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  1. Hi folks and LO staff I'm asking if it would be possible to adding new kinda of haircuts/hats and more possibility to wear a combo like: ( ex. baseball hat+headphones ecc..) looking for any ideas or replays! thanks y'all!
  2. Atarus

    Hair Customization

    Totally Agreed, i really hope for new haircuts!
  3. A large mixed violet color within a single letter (arial i guess ?). The artist is using his emotions for descrive this avatar. But it's a cliche' 'cause a very various artist in the late years ago used this tecnique. i give 6.5/10 p.s. and yes, for my unlucky i still have to study history of art, so um...wp. lol
  4. Love: Apb has reborn hate: ???
  5. Atarus


    APB: Hit and Run
  6. Very useful, I was looking for this for ages thx for sharing
  7. Howdy mates i wanna start this little mini game made by your considerations, just for fun nothing more. I’ll start saying that I love apb for his Super-Unlimited character’s customization. let the wheel spin, have fun :D
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