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Posts posted by FluttershyI

  1. 4 hours ago, StunStick said:
    Its not good for a sniper that can't be used at sniper range because it's bloom doesn't recover quickly enough to hit accurately.

    It's also not good for a sniper that can't be fired at maximum rate of fire without excessive bloom.

    It's effective range is basically AR range where NTEC completely destroys it.

    Also, it's affected by the same sprint block that the HVR has so that when you shoot you can't sprint for a second or two, meaning you can't take potshots with it without exposing yourself excessively.

    And I would argue the crosshair still needs work.

    It's definitely not done being buffed. Right now you literally can't get rid of an Anubis because no one wants it.
    This ^^ I mostly feel like it's not mobile and enough and that it's firing (bloom recovery) is too slow to be competitive against other weapons. I mean, scout being a 1.75s TTK 2-shot sniper with full mobility and excellent corner peaking/accuracy doesn't really make the Anubis good  due to a 1.47s TTK on paper. In practise it always looses out to a scout in the open or with cover.

  2. 2 minutes ago, BXNNXD said:
    yes it looks like theyre testing test districts to replace the oc districts on the live version, they have fancy ui options and theyre locked to anyone under r50 (so no new players get stuck there accidentally i assume)

    Sounds good, let's hope so!

  3. 3 hours ago, BXNNXD said:
    3 hours ago, FluttershyI said:

    They should simply take the testing changes to live again. It'll be so much better to simply have one active financial district to test these changes. Also it'll be way more clear how weapon balance holds up during missions

    the way it’s set up on otw looks like they’re testing the test districts for the live version 

    To clarify, I mean a testing district. Not rushing changes into live

  4. They should simply take the testing changes to live again. It'll be so much better to simply have one active financial district to test these changes. Also it'll be way more clear how weapon balance holds up during missions

  5. Overlay is not modifying game files and it has no direct or unfair advantage in-game compared to monitors wich have this funtion build in. Also fraps and other software use overlays aswell so I don't see how it could be bannable unless you'de decide all overlays will be blocked. Also they acknowledged the fact the crosshair in-game isn't good atm multiple times and have never stated anything about making overlay crosshairs a bannable offence or taking action against it. 

  6. 3 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:
    Bruh less than 50 people voted.
    I said most likely, we'll never know for sure by a poll on these forums. Forum members might not even represent the opinion well of the APB player, due to a variety of reasons. For instance people who are happy about rebalancing might not even come here to provide feedback or the other way around, upset people don't bother. The best thing IMO would be for Little Orbit to make a choice and execute that as well as possible and communicate about it.

  7. Looking at the final results, it seems the community will mostly vote for a full rebalance at this stage in time. Of course it's critical that it'll be done correctly and some weapons (eventually) have to be re-done aswell. Of course this will take time and patience from both LO and the community and weapon changes shouldn't be regarded as final at any stage during testing yet.

  8. Players of APB Reloaded,

    As to be expected rebalancing weapons will inadvertently lead to changes to weapons. Those weapons can be positive or negative. Pushing some of these changes to the live version of the game already might have lead to some drama and upset players, but I think the negative response is mostly cause by not knowing 'what's the plan behind these weapon changes?'. I think that's the core issue here wich I also don't have an answer to. Players might have very different expectations when it comes to re-balancing than the company itself and that might lead to disappointment in the end. I would like to use this topic by collecting your opinions about weapon rebalancing trough this poll. If we have a collective end goal I think our results and experience will be much better in the future. So, lets try to keep things constructive and positive in this thread!

    I hope everybody who will read this topic can leave his personal opinion about what the goal of weapon rebalancing should be!
    Afterwards I hope Little Orbit can make an official statement about the direction for re-balancing to go into aswell.

    Thanks a lot everybody for your time reading!

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  9. 3 minutes ago, Tizzie said:

    Personally I feel like the now-removed GM power boxes were fine and wish they'd come back.

    But I would be fine if they at least changed it so that instead of random guns or vehicles being sent, you'd get a choice like you do with the tutorial weapon reward selectors. That way if I get a green or blue or purple I can actually get something in return that I want that would actually benefit my play experience rather than another 12 days of a gun that I own a perm of, or another Vegas Gumshoe.. it's been years and hundreds spent and I still haven't gotten that 4 slot Fresno.

    They shouldn't release any of those boxes anymore since there are already way to many FFA R&D III in the game since the free box exploiting
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