours, i wouldn't be surprised if they were just better than you


    This game is dead, don't compare it to cs:go

    So is CS:GO, the only alive part about it is the cheaters. And plus not to mention the fact. i have myself 9830 hours on APB on  span of 7 accounts.

    But when someone is cheating SO obviously, then you cant compare it to a 10K hr player.

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