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  1. No one is obligated to allow you to arrest people. That being said, most people will let you arrest the crim. I have done LTL in FC and there were only a few times where my stuns were "purposely" killed. I let it slide because it's a video game and I can always get arrests anyways. I've personally seen your behavior in game recently and I can say that you deserved every bit of it. You were tking a fellow enfo for an hour straight. Want people to stop killing your stuns? Don't give them a reason to.
  2. In my opinion, lowering the numbers in FC would just promote slower gameplay. People would just camp even more than they already have for an easy kill. By leaving the numbers the way they are or increasing the numbers, these same campers would have to worry about flankers at any given moment. I believe FC should remain the same, if not increasing the amount of people.
  3. I never understood why people try to use the argument of "low skill" as validation for removing certain aspects of the game in a game that revolves around casual gameplay. This game has low ttk, aim is not rewarded (headshots do the same amount of damage as bodyshots), and third person pov advantage (the reliance on prenading to get any kills). I could argue that the typical meta guns require low skill and are easily accessible to anyone. Though, I'll agree with your viewpoints on lag and I'd remove explosives solely based on performance issues rather than "low skill".
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