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Everything posted by G4B3

  1. My most frequent symptom of an impending disconnect appears to be a sudden lapse of time. Actual game time, to the point where the day will turn to night and visa versa in a split second, then I will get an AFK'd message without having been afk for even a second, followed by an un-AFK'd if I move. No lag, no latency, no packet loss, just time warp and shortly after, a disconnect.
  2. Manic and it's variants Basically an ATAC that's better at doing what the ATAC did best.
  3. Custom crosshairs come in the form of shaders or overlays, and both do more than just crosshairs. But whether or not you agree on terminology doesn't mean making a blanket 'no' answer is correct, lol. Funny enough, op was talking about the overlay type. Defending your oversight is the reason there was an argument at all.
  4. Player name changes usually cost $10-15 in most games, no? There's a lot more server work that goes into a character change than you think.
  5. Because saying it's not allowed is not equivalent to retorting with extra, unwanted, unhelpful commentary -like both posts with downvotes do Also, nothing has been stated on custom crosshairs in totality, just that their acquisition through game-file-affecting shaders is not allowed. Impossible to track, even if it was bannable. No.
  6. The likelihood of them or any mod team saying that a program outside of their control is okay to use is very low. The program can change with time, the methods can change with time, and the ability for mods to see what a program does underneath its face value, without picking apart its code, is limited given they'd have to dissect every single program you asked about. All you should understand is that unless your program interacts with the game, it is undetectable. This can be indirect, of course, like macros which interact with your mouse, not the game- yet your mouse hits, in many games, will appear as patterned mouse clicks, and may lead to a ban. Granted, they could add a piece to BattleEye that checks for this program being running or not, but the odds of them doing that are nearly as slim as the odds from before, because, again, they would have to take action for EVERY single program.
  7. While it's not explicitly kosher, you can use customizable desktop logo software that does nothing more than run in the background and display an image of your choosing at a position, size and opacity that you set. It doesn't touch the game, and simply appears above it when your game is windowed. Effectively it's a software version of the ol' tape dot on the TV for your handicapped MW2 quick-scoping. Most other programs/methods that I've seen are custom shaders that act on APB's in-game crosshair and change/add files the directory. This will never be okay, and understandably so, as many custom shaders can be built to give unfair advantages like highlighting targets and even seeing player outlines through walls. So until they add official versions of these things, no, you shouldn't use anything that edits the game.
  8. @Infektr If you duplicate your background rounded square, put it on the topmost layer and set its effect as "Invert Mask", you'll easily get rid of the shadow that's falling onto the background.
  9. I won't be making and thus submitting for a while until the game starts growing directly from Little Orbit's changes. It's looking up, though. For now, here's just a dump of my better ones over the years. (many are commissions, many are not included) https://g4b3official.wixsite.com/gabes-portfolio/apb-r-symbols If clicking that's too much work for you: First, here's some quality edge for you kiddos, ...my personal favorite, ...and the one that's gotten me the most attention over the years. I may open up commissions in the future (please, make me want to, Scotty our savior). Mail me if you'd like any copies of these and I'll get back to you next time I'm on. :]
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