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Posts posted by Tobii

  1. 1 minute ago, GhosT said:

    Sniper rifles and marksman rifles, for example. 
    Obeya is as slow as if you were to shoot at the same rate you would to not miss on range.
    E.g. if you get perfect ROF with the IR3 changes it still be accurate with every shot and not bloom.

    Unsure how that's a bad thing? Yes, the TTK is upped, but so is it for the other guns that want to sacrifice ROF for range.

  2. 17 minutes ago, Ebola-Chan said:
    its like when they nerfed ntec so when heavy barrel 2 is added it takes 1 more shot to kill so people adapted and started using ir3
    people will just abuse cooling jacket now or something like that
    I am not so sure. The actual IR3 changes do no make the Ntec useless.
    I've tested it on OTW and the Ntec is still better than 90% of the other weapons, even with IR3.

    I like the IR3 changes on the ntec.. So I would use it in the future.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Mercuie said:
    Hey I wouldn't be against removing IR!  It's seeming like a big issue to balance right now and I would be interested to see what would happen if guns were stuck to their ranges.  Then again APB's locations are so varied that having a gun bleed out of it's range is actually useful since it's hard to cover a lot of ranges in random teams.  Game balance is hard.  Glad I'm not in charge.  I would just delete the HVR and pat myself on the back for making the best change ever done in video game history!  😛😛😛😛
    I say we remove all but one gun, and make that gun 3 shot at all ranges and always accurate.
    This means it will be all about skills! And no weapon imbalance or RNG!

    Glad we all agree. :^)
    • Like 1

  4. Just now, TackoGirl said:

    sorry i mean Kempington :'D

    I do not know any solution, but that's not my job.
    I find the solution with the mod crappy, but we'll see I can not do anything about it anyway, except cry 

    You can voice what you think is bad about it, or what you feel like they should do.

    The current changes are not final, and they should be tweaked more for sure.
    I am not seeing the problem with lowering the ROF while improving range. But the ROF should prob be closer to 20% slower than 15%.

    This is why we have OTW.. To test the changes before they go live.
    • Like 1

  5. 5 minutes ago, TackoGirl said:



    Then how about suggesting a way to fix it.. instead? All you do is say "no, I don't like it!"..
    The way IR is now will give you an advantage with no real downside. And if you claim there is a downside to using IR3 on the ntec... boy! You gotta wake up.

    We might as well just remove IR :^)

  6. 10 minutes ago, Boowy said:
    13 minutes ago, GhosT said:

    It makes absolute sense, it has literally no downside to it.
    And why should it have? It work 8 years fine and noone ever had problem with it. I will completely kill Rifles and make Ntec unstopable.
    No? N-tec still works just fine... Just like all the other guns work just fine?
    Personal opinion does make it true.
    11 minutes ago, TackoGirl said:

    but also no advantages, that's why it's pointless

    How is extra range with no downside not an advantage...........

  7. 6 hours ago, Noob_Guardian said:
    6 hours ago, Triksterism said:
    I was going to say ESP, but then I wanted to add Noobs to the end so it ended up being ESPN... not that ESPN is any good to begin with (i'm not a sports fan)
    Why would an ESP not be picked up by BE.. Do tell?
    AFAIK even simple packet radar would get you banned.. And that doesn't even touch the game.

  8. Holy+wall+of+text+_ee70e239d9d6d6d989a4d
    i thought the weapon bawance wike you said in the video was going to be vewy minyow changes if anything nyow i feew wike the best choice wouwd be to stop the nyewfs in genyewaw and to stop this nyew weapon bawance because i feew wike it wiww fuwthew make apb wose pwayews evewyonye is so used to quick scoping ow whatevew you caww it and many peopwe out thewe cash out on a wot of monyey on the yukon because of the way it pewfowms i knyow this game is vewy fast paced but that's what makes apb vewy nyice and vewy diffewent and divewse compawed to othew games a wot of games out thewe have vewy wepetitive weapon bawances but what i wiked about apb the most is the weapons on hewe wewe vewy diffewent fwom onye anyothew which makes it divewse i don't wike the impwuvd wifwing nyewf and i am suwe a wot of peopwe out thewe don't wike it eithew awso i can speak fow the peopwe who don't wike the yukon nyewf and the nhvw nyewf im going to be vewy weawistic about this if this weapon bawance does come a wot of fast paced pwayews wike me wiww just weave apb i wike the weapon system the way it is nyow if anything the wegistwy system and the sewvews just nyeed a fix since when did peopwe become so bad that they want this game to be swow paced and the weapons to be nyewfed if i wanted such a weak weapon bawance i wouwd just go back on gta v honyestwy and peopwe most of the time just stick awound hewe because of sociaw distwict due to customization my wast pwoposaw is to keep the cuwwent weapons the same and bwing out nyew weapons that you want to impwement the nyewfs on to because in aww honyesty i wouwd nyot be suwpwised if i stiww see a majowity of peopwe using the owd weapons compawed to the nyew onyes i just don't see why as individuaws we can't weawn to coexist and copway with and against each othew than that the weason im typing aww of this is because im twying to save my ogwe and i weawnyed how to go up against quick switchews with snyipews and yukons and i stiww won a wot of times why can't evewyonye do the same instead why nyot just buff othew weapons that awen't mainwy used as much instead of just adding downgwades to cuwwent weapons and mods that awe being used and that awe actuawwy good. and just because this post get's a wot of diswikes doesn't mean that of aww i just mentionyed wont happen because it wiww pwobabwy happen nyot evewyonye gets on the fowums and when they find out what happended to theiw bewuvd weapons it's just going to end up being a dispute these changes awe too much if peopwe whinye so much about nyot getting access to a jokew weapon ow if they feew that it's so uvwpowewing why can't you wittwe owbit just take off the jokew boxes concept and stawt sewwing those wegendawys fow doubwe the pwofit which guawantees that you wiww get the weapon instead of just gambwing fow them which wiww give wess excuses fow peopwe to whinye about just think about it.

  9. I feel like some of these changes weren't really needed or should be changed a bit.

     +4, 8. 12 m range -> +4, 8, 10 m range (or +3, 7, 10m)

    Weapon Balance
    CSG - Test E: Added 5m to the effective and minimum range (15m effective, 25m min) -> Revert this back to 10m effective, 20m min. Seeing as it will gain +12m with the IR changes. (maybe change the min damage distance to 15m instead of 10m. (e.g. 10 effective, 25m min.))
    Shredder - Test E: Increased range by 5m (25m effective, 45m min). Increase Fire Interval to 0.37 (from 0.42). -> The pellet spread still makes this miss a lot on range as I stated in my previous suggestion post. The range is basically 37 meters now, only a few of the pellets will actually hit. Meaning that yes in theory it can kill up to 40'ish meters.. but will it? Most likely not. The fire interval is fine though.

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  10. 33 minutes ago, SandyBitch said:
    I would like to join OTW,  but unfortunately, i cant even install it, because keeps saying, i gotta install virtual studio 2012 c++ runtime, been stuck there for the past 3 days and i asked for help, but noone really responsed besides suggestions, which i already did beforehand, can any of you guys may take a look into it to help me out?

    thx in advance
    When does it show that error?... I posted a guide on the OTW forum showing how you can just copy the live version.. And you don't have to install anything.
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