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  1. SARD is doing a great job! There are no more cheaters online
  2. Nothing gonna change, you will see 5 cheaters in asylum anyway
  3. Depend what is the mission, close or long range , attacking or defending, what the others in the team using to get correct combo/ situations 1) most time Im using FBW 2) I prefer shotguns but if is not good in the situation I will switch 3) same.. depend the situation
  4. Im sorry but you sound like an average silver... 1) Scouts are the BEST snipers right now.. 2 hits from 95m and you kill the enemy, and you could do it fast and quick ADS that makes them totally brutal 2) Shotguns are great if you are playing behind walls, in close range and good playstyle for shotguns OCA cant do nothing... 3) Another mad player that cant handle against AP players, this is great pistol that right but you got alternative options and is NOT the only pistols FBW, FR0G , PDW , YUKON are great options too and I see more people using these pistols. 4) PLAYSTYLE!!!! you will not stand in the street without cover and shooting obeya from medium.. like seriously you are compare between these guns??
  5. @MageLO epidemic role level 5 reward doesn't work... fix it
  6. shit event.. you are killing the game quit pls
  7. nah AP is fine, if you will nerf it nobody will use it anymore
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