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Posts posted by koenyboy500

  1. I just knew it deep down in my heart and soul. LITTLE ORBIT IS THE GUARDIAN ANGEL WE NEEDED FOR APB RELOADED. The community asked for changes........ and asked and asked and asked AND THEN LO stepped into the ring AND DELIVERED (US FROM EVIL). I know I said it aplenty of times now, but dang, I L-O-V-E Little Orbit!



  2. I suppose we cannot have the name of the in-game character names of the devs like Matt or Lixil so I can add them to friends and quick-join their server when they do one of those "come play with the devs" events..?





    I don't want to invade privacy or something like that, I know I wouldn't like that...


  3. On 5/31/2018 at 3:28 AM, Triksterism said:
    • Ability to see secondary weapons / grenades on score screen, possibly without revealing mods
    • Eliminate client-side hit markets / blood splatters and other things that can mislead players
    • Ensure weapon reticles and such reflect a true accuracy
    • Item jump/drop 'trick' -- This was fixed for heavy items years ago but not for medium items
    • Make players sprint by default (same as the auto-sprint config edit) or give us a reason to need to 'jog'
    • Make inventories account-wide
    • Bring back differences between both factions (restricted spawners, vehicle types)
    • Moar tickrate please
    • More control over our settings in-game to remove the need for tools like Advanced APB launcher, shader edits, etc...
    • More meaningful gun statistics (in-game) instead of the obscure bars we have now
    • Possibly dampen the sounds of people outside of your current mission slightly
    • Remove weapon rank 16
    • Remove the 'rocket protection' -- When you aim over a car, even if you have clearance, your rockets will shoot off to the side to 'save' you
    • Revisit the threat system
    • Revamp the 'out of bounds' system by allowing non-mission players to reach weird spots if they want to (building roofs for instance) but force a respawn on them if they are in such a spot when a mission starts
    • Revisit equip times on certain weapons (I'm looking at you Silver Nano)
    • Save slots for loadouts (this might make some weapon switching unfairly quick? idk!)
    • Two equipment slots are still locked

    I feel like these are the most important suggestions OP stated so far. Personally I also encourage LO to fix the "explosions particles". I don't even need to get hit by a grenade in order to get killed (by a framerate of 20). Also, there IS an advantage to jogging as it can improve the accuracy of some weapons DRASTICLY! (but meanwhile you are a sitting duck, so even if everyone would know this, no one would use it).


  4. 12 hours ago, BXNNXD said:




    dont bullets disappear at like 100m anyway, no point in seeing past that

    I don't think you know how the DMR works. But here is a little secret that not everyone knows about the DMR (lucky you reading this). But the DMR-SD damage dropoff works IN REVERSE. So if both shots hit past the 89m. IT CAN 2 SHOT as the shot deals about 55% (like the scout). My suggestion was that maybe if the dmr can look (and shoot) further than 100m, you'd get a UNIQUE playstyle and is certainly competetive. IF you can keep your distance. (110 or 120m isn't even THAT much when you look at it, so other snipers like HVR who are more sluggish can simply walk into range and fire back). But in terms of playstyle and competetiveness, I think it is really good!


  5. 16 hours ago, a Pair of Socks said:

    Ive been doing a lot of self reflecting the past couple of days and it just seems like Im a burden to everyone Ive ever met.. I guess I need to sit down and think more but Ive given up on trying and just come to the conclusion that I am the issue in my life and other peoples lives so starting from the moment I post this Im not going to go away. I wont be able to hurt anyone anymore or annoy people or make them hate me so in the long run Im happy because other people are happy.

    I came to apb to be someone to myself.. I wanted an escape from reality, somewhere I could be proud of myself, feel important to people but in the end I cant even be worth a single shit to someone even in the virtual world..  I mean dont get me wrong, its been an amazing time but now Ive opened my eyes and realized how fucking little Ive meant to everyone in my life even outside of APB. 

    So I guess with that being said Ill see you guys whenever or something.. Just dont try to live your life thinking hurting yourself is better than hurting others because it isnt.. You just end up a broken pile of nothingness like I did.

