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  1. Thanks for correcting me, in my opinion OC was indeed a cheaters nest but as you said and right it was also never being used as in, high population wise, regardless, you always had those groups of toxic people joining into that district as well as cheaters from time to time, and the OC server was kinda pointless to have it there at the same time since the new players can still join knowing that there's a message saying that was not suitable for new players. That's basically one of the ways how you get bad reviews about the game if they're not playing at their suitable servers for their rank and level of experience. (They could just simply make a level restriction to join that OC district) but honestly I don't think it would even do anything about it though. As for the OTW well... If it was already Implemented in the game, G1 never used cause they weren't creating content whatsoever so that's self explanatory.
  2. I'm gonna be a bit masochist knowing that I'm allergic to bullshoot but here's what I have to say about this: So you're telling that "Little Orbit" isn't doing much as far as you see right? So let's put it like this, have you even realized that LO did in months compared to what G1 "tried to do" in years ? Have you stopped and thought about it even for a single bit? I'll refresh your mind then. I'm going to put it in way so you can understand what I'm saying: little orbit balanced some weapons that needed to be balanced "including friggin' Yukon", although, they reverted some tweaks cause the community didn't like their new attributes neither did I to be honest, they improved the armas Marketplace and made those overpriced weapons with a balanced price and added 100g1c per dollar, G1 was adding 50 per dolar. LO Kept us updated with everything they did, server maintenances, new content such as showstopper, they added certain guns that were already implemented in the game before and they just brought it back, and now there is a huge update with more improvements for the joker ticket store (which I'm excited to see), so they removed FFbans which was cancerous since the very beginning and that is what made toxicity get worse in the game cause they had the free will to post whatever the hell they wanted against the banned dudes. They removed OC which was a good idea since the toxic players and cheaters used to main that district and it was flooded of newbies so they could just test their cheats there. (Glad that they removed it), they are so active in the forum (something that G1 could never do not in a million years knowing that had the people for it), they made new events, gave us new seasonal skins, let's not forget that they made a freaking OTW server! To test weapons and events before the release of them , how cool is that! And now as I mentioned before, they're working their asses off to make everything perfect for the big patch coming up in some days, and that includes: riot going LIVE , improved JT earnings, and JT improvement with PERMANENT JT weapons being available In the store, a new sick Yakuza skin, a new Anticheat called "EasyAntiCheat" since they realised faster than G1 that battleye wasn't doing it's thing, and if you're talking about engine... Dude, do your homework Matt explained that RIOT will be released first than the engine , let's not forget the patches they're releasing for PS4 players. I could keep going with this all day, now you tell me what G1 did ever since the day they promised an engine update back in 2015? And what happened ever since that year until now... Exactly. "Nothing!". Absolutely nothing. And you come here talking about ghost shots and stuff, you do know that all that will disappear after the engine release right ? You know why I give a shout out to LO, is that LO is truly showing us that they're here to make a change for good and they're actually showing it for real. Little Orbit is a small company that did for the game what G1 could never ever achieve not even a million years. Don't say that the game is dying and dying when you have a passionate community which is why the game is still alive. This game survived many wars and look where we are... (In a way so you could understand what I'm saying ...right?) Understand this. Peace out, JIN
  3. I still don't get the point of why they put that message there knowing that before that message showed up, the weapon was just like i told you "no bloom nor recoil while ADS'ing" and after that they somehow messed up the bloom but not the recoil, and yet, you're saying that the fact that the crosshair didn't bloom IS the bug.. doesn't make sense any of this... but once again, it's G1 being G1
  4. but that doesn't mean that the weapon's nog bugged cause it surely is. so if there's a bug in it, it's better to fix it don't you think? and the Silencer's effect doesn't "only" change t he recoil, it changes the reticle bloom as well, makes it not spread at all WHILE you're aiming with it (Marksmanship Mode), on hipfire it shoots just like a normal RFP.
  5. Hello everyone, JIN here! i'm gonna go straight to the point, so this has been put on hold for quite some time and so far i haven't seen any changes in Joker RFP Talon. This secondary's a burst fire pistol with a suppressor equipped on, and basically it has a minor bug that's also writen when you're about to buy the gun in Armas Marketplace saying that the suppressor isn't doing it's effect, which is since it's a burst fire pistol, it should nulify the reticle bloom of the crosshair no matter how much you're spraying with it. and they promissed that they would fix it in the next patch, but, that's basically G1 being G1 for us. it might not be a popular secondary but it's my main pistol and i'm sure that the few players who actually play with it DO love the gun as much as I do. so i'd love to see this gun fully fixed just like the good ol' times.... Not to mention that it's so sexy :D TEMPTRESS: - Seems like from those 56 pages on the mailbox, Temptress is the gun that isn't there yet. and, i've never ever got the chance to test it properly, and now after this tweak on IR3, seems like Temptress will also suffer the changes though, by making the gun shoot slower than before. my honest opinion about it, i don't think it's a good idea to make this weapon jsut a "refer-a-friend weapon which is a feature that's not even implemented in the game anymore, and for those who'd love to try it out, not they can't try it and instead of that they kinda make you get jealous just because they own the gun (well...that's basically my case but i hope i'm not the only one :'D) it's a fully customized Rifle of Huntress, this weapon should be in the legendary's list! should be available for everyone! Best regards and StayAwesome, JIN
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