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Posts posted by Mitne

  1. While it needs more shots to kill, M-1922 also fires this shots faster. So if all shots land on both sides it will kill faster than OCA and PMG. Huge recoil is nerf done to it because it was meta at some point (and yeah, it recoil was low enough that it was easily controllable even when full auto-fired... now you need to control fire). For me everything fine with M-1922, it's the other guns which needs fixing.

  2. 5 minutes ago, Hexerin said:

    What if the HVR was just given reverse damage scaling, like what the Volcano has? Does irrelevant damage up close (like 2% inside 10m) that scales up to the current full 85% outside 60-70m. No need for accuracy scaling or other similarly convoluted gimmicks (that never work, as has been proven the past several times)... just straight up solution to the core problem.

    Major problem. It would make HVR impossible to use close quaters. While sure it should be used on range it would effectively kill N-HVR as any kind of last resort. And it would just force people to use alternatives (DMR or Scout). I sometimes wonder if you all just want to kill N-HVR... 

  3. 2 minutes ago, BXNNXD said:

    what the deal with the issrb becoming meta? it’s far easier to deal with than the hvr imo, altho issrb stacking leads to ridiculous hard damage output

    It's ARMAs weapon. Never make ARMAs weapon as king of class if you don't want APB be called p2w. Remember when ATAC was OP?... Yeah. 

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  4. 6 minutes ago, Similarities said:

    wdym...??? OBIR? Obeya? DMR is fine, Obeya is fine, OBIR is fine, all of them can have a duel with the Scout just fine. Dog Ear is OP, but it's going to be OP regardless of if the HVR is king or not.

    I'm talking about sniper rifles. Obir and Obeya are marksman. DMR is far from fine... It can outshot all other snipers sure. But as long aa they don't have any cover... Then anyone who uses DMR sees greatest problem. Aka. Shots to kill - 3 and they need to be done quick due to low relative damage of each shot. Now I fear ISSR-B will be new king of snipers rifles. 4 shots, yep but you can easily land two first in series and two others after. And you got kill. 

  5. So snipers nerfed and shotguns buffed? Great. I probably never complete sniper role now. Don't take me wrong but as someone who main sniper right now it's kinda disturbing. 


    How you propose for me to play in Asylum now @MattScott?


    I mean just check out how hard is to be sniper in any situation. You can alwats try out N-HVR only thro. Asylum. Sometimes I'm suprised I even get positive K/D


    Edit: Alright N-HVR only I can live up. Still, just try it on busy Asylum. It's not as easy situation as other show it. 


  6. 1 hour ago, notMateo said:

    Wow I love the early feedback on this thread; it's just a few people who've only posted kneejerk reactions and nothing else. Talk about a discussion.

    Ok? Let's do small comprasion, amigo.


    1 hour ago, notMateo said:

    Anyways. Nah, I don't agree OP, but I'll actually explain my reasoning instead of trying to preserve the apparent "sole" of APB. Those empty districts are probably using next to no resources. I'm betting APBs servers have to be a little strong to deal with some of the things like the customization and all the entities in a district to the point that spinning down a few servers probably wouldn't really matter much. (On that note I wonder if APBs districts are like... virtualized servers or full on spin ups?) 


    3 hours ago, Mitne said:

    I don't see how empty servers cause unstability? They just make space for players to join avaliable and if there are none, servers is just going idle. Second thing - I see gold and green servers constantly rolling some players - sometimes more, sometimes less, sometimes just one - but still it's population.


    Nice reasoning, surely "nobody" before said anything about that.



    1 hour ago, notMateo said:

    I don't think the crummy AI is really taking up much resources either, or not as much as you might think. Like yeah, it's just another huge clump of entities to manage, I'm sure disabling them would free up some resources, and possibly more than spinning down empty districts, but I can't imagine enough to improve game performance. On top of that, I wouldn't want a pedestrian-less game, even at the cost of latency. (But honestly, I don't have lag issues like everyone else in this game. Count myself lucky I guess).


    3 hours ago, Mitne said:

    Mugging is actually role... So yeah it's GREAT loss. Also AI is very simple with only few visible response - Walking along path, running away if player/players is near in certain conditions, being action object and as destructable object. With that logic we might as well remove all small objects...




    1 hour ago, notMateo said:

    But I'm not a dev, I don't have access to the resource usage.


    What do I know.


    1 hour ago, notMateo said:

    Wow I love the early feedback on this thread; it's just a few people who've only posted kneejerk reactions and nothing else. Talk about a discussion.

    Your reaction surely isn't "kneejerk". You know nice insider look and all.

  7. I don't see how empty servers cause unstability? They just make space for players to join avaliable and if there are none, servers is just going idle. Second thing - I see gold and green servers constantly rolling some players - sometimes more, sometimes less, sometimes just one - but still it's population.


    Mugging is actually role... So yeah it's GREAT loss. Also AI is very simple with only few visible response - Walking along path, running away if player/players is near in certain conditions, being action object and as destructable object. With that logic we might as well remove all small objects...


    FC servers are already brimming full each day and you want to make them even more packed?


    Yeah, no.

    Garbage suggestion which would just hurt users even more.



    • Like 2

  8. 1 hour ago, Keshi said:

    The reason why no one barely said anything when Tiggs was around because back then Tiggs and other power abusive GM's would BAN anyone who offends them... And thats the reason why my main was banned in early 2016. So i'm sure others would wanted to but knew that anything u do against a GM or CM can get u banned 🙂

    But then again no reason to eat on LO since LO did more than G1 did ever with the game

    I got banned for being vocal too I guess.


    I mean remove moaners, surely problem will fix itself that way...



    39 minutes ago, SelttikS said:

    video is ooolllldddd look at the date. it is only professionalcrybaby that is b1tching really because that is all it does. As other have stated, back when it was tiggs g1 all criticism got you a ban and was deleted. It is not that people were not pissed, its just that you could not talk about it.


    And again... Video is from 2014 it is not new. It is just a ploy for shitgamer to startup more b1tching.

    Didn't even noticed. Oh well.


    I guess shame on OP then.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Unclean said:

    when you get back into this game, it's hard to keep yourself from rushing in or to stop yourself from throwing yourself at objectives knowing you'll die.



    Just don't let anything get to you and play defensively. A loss or a death doesn't really affect you negatively

    Also contrary to popular belief playing "decent" isn't bad.


    Sometimes I miss people who would just play "decent". 😕 You know so I can defeat them...

  10. 1. Lay off game for a while, you might be tired of it - and contrary to popular belief, you only get better to certain point if you play long enough... after hitting that point you only become much worse over time (probably due being tired of that game).


    2. Change something in gameplay - find some gun you find fun in using for example. And i don't mean easy gun... maybe it's other way around. Maybe you need some tricky gun to use.


    3. Find some decent group - Lone wolfs always got it harder. Speaking from experince here.


    4. Try different strategies - Sometimes all what is needed to defeat enemy is head. Heading directly might work on some but how about ambushing, flanking or trapping of enemy?



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  11. Well... it doesn't exactly work like that.


    Sure, you will unlock kits which are part of contacts unlock route (like kits for Packer Ceresco along way) - but they will be only for cheap and mid-price cars.

    If you want kits for expensive cars and for free - I would look up Joker Distribution and Ophelia which sells all kits for expensive cars. Although you will need joker tickets for them.

    Also first spawn on district is always free, every next will cost 100 APB$.

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