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Posts posted by SpeedyCat

  1. And if you play for long enough the game, you know the middle of your screen, its only good eventually for beginners. It is an unfair advantage if not anybody is able to use it as a given game feature. That it eventually will find later its way into the game as a legit feature is eventually an advantage to preventing that new players get mad and sad about that they get killed fast by older players and wont hit any building etc by themselves because they dont really know the special behavior of the APB mechanics. ^^

  2. 2 minutes ago, ScarecrowXIII said:

    FF is still on, BE is observing and flagging. Idk if the manual bans are still happening but yeah, as everyone stated, stuff is still there.


    My biggest issue is the warping, nearly died when someone warped out of my crosshair yesterday. .45 pistol vs OCA (already lit up), I nearly died.


    ...oh and also the disconnections preceded by 30+ packet loss 😕


    As for hackers, idk, slightly suspicious of anyone who uses an Oscar really well at all ranges lol. The sound of that gun actually terrifies me now. Someone outside of my mission used one (after we slaughtered the enemy team and they were respawning) but I still ducked for cover

    I know what you mean... sometimes i wanna better cover under my desk but.... damn i have tryed it and it doesn't work. 😄

  3. 3 minutes ago, Asparii said:

    Matt Scott (and I believe most of the LO team at this point) have explained Battle eye is in an "observation" mode at the current point in time, so no players are getting banned automatically players are still liable to be banned from player made reports to the team.
    Battle eye will begin banning players when it's gathered the data it needs to run properly, as has already been stated. 

    Exactly this. BE is active and collect data for later analysing and uncovering potential cheaters. FF is active too if i remember right and in observation mode without any messages shown. All bann broadcasts are disabled.


    All will take some time, please be bit patient, i know we all was waiting too long but it's not LO's fault and nobody dies in Reallife for waiting one or two more weeks. 😉


    Heads up Community, LO will rock APB.

  4. @Keshi I am verry happy that we can give something usefull to the community and make it possible for everyone to use it.


    If somebody see something to improve the Signature maker or have any other ideas, please tell us about it

    Or if somebody has any issues in using it please tell us, we will look into it and/or assist you.


    Have a nice day folks 😉





    @Lixil Can we get this Thread eventually pinned? Would be awsome for everybody who want to use the Signature maker and doesn't know about it...

    • Like 3
  5. LF Clan

    On 6/13/2018 at 9:04 PM, Lislya said:

    Uhm, are there 2 TUC clans? 😄


    On 6/13/2018 at 10:01 PM, DonBlack said:


    I don't think so.

    If there is another one we are still the original 😉

    For sure, there are some copycats out there but we are the original. :classic_cool:

  6. 3 hours ago, Poperon said:

    But is there anyone else who misses Farfletched? And thinks his remix of Love at the Speed of Light is one of the best sounds around APB?

    If the old login screen wasn't so good and perfect, this song could easily be a main theme for APB imho.

    Posting this here also, maybe @MattScott and @Lixil had no knowledge about it yet. Cheers! 🤗:classic_laugh:


    3 hours ago, iodyne_ said:

    Well I of course miss farfletched.

    He kinda left extremely abruptly...like one day we were running the APB Music Creator Contest...and then the next he was gone...like right when he was going to put the winner's song in the in-game building...

    Kinda weird. I never caught word of why he left or if he was fired or what. Does anybody even know??

    Cause like the day after, Tiggs was hired and she said they were dropping the contest cause they had other priorities or something. Engine upgrade something or other I don't even remember now...



    He was right in the middle of running this and left before it could be finished and then no one else at G1 would finish it.


    (link to the old, infinished 'Music Creator Contest')


    3 hours ago, Clandestine said:

    Omg yes. Coz of him and Car Clova I got myself into synthwave addiction. Would be cool if he would make some new music for APB.



    Hey Guys and Gals... iam still in Contact with Farf.


    I think i write him later about APB..., eventually he like the news and doesnt know about the "NEW" Devs 😉


    btw, Farf has created not only some Music for APB he still made the new Gun sounds!

    His Soundcloud:

    And his Homepage: http://www.farfletched.com/project/audio-design/  (The section where you can see what he didi for APB!)



    And i have still contact with STS Films, wo made some Comercial Vids for APB..., i write him later too 😉

    His old Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp9fFAl88H4CidM--SfeeaA




    Have a nice Day....




    "our business is life itself"



    p.s.: @Lixil and @MattScott Hit me up and write me if i can help with more Informations about Farf and STSFilms. Thx & C ya 😉

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  7. 2 minutes ago, Erised said:

    Where do I look for something like that? I mean, I googled gaming pcs and what I got was no where near what I want to spend and the ones that were cheaper I had no idea how to tell if they can run this or not.

    Where are you from my friend? Eventually i can help you out.... send me a pm pls

  8. 16 minutes ago, Scra4P said:

    So i just encounter this weird DLC popped on my steam called APB RELOADED Steam Exclusive Items, it has a legit Code Number yet it says it was added back in 01/01/1970.. 
    now i tried to apply it on the armas and it says it is expired... 

    i am *realy* curious about what is this thing.

    Thanks for respond, Please respond anything necessary.

    The thing with the 1970 date is a bug.... i have seen it all around in some media registration..... have registered/ulocked my cellphone one week ago and have seen the same date and a friend of mine has set theyr Phones on work to this date when installing it^^ Think its bit like the millenium bug but now we can name it the 70's Bug xD

  9. 4 hours ago, Espurr said:

    Using a Visa Debit Card and it's giving me transaction denied or failed.

    I have the amount of money necessary to make the purchase within my account.

    What's wrong here?


    Idk exactly but i think i remember that Tiggs sayd in the past under old G1 that due to creditcard frauds this payment method was out of function to avoid frauds again.

    Write a support ticket please.

  10. 1 hour ago, MonsterTurtle said:

    Mal ne Frage: Hat noch jemand das Problem, dass ihr beim start von APB ( also im Updater) jedes mal DirectX und neuerdings auch Battleeye runterladen müsst? Also tatsächlich jedes einzelne mal wenn ich APB via Steam starte..

    Es soll glaube ich beim komenden patch mit verschiedenen BattleEye Problemchen gefixt werden.


    Bei der standalone Version von APB hast du nicht das Problem.

    Ich habe Steam am laufen und starte APB immer direkt über den Launcher.

    • Like 1

  11. 41 minutes ago, Plex™ said:

    Würde mich für euren Crime Clan interessieren, habe bereits +1500 Stunden Spielzeit und hab jetzt seid LO auch wieder aktiv angefangen zu spielen.

    SpeedyCat hab dich mit meinem Enforcer (seid gestern auch R255) bereits Ingame geaddet. Für den Beitritt zum Clan würde ich mir jetzt da ich seid gestern sowieso Max. Lvl wurde extra einen 4ten Crime Charakter neu erstellen und diesen dann auch gemeinsam mit euch zusammen als Team hochleveln.


    Würde mich über eine Antwort von euch freuen. :classic_biggrin:


    Hab dir ne PM geschickt 😉

    • Thanks 1
  12. LF Clan

    We have a Enforcer Clan too ^^ Called "The Umbrella Security Service"

    atm only for fun playing in clan mainly, but who knows the future 🙂 



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