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Posts posted by Ichinose

  1. 1 minute ago, Deadliest said:

    Okie we get it you s*ck at the game! You lose 100% against gold threat players, you make bull dust excuses 'golds are all cheaters' so you don't feel ashamed of being a max rank daily bronze threat player.


    Your whole bronze experience on APB is complain on the forums and complain in-game, it's an miracle that I log-in played with a friend and actually matched against you. The whole match you try to insult, accused me of macros, aim-bots etc and threaten to report me falsely, while I was playing the game legit rarely engaged in chat and you telling me that golds are randomly blowing up chat insulting anyone who's isn't gold? that's bull dust It's players like you who starts the toxicity insults in chat district because if you can't win in-game, you may as well accuse type insults and accused the player of cheating. Most players would ignore a bronze accusations but if they reply and insult you back, you were the one who started it. 


    You say LO doesn't banned cheaters will I made one disappeared so you are wrong, max rank blatantly targeted me with walls + aimbot in asylum. Never to be seen again.  


    Either way cheating or not you still will lose in game, you better off playing a game with AI bots with easy difficulty my advice.


    The sad thing there are few player who are so paranoid of cheaters in APB which they end up cheating so they could have a fair advantage against the accused player. 




    Most of people like him behave like this ingame, then cry for their 7 day bans:



    (Names censored to comply with name and shame)


    Spam whispers you how you are cheating, then ignores you.

    I just feed them the good old ez.


  2. Heres how it could work.



    Option A: Have a option to disable it, at own risk, if you're scammed or hacked, purely your fault.

    Option B: Require 2FA enabled on the account to disable it automatically, that way your account is also safer!


    Its getting annoying to have windows updates , pc compontent changes, windows reinstalls , adobe creative cloud install , initiate a trade cooldown.


    yes i dont know why, but AC Creative cloud makes you have a trade cooldown.

  3. 33 minutes ago, Kevkof said:

    Wait a bit longer and then enter the same code again (on Authy, wait until the second half of the timer)

    i have tried even waiting until the last second.


    ingame it just wont work


    on site it only lets me login, but when i try to disable it i get the same error.

  4. Special Thanks:

    GM Team:

    For keeping the event friendly!



    For bringing attention to it!


    Race Organiser:

    For showing some of the old OG tracks!




    Group Screenshots: (1920x1080 Version) (4K Available at me)








    See you next week!


    • Like 1

  5. Just now, CookiePuss said:

    This dude's been in discord for hours now just lying his patootie off. 

    This isn't even his first ban for shady behavior. 

    Lol... Unreal. 

    Yeah sure im lying, cant even prove a point without 2 of the toxics swearing at me straight and calling it lies.


    Good job, lets make Keppe and Vanille GM'S shall we?

    //close request


    The good friend that he is Admitted to carding , What LO does now is their decision.

  6. Just now, SilverCrow said:

    If steam is responsible then why are you blaming your "friend" now?




    Cause if he goes smart mode and fails to do this correctly me and him both get banned


    me who did nothing and him for a what can be only called a Third party chargeback

  7. Just now, VanilleKeks said:

    They are taking action against you because it happened on your machine. You are responsible from LO's POV. The only way to clear this up is to provide the necessary info to LO and get rid off the misunderstanding. Given that they said the trade-lock will be until when the issues with steam are resolved, it seems they are willing to help you? Also, imagine never talking to your friend again over a honest mistake like this, nice "friend" you are. 

    APB Means life to me almost, i grew up with this game playing it from 2012. If he ruins my ingame career i literally dont want to talk to him again. I have so many memories on this account to several good old friends.

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