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  1. Hello, Here are some suggestions that I think every player would like to see in-game. This post took me a long time to think about and write. Sorry for my english. I'm not a native speaker. 1. Queue system If a district is full you should be able to join a queue and continue doing other things (making clothes, buying stuff from marketplace,...) while you are trying to join, if you are inside any vending machine (clothes,..) it should ask you if you actually want to join the district. 2. Friend system The new updated one is great, just some tweaks would be appreciated. Some kind of request system, if player isn't online, just send him a request so he can accept it later when he gets online via Friends & Group tab. 3. Clan managment The current one is in the game since it's release, no changes at all. Bulk selection, make everyone able to copy the Message of the Day, but editable for officers and leader. Just small tweaks. 4. Marketplace prices comma Everytime when I want to sell something on the marketplace I have to double check the price because I can't see the thousands, hundreds, etc. separated. Example: $1,000,000; $879,415; etc. 5. Account wide storage/money Transfering items through in-game mail takes ages if you do that on daily basis. Having a account-wide storage would be really nice. Having all the items/mods stored on all characters at the same time. Same thing on money, having all of the money on all characters at the same time would be great. 6. In-Game options Adding hold crouch, auto sprint in in-game options would be cool. No longer need to change it via config files. Toggle ADS would be great aswell. 7. Bounty system Everytime I'm in a mission I get bounty aka p5, It's really annoying and completely not competitive. Personally I would completely remove this system and leave the cash/xp "multiplier" on 1.8x. 8. Premium changes Less cooldown when player has premium, not competitive at all. Definitely remove this thing. 9. Spawn system The current spawn system works, but it's not perfect. Sometimes player spawns few meters away from me or the point and sometimes even behind me. And on the opposite side, sometimes you get spawned 200m+ from static point for no reason. This needs some tweaks. 10. Login screen Make it simple, the current one just takes ages to log-in, accept everything, yadaya.. The old one from 2012 was really great, simple and fast. 11. Game radar/map, waypoints Checking radar/map is kinda useless now, since pretty much all of the stuff is moved a bit and not on the same exact spot. Same thing on waypoints, not on the exact same position as you place them, according to map. 12. VoIP, Communication with team The current VoIP system is BIG nono. No-one is using it, volume is super low and quality is garbage aswell. Communication with team is important, now you can just use /team and that's all, adding voice communication with your team would be awesome. 13. ELO System ELO System would be way better than the current matchmaking, you would get matched against equal enemy. Take a look at it please. That's pretty much everything from me now. I might update the list sooner or later. Have a nice day.
  2. Just tried both districts and Test B is a winner for me with NTEC, but the mag. size is meh.. you should leave it at 32. Live version of CJ is way better than this one. Test A district is a winner for me.
  3. Suggestions for female clothes: Top Oversized T-Shirt See through Blouse Long Jacket (goes under butt and ends with textile tightening straps) Sweater Cape Torn Skinny Jeans Shirt and Sweater (Buttoned, Normal) Denim Jacket Bottom Longer A-Line skirt Formal suit trousers Wrap Skirt
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