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Everything posted by Nijavid

  1. *Cough* Ogre-Ursus-Yukon-Volcano *Cough* Totally Not supposed to be good
  2. I Don't really think Anubis is the worst gun And it doesn't really need a buff If you compare it with the DMR You can see that you can see that both guns have same TTK Anubis is worst than DMR on Cars Damage But you can move faster than DMR with it Both of the stay the 3Shots to kill (Tho i'm aware of the stupid 2shots DMR on 90m+ thos i really don't think that you can pull of that many shots at 90m) in my opinion the main thing i hate about the Anubis is the Crosshair It's so much fuckedup
  3. Not A Shit example but reworking a gun and making it unaccesable is still an example Completly removing it would made the situation much worst cause the players payed for this and they want a refund on it
  4. Removing a gun or a mod from a game after releasing it and after people grinding for it is a huge issue and it will create huge problems A Good Example is M4A4 Howl getting removed from csgo
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