    Write my name somewhere. When you need help, you come to ME first.

  6. 18 hours ago, BXNNXD said:

    personally id like to see the damage drop off system reworked or scrapped entirely

    How about we give the DesignatedMarksmanRifle-SoundDampened (my personal gun) some love and make it come with a passive to see up to 120m far in distance.

    YES, I know how the DMR works (shhhh itsa secret! ^^) and in the right hands it is absolutely competetive.

  7. On 6/17/2018 at 6:57 PM, Songbearer said:

    AThe only thing I think is an oddity these days is the DMR-AV which is just a straight upgrade for the DMR with no downsides (as far as I can tell), but also kind of lol if you're using the DMR anyway when the NHVR exists.

    WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT THE DMR?????? Sure it is not good vs HVR cause people hide behind their cover (and if they got the first shot)

    But it isa  REALLY competetitve sniper. Especially on bonties and VIP missions!

  8. 8 hours ago, Snubnose said:

    this'll be a straight upgrade to me! nothing plays worse than me! buff me, please! 💔

    Peopel underrate you snub! It's just not good as a stand-alone.

    But when you emptied your clip on your primary and you pull this thing INSTANTLY out that packs A LOT more punch than the other pistols.....

    You can finish the job

  9. 7 hours ago, SpeedyCat said:


    You all know that it costs money to maintain a online game and that it is eventually necessary to sell their products to the players to assure that the game can stay online and running with good Support?!


    Sure, it would be nice to get all stuff for free or for a price as low as possible....

    but that is not possible all time.


    I only buy Account wide weapons, the other option make no sense for me because i have 14 chars on my main and i want to play with all chars this weapons. I have spend much money on my Acc but that is not the case.


    The case is that all the purchased stuff spams my ingame mail after new char creation with over 500 or more mails and it drives me crazy every time to accept them... xD


    But i understand what you mean....

    I get what you're saying. But why would I spend MORE than 15,00 (<<char bound) for an accountbound STAR 3slots.

    Look, I understand that money is needed and I AM WILLING to spend money.

    But as much as I would like to help LO out. I JUST (, and I mean like TODAY) set aside my STAR from 15,- and instead bought dying light on steam with all the dlc. A game that is about 40GB (it was on sale though).


    With prizes like these on ARMAS, it's just not competetive in the market. SURE I would like to have that non-f2p shotgun that snipes and shall not be named, but I'd rather buy Black ops 4 for that sum of money.

    We NEED. Like, ABSOLUTELY NEED another way to continuously spend money towards LO at a decent rate of payments with a fair prize... THEN we can talk cash   (Don't worry still saving up for that STAR but it's just difficult when you make 5,- a week)

  10. On 6/14/2018 at 4:11 PM, Itha said:

    And because is ur favorite weapon, u dont want other players can enjoy to play with it ? Actually and since Refer Friend system was deleted, There is absolutely no way to obtain it.... And 3/4 of "rewarded" refer friend was multi account between friends who already played the game, stop hypocrisy and egosim men

    Me i'm crazy about all semi automatic rifle, and i'm ready to trade my yukon for this type of weapon... See men who exploited the old shitty system come say "no its rewarded weapon" ... I have no words to describe what i think about that, just stfu the next time please.

    Yea, I DID do the reffer event-thing and I chose a CAP40 2-slots.



    (also willing to trade and negotiate like you ^^)

  11. On 6/16/2018 at 7:11 PM, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    Eh. This is such a super rare occurrence and the changes required to fix it really wouldn't be worth it.

    But it DID happen.... Zombie.

    Yes, more important stuff must be adressed first (like the exploion particles giving me a fps of 18). But this IS definitely needed at some point.

    (Just make sure that crims don't get a mug-a-civilian-for-free-cause-you-cannot-witness-OR-disrupt-me_scenario)

  12. 10 hours ago, SelttikS said:

    @Lixil Can this just be closed, it has become nothing but a place for Op to attack everyone.

