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  1. I can fire the rifles pretty fast and still be accurate, .45 is a completely different story.
  2. Interestingly the only gun I think actually works better with a macro is the .45. SR15 and CR762 seem to work better if you can click quickly because they don't hit the ceiling in half a second of shooting.
  3. The hilarious thing I've noticed is that Waterfront is now easier to play on with CQC weapons than Financial, less tryhards out there. But no, honestly it's just exacerbated the whole issue with golds in bronze and what not. Matchmaking is quite unbalanced now, I assume most players are using comms and are grouped up or something. It is sort of sad to see max rank players playing so hard that they're just annihilating the opposition. I got into a match recently with the top enemy scoring 38 kills and 3 deaths.. Not sure about this as I see a whole ton of low threat low rank enforcers getting torn asunder by gold 180-255 criminal groups. I don't know maybe it's a time of day thing not sure.
  4. Can't see the game lasting a lot longer, or growing with the current state. Are they planning on reintroducing threat based districts?
  5. I'm not enjoying my time playing this game anymore, now there's ZERO chance of a new player actually sticking around when they're forced to fight gold threat max rank players who know the game inside out, and not to mention the tens of blatant cheaters who hack with impunity, I've even had a few cheaters gloat about the software they're using and they're still here. My teammates, and even I, can barely hold our own against these people, it's an uphill battle. On paper, it looks like a good idea, more players, faster matchmaking. In practice it's wholly broken and just accelerates the rate of which new players are dropping the game. Without Enforced threat segregation I can't see the game gaining any new players which is just the catalyst for the game's demise. What they're going to end up doing is restricting the playerbase even further and losing profits. Will it retain the long time players? yes, veteran players will like it. Will it retain new players? No. This change is literally like shooting yourself in the foot and expecting to run a marathon immediately afterwards.
  6. This is definitely needed. I have stopped playing my criminal character because i have no progression to make on financial, and silver waterfront is barely populated and not fun to play on at all.
  7. Think by "swift and mobile" it means aimed movement (mobile) and fire rate (swift).
  8. It'd be nice to have people get moved into the correct threat district when they get a new threat level in order to make the game more fun, it's getting increasingly more and more frustrating to play missions when every single one is up against a gold threat team on a bronze district. Today on four occasions half my team has quit or disconnected when they get faced with a team of full golds and i'm not having fun playing either. People should be forced into the correct districts so they don't ruin other's experience and make people potentially leave the game lowering the playerbase even further. I'm fine with waiting an extra 20 seconds for a mission as long as i'm up against a fair opposition.
  9. I would of said the percussion and PIG combo but now it seems to be the CR762 Rifle, although the finger pain is really bad, it's kind of satisfying knowing you can click so fast, and the accuracy is nice too or a weapon i'm actually consistent with, the NSSW, Heavy Barrel 2, Hunting Sight 2 (3 would work too i guess), just works at medium range, even close range too if you put CJ3 on it oh and the ammo is cheap.
  10. Psychological warfare. Reminds me of the HO HO PGL's spool sound. Imagine that with the Volcano.
  11. The volcano is fun for sheer firepower and being cartoonish and unrealistic, the idea of a rocket launcher firing two rockets loaded in a tube is funny. Good rocket launcher too. Or the Medusa for volume of fire and ridiculousness.
  12. Decided to buy a giftcard for a friend who plays this game, found that there are XBOX G1C cards, do these work for PC? At the time I thought it would but i can't find confirmation anywhere as to how it's used, does anyone know if these are entered on the marketplace or xbox store? Thank you for your help.
  13. I used to do fairly well in this game when there were bronze, silver and gold district instances. Now I'm doing terribly as I'm only matched up against High ranks, groups of veterans and gold threat players. I don't want to play the game anymore as there's little chance of being matched against similarly skilled players. I've only had fun in the holiday event. I think having all districts open to all threats has put people off this game.
  14. I was kicked for inactivity after I tried to jump onto a roof multiple times, I didn't stop moving for more than 15 seconds most but still got kicked for inactivity. There were no enemies around so I couldn't avoid getting kicked.
  15. Sadly I found this out by losing 1.1 million.
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