    I am in agreement, this IS getting out of hand (looking at some names here....), but I still think that the discussion about this topic should be continued.

    No matter what way you cut it, LTL is part of APB Reloaded and discussing how it can be made "more fair" or "making it more fun to use" is a very interresting thing to talk about. (which means, bring up some facts, ideas and compare stuff with other stuff. But don't go boohoo or awwyea. This really should be brainstormed and discussed maturely).

    Maybe we should talk about LTL later...

  13. We need some DEVS here to clean this mess up

    *meanwhile the devs: 'Grab some popcorn Scotty! You GOT to see this!!!"*


    heh, but joking aside. I feel like LTL is a very important, yet sensitive, feature in APB Reloaded. Some people hate it and some love it, I'd score it 50/50: bad mechanic (for crims), but defenitely part of APB.

    I do like the idea a lot that crims can get some kind of weapon mechanic too (idk, perhaps some kind of "execute" move like you can see in the beginning of the BeAllYouCantBe trailer and gain more cash like cops? It would fit for a group of criminals like the G-kings and Blood Roses. Heck, it could even have its own role and daily activities.


    But let's be honest here, the game is mostly based on the criminals. The criminal faction is what makes the game. Who goes to the steamstore and look at GTA and be like "oh wow I can roleplay a cop there!"? NO ONE. Everyone wants to be a baddie and that is why the game is even played. It's like cops are just some kind of byproduct. Here are some reasons why I think that:

    1) you can drop off loot as a criminal and your notoriety will be set to 0, symbolising: You dropped off and are now under the radar (which means, less money, but cops cannot witness you. You can still bribe contacts tough).

    NOW, when an enforcer drops off loot taken from a criminal, his/her prestige will go to 2. AND LET ME TELL YA THIS, YOU WON'T BE AS LOW AS PRESTIGE 2 AT THAT TIME. This means you actually get penalised/demoted for doing cop stuff. It's cool it doesnt go to 0, but the creators of the system clearly did not care for the enforcers here. (and your non-opposed-mission random teammates you play with that get dragged into your witness WILL NOT thank you for dropping of some cash)

    2) Now, this might just be me, although I doubt that I am the only one noticing this. Criminals get the defend-side MUCH MORE than enforcers. Speaking in gameplay here, defending is much more easier than attacking (heck, people even acknowledge that on RainbowSixSiege) resulting in criminals being somewhat (I should be careful of my words here)... "easier" to play.

    3) While we are totally used to it, can I just point out to everyone again that an enforcer cannot do ANYTHING to ramraider criminals who raid at 0-1 notoriety (mugging CAN be stopped by killing the citizen... Very cop like). When a criminal is at 0 or 1 notoriety, the cash multiplier is 0.## times. This means that the criminal can stock up goods at low notoriety (to avoid the "you are carrying 2500$ worth so you are witnessable) and simply kill a row of citizens to rack up their notoriety up to like 1.2(?) and then deliver the goods... SURE, it is smart thinking and I feel like this should indeed be in the game, but once again an enforcer just stands by and watches...



    1) Cops get LTL. Defenitely a good arguement to say crims are left in the dust here, but LTL REALLY is a lot more difficult than what it seems to be at first glance (I agree, the Stabba ccg CAN be powerful as it is somewhat the same as a star with HuntingSight 1-2. But arresting is a lot more trickier and when I ask the community if a Star HS 2 could beat an NTEC, I am only gonna hear ONE answer. (people do underrate the STAR though! ^^

    2) Cops have better vehicles.   In my entire gameplay career of 1300 hours I cannot really see why people say this (I haven't looked/compared this cause I simply do not care about vehicle stats. But if a ton of people are pointing this out it is propably true) (though I doubt that a minor stat-boost to a vehicle is a real playmaker in the game)


    I am certain I missed some spots here, but the differences between cops and crims are mostly minor. If it wasn't, I would see people complain about [insert faction here] in the district chat all the time.

    What do you guys/girls think? Did I miss something here that you think should be pointed out? (Please answer maturely)

  14. On 6/10/2018 at 11:25 PM, Zascha said:

    Just remove it from the game. Seriously. Just do it.


    1. It's hard as shit-balls to do anyway. It's not even fun.

    2. Crims can't stand it because it takes forever (not actually) to respawn. There might even be an argument in there about them causing Mission imbalances. I don't know. Don't really care, either.


    Point is: It's not a very fun component in general. At best, it's a Troll component. I mean, yeah, I get it--cops, arrests--yeah yeah. It looks better on paper than it actually works.


    I wouldn't hate it if they just removed it. I don't think anyone would miss it. Just get rid of it and end all this crap altogether once and for all.


    Okay, sure. Crims still get to ram-raid. But that's been nerfed to hell and back. No one does it except that one guy who thinks it's so much fun.


    Enforcers still get the sick lights and sirens. It's a fair trade if you ask me.

    If LTL gets removed, I won't even ever return to APB R ever again. (and that from someone who has over 1300 hours into apb)

  15. 6 hours ago, Luminesca said:

    So let me get this straight. You can play missions 24/7, 6,5 days a week, about 300 days a year. But when something different happens in the district, you start complaining?
    My brain can't even right now, the event was fun and your potato probably froze because there was ALOT of action, even my mid range was struggling to keep 60 fps. But in the end the event was very fun. 


    Rip Baseq3

    Oh it certainly was fun! Don't get the wrong idea, I was shocked and filled with joy when I saw that "the butcher event has spawned in the district!".

    But I just wasn't ready for such an event yet. I needed those missions to be completed at that time and having an "unannounced" event popping up like that CAN hurt a player in some ways. OKAY, it's not THAT bad, I know. But my main point here was not that the butcher event is bad (though I wouldn't be suprised if others have complained about the event in the past), but that a "GM" can pop up and do things like this (again, this was not so bad, he/she justs spawned an event and turned invisible to spectate us). I'm just being sceptical about the powers that are handed out.


    READ ME> Lixil gave permission for "the GM" to spawn the event, lots of people in the district were asking for it, no harm was done to anyone and most importantly: Yes, I do have a potato pc.

    Lixil said that responding to this problem should be avoided. I am not typing this to get some kind of last laugh or anything. I simply wanted to explain this ( and I have no idea how forums or personal messaging works here... Nevertheless, I won't reply to this matter any more. (Sorry Lixil and Cookiepuss! >.< perhaps move this to someplace else?)

  16. 1 minute ago, CookiePuss said:

    I think if you ever do have issues with a GM, you can report them to @Lixil.

    If they are indeed breaking the rules, as we have seen, they will be dealt with accordingly.

    I forgot the name of who it was, I'm not even sure they broke the rules either (what rules?), lots of people were asking for the event and so it was given. Hard to say if that is breaking the rules. I was quite sceptical of what he was doing though.

  17. Just now, SelttikS said:

    I missed the first butcher event in forever? Sad now 😞

    Ssshhh, don't tell anyone. But it was actually REALLY fun ^^

    I am certain some events can be created by "the glorious higherpowers", but until then, I guess we just have to stay put.

    Maybe some "events" from that armas-like page too? (DANG I should have played more christmas events... A PERMANENT RAPTOR??? OP OP ^^

    • Like 1

  18. 6 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

    I dont think GM powers have been given yet outside of them not being able to issue bans.


    5 hours ago, SelttikS said:


    A few people show why they shouldn't be GMs in this thread for sure.  @Lixil Pay attention hehe 😉

    I have already seen a "bad GM" about two weeks ago. This person kept spawning the "butcher" grenadelauncher event in Waterfront.

    Sure, the people in the district DID ask for this event to be spawned (after everyone saw a brand new GM and started speculating their powers), but I was simply playing missions like normal and eventually had to leave since: 1) the server was a ghost town, except for where "the butcher" was. 2) getting a new mission to play in was almost impossible and 3) when you drove along the event, your pc would almost certainly freeze...

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